Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 367: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines (19)

Luopu felt an inexplicable feeling, and he couldn't explain why. He simply felt that based on his understanding of Jin Shu's character, she seemed to look like this.

Do you like this face?

Jin Shu's sudden words made Luopu's ears turn red completely.

Everyone likes beautiful things, so don't think too much about it.

Okay, I won't think too much about it.

Jin Shu walked straight into the underground exchange. Luopu looked at the tall and slender figure in front of him, slapped himself hard, and followed him with a flushed face.

Luopu has his own set of communication skills for things like underground black trading exchanges.

Soon he came over with two access cards and handed one to Jin Shu.

The underground mecha competition is about to start. Follow the person in front of you. When you get to the place, you don't need to say anything. Just pay and go in.

The two people followed the tightly wrapped man in front of them to a rather remote and inconspicuous small door. After opening the door, they walked through a long corridor and finally came to a door where someone was holding a gun. In front of the guarded iron gate.

Jin Shu handed them the cash, a total of two thousand interstellar coins. After receiving the money, the iron door slowly opened, and a burst of earth-shaking cheers and roars came from inside.

This is a venue larger than a football field. The stands are crowded and chaotic. Everyone is crowded together and desperately squeezing in, looking at the ring in the middle with intense and crazy eyes.

Jin Shu stood on it and could clearly see everything on the ring.

In the hot competition scene, two modified mechas stood in the center of the ring. One was a mimic giant snake. Black metal scales were covered with red spots. As the giant snake slid on the ground, the spots reflected the ghost like scarlet eyes. There was a cold light, and behind the two huge snake eyes on the head was the cockpit. At this time, the underground illegal mecha warrior was controlling the giant snake to open its big mouth and shoot flames arrogantly at the audience stage. In an instant, the audience was completely boiling. Man The roar almost broke the roof.

Opposite the giant snake was a steel armored dragon with extremely hard armor and a huge and heavy tail. The tip of the tail was a stone hammer covered with spikes. It was raised high and then dropped hard. In an instant, the entire ground was shaken. Tremble with it.

The ground here is made of professional hammer-resistant material, otherwise these two steel behemoths would have cracked the ground just by walking around here.

These are all ground combat mechas. Their most notable features are their heavy weight, resistance to pressure, and strong attack power. The friction between steel and iron during a two-to-two confrontation causes sparks to fly and a heat wave to sweep in, accompanied by waves of deafening roars from the surrounding audience. With the shouts, the entire underground was like a huge steel furnace, with hot air rolling and boiling with excitement.

Luopu leaned into Jin Shu's ear and shouted loudly.

You can place bets on who will win.

Jin Shu nodded and continued to watch the hearty duel in front of him carefully.

Who do you think will win?

Snake armor.

Really? I think most people bet on the Earth Dragon. The power gap between the two armors is too big. The Snake Armor doesn't seem to have any chance of winning.

Jin Shu didn't say anything, walked straight to the betting point, and threw in 100,000 interstellar coins.

Buy snake armor to win.

All the spectators who had placed bets looked at the generous girl in front of them, and for a while some people laughed and mocked her.

You don't waste money like this! The tail of the snake armor is broken, and it will be smashed into a pie in less than ten minutes!

Jin Shu sat down on the gaming table and smiled helplessly.

I'm a newbie and don't know anything about it. I just saw the majesty of this big snake and thought it was a powerful character.

Hahahaha, I know you are a bastard who doesn't understand anything! But it's okay, it's only 100,000, we can share a little more!

Several people who were placing bets with Jin Shu already lowered their heads and sighed.

Luopu looked at the game on the ring that seemed to have a winner, and then followed Jin Shu and placed a thousand yuan without hesitation.

Amidst the jeers, everyone was about to start dividing the money, when an incredible scream came from the stands.

Ah!! What the hell happened?!

Everyone turned back one after another. As soon as they saw the form on the stage, they ran back to their seats in one or two seconds, with the same shocked expression.

What's going on?! Why is the Earth Dragon Armor strangled?!

No way! You're almost winning and yet you're still stuck!! Trash!!

The snake armor had just cut off its tail to survive. Without its tail, it moved faster. On the surface, the bulky earth dragon armor seemed to have the upper hand. It chased the snake armor and blasted it. In fact, the snake armor had already taken advantage of this opportunity to kill it. Surrounded!

Now the Earth Dragon Armor's tail is also entangled, and it's impossible to get out!

At this moment, the snake armor, which had been recharging its energy, contracted its body hard, and the scales were extremely hard. The entangled earth dragon armor struggled angrily, but the snake armor did not move at all, and the power of the earth dragon armor was completely exhausted. It’s gone.

The outcome has been decided.

Snake Armor wins.

The gamblers below angrily smashed the things in their hands, and then watched helplessly as Jin Shu put most of the money into his own pocket.

Snake Armor actually won!

The gamblers who had no hope at all at first are now ecstatically holding their money and gathering around Jin Shu to inquire.

The little girl doesn't look like she's from our planet. Where did she come from? What are you doing here?

Jin Shu collected the money and stood up leisurely.

If you are a tourist, you have never been to a place like this, so you just want to come and have a look.

You can place a bet of 100,000 just for a visit? Are you too confident in yourself, or are these 100,000 interstellar coins just a small amount of money to you?

Luopu could clearly feel the malicious glances coming from all directions.

In a place like this, there are desperadoes, crazy gamblers, and people who just watch the excitement and don't mind the trouble.

There was a lot of excitement here, and everyone came together. When they heard that everyone’s money was actually won by a girl from an alien planet, not to mention those who had placed bets, even those who had not bet followed them unhappy. Yell.

Isn't this just to cause trouble? Why did you, an alien, win our planet's money?

All of us spend money to support these mechas, how about you? Did you spend money? Do you dare to take our money casually?

When someone started, the people behind them all figured out the reason. They gathered around and forced Jin Shu to hand over the money.

Luopu also didn't expect that the folk customs of this planet would be so tough, and this place was full of bastards who couldn't afford to lose.

He pulled Jin Shu and whispered.

You're not short of money anyway, just give it to them and treat it as alms to beggars.

One hundred thousand is an astronomical figure to them, but to Jin Shu it is just the price of a set of clothes.

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