Quick Wear: The Host is a Fox

Chapter 939: Big brother dei, are you investigating the case (16)

Chapter 947 Big Brother Dei, Are You Investigating The Case (16)

Bai Zhen sniffed, just right, she also wanted to make a good comparison.

With the universal work permit given by the captain, the two made a note at the door and went in smoothly.

According to the year index, the two quickly found the target file.

Bai Zhen leaned over and looked carefully line by line.

It is also a coincidence that on January 18, fifteen years ago, there was also a heavy snowfall.

However, due to the limited criminal investigation skills of the year, the heavy snow closed the city to cover up many traces, so the police did not catch the murderer for a long time.

But even after fifteen years have passed, the police have never given up on finding the real murderer. Once there are any clues or clues, they will immediately call up the case for verification.

The Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security has also made it clear that "the N big broken s case will always be pursued to the end."

Judging from the yellow and wrinkled pages with slightly warped corners, this file should have been turned over countless times.

She gently smoothed the corners with her fingers, feeling a little heavy for a while.

Someone suddenly flicked his forehead, and then a low and magnetic voice sounded in his ears, "Can you be distracted by this kind of photo?"

Bai Zhen blinked and looked back at the man.

The light illuminated his skin white and translucent, and the clear and deep facial features were outlined by light and shadow, very clear and beautiful.

The slender and beautiful fingers slowly retracted, but the man's eyes were always on the file, not looking at her.

Seeing that the girl didn't respond for a long time, he raised his head from the file and glanced at her.

The heroic eyebrows are slightly raised, "What?"

Bai Zhen sat up straight and shook his head into a rattle.


However, Lin Shu simply put down the file, raised a pair of clear eyes that were as black as ink but clearly black and white, and looked at her for a few seconds, as if to see the deepest part of her soul through her eyes.

"What were you thinking just now?"

After thinking about being punctured, Bai Zhen scratched her head a little embarrassedly.

"Actually, I didn't think about anything... I just saw that you are not only beautiful and sultry, but also have an outstanding mind. You are calm and measured in what you do, and you have a feeling of strategizing. So..."


"So, let me make up my mind about the situation that you are the murderer." She glanced at the man with a guilty conscience, then waved her hand to explain, "I don't mean anything else, I, I, I, I may just subconsciously want to be a When the portrait came out, and you just happened to be sitting next to me, you couldn’t help but…”

Lin Shu seemed to have heard something of interest. His long legs overlapped, and his slender fingertips tapped on the table, "Tell me, how did I commit the crime."

Bai Zhen swallowed, "Do you really want to listen? Then you have to promise me, don't get angry when you listen."


"You said that the murderer should have some obsession with Wang Qianqian's hand, or that hand evoked some memories in him and caused his mood swings.

Then I can make up a story.

Just entered the university campus, because Wang Qianqian is not a local, and her parents and classmates are not here, and she is not particularly good at communication, so she is very uncomfortable with university life. Because she had just started a semester and everyone had only known each other for a few months, she didn't get along well, nor did she have any special friends.

However, she has her own hobbies, such as music. "


The third update~

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