Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 385: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines (37)

Cress is a blond girl, a bit short compared to a group of tall and thick men, which makes her look more delicate and cute.

Jin Shu has great patience and tolerance for beautiful people or things, so she smiled and shook her head.

You don't need to hide this kind of thing, you just know it if you know it.

Cleese looked at Jin Shu with bright eyes, full of admiration and excitement.

“I didn’t expect that I would be assigned to the same team as such a powerful person!

Peiya, you don’t mind me holding you back, right?

Can you drive a mecha?

Yes... yes.

Do you know how to hide at home when it rains?

I know……

That's enough. I don't have high demands on my teammates, just that they're not stupid.

Cleese was amused, her voice was clear and pleasant, and she looked more like a puppet.

At the end of the day's training, all the soldiers returned to the capsule room one after another. Cleese and An Ning's houses were very close to each other. When they parted, Cleese had already put her arm around Jin Shu's arm familiarly and kissed her.

See you tomorrow, boss!

See you tomorrow.

In the next few days, Jin Shu quickly adapted to the intensity of the team's training. At first, Huang Zheng was worried that she would not be able to keep up with the progress. Now he found that his worries were purely unnecessary. The real elites will never be lost. In terms of the crowd, Jin Shu's advantage has been fully revealed in the past few days. Whether training alone or playing in a group, Jin Shu is the best.

At the beginning, there were still people in the team who had doubts about the authenticity of Jin Shu, the friendly match champion. Now these doubts were crushed by the strength Jin Shu showed.

In less than a week, the training camp is over.

Huang Zheng specially awarded Jin Shu a medal.

Although I don't know why you chose to join our 11th Regiment, I am still very happy that the 11th Regiment officially welcomes you to join.

The captain came to see Jin Shu in person, and not only upgraded her residence directly, he even asked her to participate in the captain's internal training with Huang Zheng.

After the training camp comes the annual training. Each of the twelve regiments sends five teams to participate in the annual training.

The five teams are all veterans leading new recruits. For the sake of the honor of the group, these veterans are usually served by the captains of the group.

There happened to be ten captains and deputy captains of the 11th Regiment, respectively arranged in five teams.

The team leader placed all his hopes on Jin Shu, so he placed the captain of the first team, Huang Zheng, and the deputy captain, Harry, in Jin Shu's team.

Initially, the group leader wanted to replace Kress and An Ning, but after being rejected by Jin Shu, he had no choice but to specially arrange for Huang Zheng to strengthen training for the two of them.

In the training room, An Ning took the initiative to come to Jin Shu.

If you are embarrassed to replace us because you had no choice but to choose us before, then it is completely unnecessary.

I was mentally prepared before I came here. This world always needs someone at the bottom. I don’t mind being such a person. As for Maggie, she does work hard but her talent can only support her to the point where she is sent to this legion. is no longer possible.

So you can simply replace us and select better people as your team members to participate in annual training. I heard them say that annual training is very important for the soldiers of the bottom team. You can use this opportunity to be noticed by the top five groups...

“Okay, okay, I know everything you said and there’s no need to talk nonsense.

Let me ask you now, from now on you plan to fail in the legion and are willing to be at the bottom, right?

An Ning blinked quickly and wanted to say something else, but Jin Shu didn't listen to his nonsense.

Just answer me if you are okay.

Is it useful not to show off? I tried my best, but all I got was ridicule from others!

Jin Shu shook her head.

None of this matters. Just say whether you are willing to quit the team. If so, I will let you go. If not, then put aside all the messy inferiority and self-deprecation in your mind and train with me.

Yes or no?

Although Jin Shu has four times more time than others, she will still cherish every minute and every second of herself.

She never wastes time on meaningless internal friction such as self-doubt and self-denial. It would be better to use the time to train instead of spending this time on her.

An Ning looked at Jin Shu's firm and bright eyes. At first, he didn't dare to look carefully, let alone look at her. She was as outstanding and bright as the dazzling sun. One more look would burn his dark heart. .

But he couldn't help but be attracted.

Just like planets are always attracted to stars, he simply cannot refuse.


I want to be your teammate and fight alongside you.

Jin Shu nodded.

Why don't you just be so cheerful? Although Cress is not as talented as you, there is one thing she is worse than you, that is, she never denies herself.

Okay, then don’t waste time and get moving quickly. From now on, you can train at my pace.

I have one more question, my last question.

Jin Shu nodded casually as she walked forward.

Just ask.

Why choose us? If you had no choice then, what about now?

An Ning is unconfident and always longs for the approval of others. Jin Shu can see it.

Compared with smart people who have ideas, I still prefer ordinary people like you who have no ideas.

In Jin Shu's eyes, anyone who can join the army is a genius. What can distinguish the differences between these geniuses is some external training skills and efforts.

Since they are both geniuses, why not choose two smart, obedient people who would never backstab him?

Jin Shu's directness dispelled all the doubts in An Ning's heart, and his worried heart suddenly became much lighter.

Because there are so many people participating in the training, the annual training spans a long time, a full three months, from the preliminary rounds to the semi-finals and then to the finals.

During this period, Jin Shu had plenty of time to train the two kids at the bottom.

Cleese's poor performance in combat training was entirely because she was lazy. Now that she is with Jin Shu, she is faced with a dense training schedule every day. Not to mention being lazy, her sleeping time has been accurately reduced to one hour and forty. five minutes.

This is the precise amount of rest Jin Shu needs in a day based on her physical ability.

Jin Shu guided, An Ning supervised, and Captain Huang occasionally scolded her. Cleese didn't dare to be lazy at all. When she was so tired that she vomited, she would only shed a few tears silently, then wipe her face and come back to continue to carry the weight behind Jin Shu. run.

On the other side, An Ning worked harder. Even if he was bleeding and dying from being crushed in the space simulation cabin, he would never hesitate the next time Jin Shu let him in.

The two teammates are obedient and sensible, especially Cleese, who is pretty and has a sweet mouth, which gives Jin Shu enough emotional value. (End of chapter)

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