Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1038: Women disguised as men: the delicate palms of powerful officials (39)

   Chapter 1038 Women disguised as men: the palms of powerful ministers (39)

   Niu Tau Mian was stunned after hearing this, then patted her thigh, pointing at her and laughing wildly.

   Jiaoyang was unhappy with his smile, and looked at him with a dark face: "Xiao Mao?"

   "No. It's really funny." Niu Tau Mian was still smiling, and tears came out of the corners of his eyes, "If you were a woman, Sissy, my ancestors were all women for eighteen generations!"

   Jiaoyang's face was even darker: "Why do you think so?" The eighteenth generation of the poor ancestor of the Xie family.

"Which woman, which woman have you seen? That's it." Niu Tau Mian's eyes fell on her chest, and he finally found the real problem. He was a little shy when he talked, and his face became red. "One Horse Pingchuan?"

  Jiaoyang was stunned for a while, then followed his gaze and went down. The next moment, he became angry and ran up to grab his ear: "Do you dare to say one more sentence, believe it or not, my lord, I tore your ear?!"

  Niu Tau Lian burst into tears this time, but his mouth was still stubborn: "You dare not let go, believe it or not, I will go back and tell the world that the seventh son of the prime minister likes to dress up as a woman?!"

"you dare!"

"you dare?"

   The two stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and finally Jiaoyang spoke first: "You swear to the young master, I will not tell what happened today!"

   "You open my ears before you speak!"

   Jiaoyang glanced at it, the cow's ears had turned into pig's ears, and they were all red.

   She was unmoved, and twisted it harder with her hand.

   Immediately came the sound of pig slaughtering: "Ah ah ah! My ears, sir, Sheng Jiaoyang, you are dead!"

  Jiaoyang played with his nails in a good mood, and said leisurely: "Since you know my secret today, I'll just stop doing it, sir, and kill you."

   Niutou face widened his eyes: "You dare! Besides, didn't Prince Rui also see it? Can I kill him even if you kill him?"

   "Let's do it step by step, get rid of you first, and then slowly figure out how to get rid of him." Jiao Yang replied.

The two stared at each other for a while, and after a few rounds, Niu Tau Mian pulled his face down and took the initiative to ask for peace: "Then we agreed, you let go, I will keep your secrets for you, and Xiao Beiheng's side, I can also Help you find a way."

   sounds like a very exciting, but.

  Jiaoyang stared at him: "So you just wanted to reveal what happened today?"

   Speaking of just now, Niu Tau Mian instantly turned black: "Sheng Jiaoyang, don't go too far!"

   "Okay, okay, anyway, no matter how big the mess is, my mother will help me deal with it, and I will leave it to you, sir, and I will be free."

After    Jiaoyang finished speaking, he loosened his ears.

   Niu Tau Mian rubbed his ears and looked at her with a strange expression. He couldn't forget the scene just now, and what the man said, he had already won the support of Sheng Jiaoyang Auntie.

   He just didn't understand, would anyone really agree to have their son with a man?

   Niu Tau's face lowered his eyes, his expression became a little complicated: "He said that he already has your mother's support, is this true?"

  Jiaoyang boarded the carriage with him and responded. Thinking that this bull-headed face is really fooling, if it is replaced by that ugly monster, with his 180 hearts, I am afraid that he will really be ripped off by him.

   "Why?" Niu Tau Mian didn't understand, but with his simple head that she was tricked into growing up since he was a child, I'm afraid he couldn't figure it out even if he broke his scalp.

   "True love is invincible!" Jiaoyang gave him a white look, "You don't understand even if you say it."

"No reason!" Niu Tau Mian's eyes were full of anger, and he was about to jump from the carriage, "Your mother is hurting you! How can a man not inherit the lineage, your brother is not here, I'll go to her now, sir, and say something clear!"

  Jiaoyang raised his eyebrows and grabbed him from behind: "You have a lot to do, that man was knocked into the lake by you, and now he is probably dead, why are you doing unnecessary things."

   Niu Tau's face seemed to react suddenly, and suddenly realized: "Yes."

   After saying this, he came back and sat next to her again, looking relieved, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

   Jiaoyang looked at him with his face in his hands, the corner of his mouth tickled, and then leaned over: "But I can't blame my mother for this, it's my problem."

   "What do you mean?" Niu Tau Mian's heart suddenly came up again.

   "Because I have the habit of breaking my sleeves, can't you see it?" Jiao Yang looked at him with a smile, the clothes on her body had just taken the time to change back to men's clothes, and now it looks familiar to him.

   Niu Tau Mian's chest "squeaked", startled, facing her face, swallowed, and said hoarsely: "What did you say."

"Don't worry, although I like men's sex, my lord, I don't have any bad thoughts about you guys. After all, rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of the nest. People who are not as good as you, right?" Jiao Yang smiled at him, tilting his head.

   Niu Tau's face froze a little, there was no blood on his mouth, and he nodded dryly.

   Jiaoyang ticked the corner of his mouth, opened the curtain in a good mood, and looked at the scenery outside.

   The carriage drove for a while, and suddenly a hand reached out and held her hand with a slight trembling.

   Jiaoyang raised her eyebrows slightly and turned to look at him, only to find that Niu Tau Mian was drinking tea by herself, but her face was serious, as if the hand holding her was not his.

  Jiaoyang was speechless and tried to pull her hand back, but he held it tight again, but he didn't speak, and she couldn't pull it back at all.

Just when Jiao Yang thought that they were going to spend the rest of the way in silence, he leaned over and pushed her against the wall of the carriage, his dark eyes staring at her tightly, and it was hers reflected inside. shadow.

  Jiaoyang blinked, feeling the heat of his getting closer and closer, and originally wanted to struggle a little bit, but maybe it was because the bull-headed face was so good-looking, she was a little confused for a while.

   So she also stared at his face and didn't run away.

   I have to say that although Niu Tau Mian has a stinky temper, but this appearance is really good.

  Jiaoyang calmed down and admired it, and then listened to him: "You said just now that rabbits don't eat grass at the edge of the nest, right?"

   This is what she said, dare to act.

   Jiaoyang swept his eyebrows and nodded.

   "So it's because you can't get Sheng Yuzhi that you found a man who is so similar to him? You to your brother." Niu Tau Mian did not continue, nor did Jiao Yang speak.

   In all fairness, she didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about Sheng Yu.

  Niu Tau Mian looked at her for a while, and then smiled inexplicably, "Do you know why I was so angry just now, sir?"

  Jiaoyang tilted his head and looked up at him.

   He looked at her for a while without answering. Just next, he suddenly came up and kissed her lips.

   (end of this chapter)

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