Quick Wear: The Host is a Fox

Chapter 926: Big brother dei, are you investigating the case (3)

Chapter 934 Big Brother Dei, Are You Investigating The Case (3)

"Hey, Jiang Dachu, why are you yelling so loudly? I don't want to be ashamed!"

Bai Zhen snorted, "Why do you want face, face is worthless!"

She paused and whispered, "I said Jiang Xiaonian, what happened to the school? Why are so many people here?"

Jiang Yuenian's expression sank, "Let's investigate the case, don't worry about it, don't live in school these days, go home early in the evening, do you know? If I get off work early, I'll come pick you up."

Zhang Rong, who was on the side, shook her body, "Isn't it? What happened to the school? What about us resident students?"

Jiang Yuenian glanced at her, "Don't worry, we have arranged for people to take turns on duty near the school. Stay in the dormitory building at night and don't run around."

Bai Zhen and Zhang Rong looked at each other and both swallowed, "The school is dead?"

Jiang Yuenian narrowed his eyes and patted Bai Zhen on the shoulder, "Don't ask. Are you finished studying for the exam?"

Bai Zhen: "...No."

"Learn what you are doing!" Jiang Yuenian dropped such a sentence, turned around and prepared to leave, as if remembering something, he turned around again, and took out a photo from his pocket.

"By the way, do you know this person?"

Bai Zhen and Zhang Rong approached and looked closely.

"Isn't this Wang Qianqian from our dormitory next door? Am I right?"

"That's right, it's her."

"I heard from Lao Fan that Qianqian didn't seem to be back in the dormitory for several days, and Lao Fan and the others couldn't get in touch with anyone, so they were all ready to call the police..."

Bai Zhen clicked on the photo and asked, "What happened to Wang Qianqian?"

Jiang Yuenian said with a sullen face, "Dead."


after an hour.

Schools are completely blocked, and personnel are strictly controlled.

Inside the girls' dormitory.

The presence of the police caused quite a stir.

Bai Zhen and the others were called into a small sealed room for individual interrogation. Only at this time did she realize the seriousness of the matter.

On the opposite side sat three police officers, two men and one woman. Her brother Jiang Yuenian was leaning against the white wall on one side, listening with his arms folded over his shoulders.

"Classmate Jiang Yue. Can you briefly talk about your relationship with the deceased Wang Qianqian?"

Bai Zhen thought for a moment, and simply said all the information they didn't ask but wanted to know in one go.

"I'm from Class 5 and Qianqian is from Class 6. When N University is in class, some classes will be combined with four classes, in that kind of amphitheatre with a hundred people, so we are still close, but Not a very good friend.

Qianqian is not a native of N city, so she lives on campus all year round. But she doesn't seem to have a particularly good relationship with the rest of the dormitory. It's not that it's bad, it's just that everyone is polite and not very friendly.

Because our major is communication engineering, in the polytechnic, her appearance is very outstanding. I know a lot of guys are chasing her. But Qianqian clearly rejected them.

The last time I saw her was..."

Bai Zhen paused, flipped out her phone, checked the calendar, and said, "It's at 1:30 pm on January 9th. Because at 2 o'clock that day, we have to hand in a final assignment in C language, me, she, and others. Sister Rong was assigned to a group, we discussed it, and we didn't see her after that.

Oh yes, I didn't see Qianqian in the calculus Q&A class on the 10th. I don't know if she skipped class or if she was sick. "

Several people listened while taking notes. After Bai Zhen finished speaking, they exchanged glances and nodded.


Second update~

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