Quick Wear: The Host is a Fox

Chapter 902: Jianghu ruffian woman (50)

Chapter 910 The ruffian woman in the rivers and lakes (50)

Bai Zhen, however, was rarely thinking about business, "Let's not talk about this, Shi... Didn't Yue Lichen take away the Qingshuang Sword? Besides, he clearly took me out of the city last time, and he had already traveled north a few times. Ri, it looks like he wants to go back to Wujimen. But why did he come back? What did he say to you? Why did he leave without a test? Shouldn't it embarrass you?"

Bai Zhen uttered the doubts in her mind in one go, only to see the young man looking at her with his head in a relaxed manner.

"So many questions, which one do you want me to answer first?"

Bai Zhen: "Children make choices, I want them all!"

Jimo Xingyun: "Okay. One question and one kiss."

Saying that, the boy tapped his fingertips on his lips and urged, "Hurry up. If it's too late, you won't have the chance to answer the question."

Bai Zhen rolled her eyes immediately. "You old **** with yellow scraps in your head||ghost! Che, I'm not uncommon to ask!"

Bai Zhen said and was about to get up.

How could the young man let her go so easily?

With such a gentle pull of her fingertips on her slender wrist, she had to turn around and lean over.

He raised his head and put his arm on the back of her head, directly sticking it on.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

One minute, two minutes, three minutes passed.

Bai Zhen kept that position, her waist and legs were almost sore, and the young man let go of her with no end in sight.

"Okay. I can talk about it this time."

Bai Zhen covered her red lips and cursed, "You rascal! Shameless!"

The young man just pursed his lips, as if he was aftertastes. Looking at the figure of the girl who wanted to leave in a huff, he said lightly, "I'm going to start answering questions, it's fine if you don't listen."

Bai Zhen's footsteps stopped immediately.

What can she do?

She was pinched to the death by him!

"Yue Lichen came back to Yangzhou City this time for the purpose of opening the sword. I guess, on the grounds of Wujimen's order to steal the Qingshuang Sword, he actually wanted to swallow Fenghui Jiushengdan by himself. The head of Wujimen I'm afraid I don't know about it."

Bai Zhen frowned and sat back on the chair again, "Wujimen doesn't know about it? But what does Yue Lichen want Fenghui Jiushengdan to do?"

"It is said that according to the information I have, the head of Wujimen is not suffering from illness. If he wants to keep Fenghui Jiushengdan as a life-saving charm in the future, he does not need to open the sword so urgently. So there is only one possibility.

Opening a sword and taking pills means that Yue Lichen is alone.

As a demon sect, Wujimen has taught many well-known killers in the arena over the years. However, I have heard that in order to control these people and act faithfully for themselves, Wujimen will plant a poison on them. This kind of poison occurs once a month on the fifteenth, and if the antidote is not obtained from the master in time, then death will be inevitable.

I guess, the purpose of Yuelichen stealing sword to get pills is to escape the control of Wujimen. "

Bai Zhen heard the words and suddenly realized.

She thought of something again, touched her chin and said, "But, I was robbed by Yue Lichen last time, and I checked his pulse, and no toxin was found at that time..."

Jimo Xingyun took a sip of tea, "I don't know much about the art of medicine. But if this poison is easy to cure, Wujimen will not be able to successfully control so many martial arts masters."

Bai Zhen nodded in agreement, "Well, it makes sense."

After a while, he asked again, "Then what are your plans?"

The boy's beautifully boned hand tapped on the table. "It's almost fifteen, and Yue Lichen can't open the sword. Sooner or later, he has to go back to Wujimen. So, proceed as originally planned."


first update~

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