Quick Wear: The Host is a Fox

Chapter 904: Jianghu ruffian woman (52)

Chapter 912 The ruffian woman in the rivers and lakes (52)

Hearing this, Yue Lichen froze slightly.

She seemed to recall the situation when she went to get the Qingshuang sword from the courtyard in the north of the city, and the girl couldn't open the hilt.

At that time, he seemed to have lost a lot of temper for her taking the sword...

The black-clothed youth lowered his eyes, lost for a moment.

Jimo Xingyun's sword was in front of him in an instant.

Yue Lichen's eyes narrowed, and he raised his hand to hold the machete in front of him, and received a blow.

Accompanied by a humming sound of '戗——'.

The girl's crisp and gentle voice also sounded at this time.

"Jimo Xingyun? Ten...Yue Lichen? You..."

Hearing the sound, the two young men glanced down together.

The girl had a loose robe on her body, raised a small face, the tip of her nose was reddish by the night wind, and her eyes stayed on the sword that was next to each other.

"You guys, why are you fighting again! I've just healed your wounds, and you're here to kill me again! I spent a lot of money on those medicinal powders! Come on, someone's fighting here!"

The girl didn't know martial arts and couldn't go to the roof, so she pointed at them and shouted.

Jimo Xingyun laughed, and when he looked at Yue Lichen, his eyes filled with murderous aura. "Looks like it's a quick fight."

Yue Lichen took a deep look at the girl below.

The right hand caught the blow of Jimo Xingyun, but the left hand slammed, and a silver light flew from the cuff, and the flying knife was aimed at Bai Zhen's face, and the speed was extremely fast.

Jimo Xingyun let out a low curse, immediately withdrew the sword, flew down, and stopped the flying knife.

And Yue Lichen took this opportunity to break the attack of the rest of the people who were surrounded by a few times, jumped up, and melted into the vast night.

The flying knife was extremely fast.

Bai Zhen's pupils dilated slightly, and all that was reflected was the figure of the teenage Tsing Yi.

The flying knife is getting closer.

The figure of the young man also got closer and closer.

Just when the blade was still five centimeters away from Bai Zhen's face gate.

A slender and fair hand firmly grasped the flying knife into the palm, and then threw it aside.

Bai Zhen blinked, and before she even had time to say anything, she was scolded by the young man, "Why don't you sleep and run out in the middle of the night? I just saw this flying knife shot, why is it like a wooden pestle? There, don't know how to hide? In case, I mean in case, if I move a step slower, wouldn't you..."

The boy's rare anger made Bai Zhen stunned.

A pair of **** eyes stared at him innocently for a few seconds, and then burst out laughing.

Jimo Xingyun was so angry that the blue veins on her forehead jumped, "Are you still smiling?"

He raised his hand and pinched the girl's little face into shape, Bai Zhen exclaimed exaggeratedly, then shook his arm and explained, "Don't be angry. First of all, I don't know martial arts, that fly The knife is so fast, how can I avoid it? Second, if you care about it, you will be confused. If you don't find it, the flying knife will not hurt me even if you don't stop it. I saw that the trajectory should be rubbing. I turned my face away. That's why I didn't move."

Bai Zhen pulled up his other hand to check, "Blood is drawn from the palm of your hand, why don't you make a sound, you are still scolding me here! Come on, I'll help you bandage it."

Holding the hand, she turned and walked towards the room.

But in that posture, he was embraced by someone from behind.


Fourth update~

Good night little fairies~ ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~

(It seems to be about to usher in a high || tide + ending...)

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