Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 400: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines (52)

Jin Shu raised her lips with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Want to die with me? Don't even think about it in the next life!"

After saying that, she fiercely pulled the direction lever to the left, and the huge mecha was almost pulled flat to the other direction at an angle of 180 degrees, twisting at an extremely fast speed!

In the next second, when the mecha following Jin Shu realized that there was a huge obstacle ahead, it was too late.

He was going too fast. Facing this sudden obstacle, he subconsciously pulled the steering column wildly, but it was already too late.

Just listen to a loud "boom".

Flames shot into the sky behind him, and the ground around him shook.

The mecha that followed Jin Shu crashed.

At this time, Ares in another worm cave immediately received the signal of the mecha's crash. He looked at the grayed-out portrait on the screen with a stern expression.

Even the SS-level warriors under his command were no match for Frant Peja.

What is the origin of this woman?

Just then Ling Xiao's voice came from the front.

"Is it solved?"

Ares paused for a second.

"No, one of my soldiers died."

Ling Xiao suddenly lowered the speed of the mecha, feeling a little distracted for a moment.

"She killed him?"

"The information indicates a crash."

"Now is the best opportunity. If you can't kill Frant Peja, I will do it myself."

After saying that, Ling Xiao turned around and headed towards the other insect cave.

Ares followed closely and said in a deep voice.

"I will do it myself, don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you."

The internal structure of the worm cave is complex, and the winding lines are accompanied by sudden zerg attacks, which extremely tests a warrior's adaptability and reaction speed.

Jin Shu saw with her own eyes the wreckage of a self-destructed mecha scattered aside.

In this case, the dead soldier didn't even have a complete body, and of course no one would come to collect his body.

Jin Shu just glanced briefly, then slowly lowered the claws to collect all the remaining remains of the self-destructing mecha.

There will be a black box inside, and the soldier will leave his last words before starting the self-destruction program. After the war, this video will be sent to his relatives along with a generous pension.

Now that she saw it, Jin Shu didn't mind spending some time helping him sort it out.

After finding the black box, Jin Shu continued to go deeper into the wormhole. Because of the divergence of her mental power, she could feel the direction of the cave more clearly than the detector.

Relying on a calm mind and super mental power, Jin Shu went straight into the deepest part of the worm cave. When powerful fluctuations of mental power flashed on the screen, she knew that the mother worm in this worm cave was not far away.

Killing the Insect Mother is the goal of all warriors. One Insect Mother can be exchanged for first-level military merit. This supreme honor drives countless warriors to rush forward one after another. Even if they know that the way forward is unclear, they will never back down.

Along the way, Jin Shu has collected seven black boxes, which means that seven elite warriors sleep here.

Accompanied by the wreckage on the ground, Jin Shu came to the deepest part of the insect cave. The front was chaotic and dark, and countless insect corpses had already dyed the Galaxy scarlet.

In this dead silence, Jin Shu could even hear her own breathing clearly. Insect corpses were everywhere, and the mental control of the insect mother had made Jin Shu's hands and feet stiff.

Jin Shu has already seen this situation in friendly matches.

The difference is that the insect mother she faces now is obviously more powerful and more ferocious than the one arranged in the friendly match.

Facing the invasion of foreign enemies, she furiously released all her power, controlling all the Zerg in the worm cave to rush towards her location crazily.

At this moment, tens of thousands of giant worms broke through the cave wall directly, squirming with white bodies, opening their mouthparts full of fangs and biting crazily at the Galaxy.

If it had been any other mecha, the skin would have been chewed into pieces.

But at this moment, Jin Shu looked at the ferocious army of worms outside. Not only did she not feel any nervousness or fear, she even relaxed her hands quite leisurely, and calmly leaned back on the backrest, calmly appreciating everything in front of her. .

At this time, her mental power has exceeded the SSS level, so the mental attack of the insect mother at this time is not painful or itchy for her. Although her hands and feet will still be a little stiff, she can break free from the control immediately as long as she concentrates a little. With her unique mental power control method, she didn't even have to do it herself at this time, the galactic armor under her body moved according to her heart.

The giant propeller devices extended directly from both sides of the fuselage. With a thought from Jin Shu, the extremely sharp propellers equipped with super-strong carbon steel immediately began to rotate at extremely high speeds.

The next second, the worms gathered around the mecha were quickly twisted into the propeller. In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere around the sight, and chunks of flesh fell from the sky and scattered in all directions, creating a magnificent scene of a mountain of blood and a sea of ​​flesh.

It was the first time in her life that she saw such a strange scene. Jin Shu couldn't wait to take out her camera and take a few more photos as a souvenir.

The insect mother's last line of defense was broken, and in an instant, a sharp and eardrum-breaking blast was heard throughout the entire insect cave.

Luopu, who was already controlled by his mental power, couldn't even cover his ears. He could only open his eyes and endure the pain.

Jin Shu lowered her eyes and glanced at him, then leaned over and put on professional explosion-proof earmuffs for him, then patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry, follow me and you won't die."

Luopu, whose pupils were trembling, suddenly relaxed at this moment, as if he had taken a reassurance, and looked calmly in front of him, even though in the end the mecha hovered directly in front of the insect mother.

At first, he didn't realize how the entire thick black vortex wall in front of him suddenly appeared in front of him, until Jin Shu drove the mecha closer and closer. Suddenly, a huge, pure white eye suddenly opened. , the red pupils rotated rapidly and quickly locked the position of the mecha. The next second, the insect mother, which was so huge that it was impossible to see the whole picture clearly, once again made a cry for help.

The distance was so close that even Jin Shu could hardly resist. Blood oozed from her cochlea and blood dripped from her nose.

Jin Shu calmly wiped away the blood under her nose, looked at the eyeball in front of her that was bigger than the mecha, then slowly drove to the front, pressed the spiral blade, and slowly faced the eye. near.

The mental attacks became more and more intense, but they were useless to Jin Shu at this moment.

The Insect Mother has no way out. She is originally a part of the Insect Cave, and she is pregnant with thousands of Insects all the time. Even now, her huge body, which is almost indistinguishable, is still constantly birthing. She laid insect eggs, which clung to her body densely.

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