Quick Wear: The Host is a Fox

Chapter 160: Yuan Youzhi Xi Li Youlan (54)

A confused look appeared on Bai Zhen's face.

She tried to struggle twice and found that there was absolutely no room for resistance...

"Yuanli, what are you doing?"

The young man smiled coldly.

Thin lips slanted, accompanied by his cold and powerful aura, he looked sinister and intimidating.

He ripped off her belt, wrapped it around her reddened wrist a few times, fastened it to the wooden frame by the bed, and then slowly tied a beautiful bow.

His long, strong fingers pinched her jaw.

That strength made Bai Zhen frown in discomfort.

He leaned over and pressed his thin lips to her ear, his voice bewitching and magnetic, "Of course I'll punish you."

The hot air sprayed on her neck, causing her body to tremble slightly.

Bai Zhen wanted to turn her head to dodge, but the strength of his fingers was too strong, so she couldn't move.

"Yuanli, untie this, it hurts."

"If I untie it, what will you do if you run away again?" The young man's cool fingers slid across her face, and under his long and thick eyelashes, a pair of red eyes glowed with coquettish and excited light.

"Lanzhi, you have to get used to it. Once you get used to it, it won't hurt anymore."

The teenager lowered his head and kissed her eyes. "I didn't want to do this, you forced me."

Bai Zhen was still in a state of confusion, and she simply thought that it would be fine as long as she spoke.

"Yuanli, when did I... um..."

However, the boy did not give her a chance to explain.

I didn't have the patience to listen to her explanation.

The facts are in front of us, what more can be said?

Only by tying her firmly and firmly by his side can she always be his.

Lanzhi, don't blame me.

Who told me to love you to the point of madness.

The boy kissed him a little fiercely.

Unlike the past gentleness and shyness, this time he is more like venting and possessing.

Bai Zhen couldn't resist his attack at all, her teeth were pried open in a few moments, and she was forced to follow his rhythm to breathe.

Tongue-tips are constantly attacking the city between his lips and teeth. His movements are not gentle, but they are still confusing.

Bai Zhen gasped lightly, her lips were a little red and swollen from the kiss.

There was water vapor in her eyes, her red clothes spread out like an umbrella, her ink hair was a little messy, and the peach blossom mark on her forehead seemed to be more red and sultry than usual.

The red coat is the bottom, which makes the skin white as jade.

The belt has been torn off, the red robe is loosely covered outside, and the pure white dress inside outlines the graceful curves of the girl...

The neckline of the undershirt was mercilessly torn open, revealing a large snow-colored skin under the neck, and the looming softness.

The boy opened his mouth and took a bite on his beautiful collarbone like punishment.

Bai Zhen was in pain, but her body trembled uncontrollably.

The teenager seemed very satisfied with her response, and he chuckled, "You are very sensitive."

Saying that, the cool big hand reached into the hem of the clothes and covered the two soft-soft pieces.

The contrast between the hot breath and the cold touch made Bai Zhen groan softly. The numbness caused by the action was too strong, making her mind go numb for a while. She wanted to run away, but she felt uncomfortable...

She twisted her body slightly as if to escape, her tone was soft, more like coquettish, "Yuanli, you, you let go, you, you let me go, don't... I'm so uncomfortable..."

Yuan Li suddenly increased the strength in her hand, making her cry out in pain.

His voice that was almost gnashing his teeth echoed in his ears, "Lan Zhi, if you are like this, it will only make me want to bully you even more."

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