Quick Wear: The Host is a Fox

Chapter 930: Big brother dei, are you investigating the case (7)

Chapter 938 Big Brother Dei, Are You Investigating The Case (7)

"I said Jiang Xiaonian, why didn't you give me a call when the weather was so cold and just stood outside? I'm starving to death, go, go home and eat!"

Bai Zhen wore a long black down jacket and wrapped herself tightly, jumping like a short-legged corgi.

Jiang Yuenian felt that in front of Lin Shu, his temperament was a lot worse, but now that Bai Zhen was called such a nickname, he lost his face.

He reached out and grabbed the girl by the back collar and picked her up, "Jiang Dachu, go back to eat by yourself, I'm not here to pick you up, I'm investigating the case."

Unexpectedly, the girl's eyes were fixed on the man opposite, as if she hadn't heard his words.

Look at this slender figure, look at this flowing short hair, look at the back of the head with perfect curvature...

Bai Zhen listened to the notification sound of the domestic system machinery.

Then nodded in satisfaction.

It is indeed a fragment.

Xu was because their brothers and sisters were making too much noise, and Lin Shu looked back.

He saw the girl wrapped up like a zongzi, held in his hands by Jiang Yuenian, with her neck shrunk, only a small head exposed. When the two **** eyes touched his line of sight, they suddenly bent into Two crescent moons, raised their hands and waved at him, "Hi~"

Lin Shu: ...

The man looked away from the girl and fell on Jiang Yuenian, "Officer Jiang, this is..."

"My sister."

"Jiang Yue." Bai Zhen broke free from Jiang Yuenian's shackles, stepped forward on her dog's legs, stretched out her small hand towards the man, and blinked her bright eyes.

"Lin Shu."

The man lowered his eyes and glanced at the girl's powdery palm, pulled his hand out of his pocket, and held her fingertips very gentlely.

When Bai Zhen was about to withdraw, he quickly grabbed it with his backhand.

The man's fingers are slender, the fingertips are slightly cool, but the touch is very delicate. There is a thin layer of calluses on the side of the middle finger, which seems to be caused by holding a pen all the year round.

"Cough, cough, cough—"

Behind him, Jiang Yuenian coughed heavily and glared at the hand they had held for a long time.

He whispered in Bai Zhen's ear, "What are you doing, in broad daylight! Do you think I'm blind!"

This Lin Shu is also a double standard, why should he shake hands with his sister and not with him!

Bai Zhen glared at Jiang Yuenian angrily, then turned her head back and instantly put on a bright smile, "Which university is my little brother a teacher at? Could it happen to be N? It's fate!"

"Jiang Dachu, speak well! What are you doing with a whimper, it's disgusting!" Jiang Yuenian interrupted angrily.

Bai Zhen raised her arm and swung it, Jiang Yuenian ducked like a monkey, and shouted, "Neighbors, come and see, murdered my brother!"

"Murder your sister!"

"Isn't my sister you?"

"Jiang Xiaonian, you are really tight and looking for a pump!"


five minutes later.

The three walked side by side in the commercial street next to the South Gate of N.

This large commercial area is made up of several streets.

There are many restaurants inside, as well as some bookstores, stationery stores, gift shops, audio-visual stores, etc., and there is a large shopping mall further ahead, which can be described as very prosperous and lively.

The three walked slowly, each with their own thoughts.

Bai Zhen was thinking about why she didn't eat.

Jiang Yuenian thought about when the case would be investigated.

Only Lin Shu leisurely seemed to be really shopping.

"How do you know I'm a university teacher?" The man said suddenly, looking at Bai Zhen.


Second update~

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