Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 361: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Male and Female Heroes (13)

At this time, there were already many people queuing up at the entrance to enter their faces and student numbers.

student ID.


The administrator looked up at her and said something.

004, yes, you can enter all training rooms below level three.

Jin Shu reacted and entered the face system as required. As soon as she entered, she heard a familiar voice coming from behind her.

Luopu came trotting over.

What is your authority level?

Level three.

Level 3? It's awesome. I can only advance to level 1.

Luopu didn't feel discouraged at all because he had a deep understanding of his own strength.

This should be sorted based on everyone's mental strength when they first entered school. I am No. 233 of the 2007 class. What about you?


Luopu gave Jin Shu a thumbs up again.

You are indeed a genius of the Frant family. There are only three people who are better than you. Do you want to know which three they are?

Jin Shu shook her head and continued walking inside.

Luopu felt bored, but still muttered behind Jin Shu.

One of them is the son of the leader of the first regiment. It's normal that you can't compare to him. People say he was born a humanoid mecha and a violent warrior.

There is another sister who is the captain of the elite team of the first regiment. I heard that the captain is a commoner like me, but he was promoted to the elite captain because of his outstanding military achievements. This is the only one in history.

This year her younger sister was also recruited. Both sisters are very powerful, born warriors, and have terrifying mental strength.

The last one is the second prince of the Star Lord of Poseidon. Hey, that's the saying. The vast majority of people who can stand at the top of the pyramid were born halfway up the pyramid.

Unlike us, we have already given everything we have after traveling through mountains and rivers. We have reached the top before we even start climbing.

Luopu spoke slowly, like a Chinese teacher reading from a textbook.

Seeing that Jin Shu remained silent, he came over.

Only the top five can enter the third-level training room. You should be able to see them then. You have to pay attention. Some of them have a very bad temper.

Jin Shu finally gave him a look.

Luopu, you shouldn't come to the military academy. You should become a reporter.

This is also on my wish list. Unfortunately, there is a 90% chance that I will become a maintenance technician in the future.

Luopu, who talked a lot, was forced to separate from Jin Shu in the first-level training room.

Jin Shu had probably gone through the intensity of the first-level training room once, and she was comfortable with it, but it was not suitable for her now.

As for the difference between the second-level and third-level training rooms, it is the training intensity. After Jin Shu knew the news, she entered the third-level training room directly without even thinking about it.

The third-level training room occupies nearly one-half of the entire Alliance Military Academy training camp.

It is said to be a training room, but if you take out any actual combat simulation field inside, it would be comparable to the land area of ​​a small planet.

The original owner has been away for more than ten years, and there are many more real-life simulation scenes in the training room.

Unlike the training room used by the Frant family specifically to prepare for entrance exams, everything in the Alliance Military Academy is for one purpose, to cultivate more outstanding mecha warriors.

After Jin Shu enters the third-level training room, a dedicated coach will provide her with preliminary guidance and basic information.

You are a freshman, and the intensity in the Level 3 training room may be unbearable for you. When your life is in danger, you can shout to terminate the training at any time.

But now that you have become a quasi-soldier, I hope you can unleash your potential as much as possible in difficult situations. Don't give up easily, and don't lose your life carelessly.

Jin Shu nodded and looked at the line of words hanging in front of the training cabin door.

Gain new life in desperate situation.

MechaWarrior's creed is actually quite simple.

Loyal, tenacious, and willing to do whatever it takes to maintain the honor of the warrior.

“There are a total of twelve simulation scenes in the simulation training ground, including space, desert, black hole, ocean, ruins, super hurricane, pollutant leakage, earthquake, extreme climate, Zerg base camp, and solar storm.

Of course, these twelve are just actual combat scenarios that you must practice during your study career. In addition, we also have many niche simulation scenarios, such as groups of interstellar mutated giant beasts, planet impact debris belts, etc.

In total, there are nearly a hundred simulation scenes.

As a coach, I recommend that new students start training from the most basic and simple scenarios.

But the most basic warm-up training before entering the real-life training venue is essential. After all, the more proficient you are in operating the mecha, the greater your probability of surviving on the battlefield in the future. Remember it?

Every student is valuable.

Especially this kind of future warrior must make all safety preparations.

Jin Shu nodded. The first thing he did after entering the training room was to spend some time in the space simulation cabin.

Because every time she came out she was dying and bleeding from her orifices, Jin Shu always found the location of the medical room before entering. Less than two hours after entering, the zero-pressure environment in the cabin was suddenly turned off. Jin Shu slowly Xu opened her eyes and took a look outside. There were three people standing outside the cabin, two men and one woman. At this time, the girl was still outside smiling sweetly at her and waving.

After Jin Shu walked out, the girl's clear laughter came, mixed with exclamation.

You're awesome. We just watched you go in, and it's been two hours and you still haven't come out. I thought something happened to you while you were in there, so I asked the instructor to cut off the cabin pressure on my own initiative.

I'm sorry.

Jin Shu glanced at them and remembered Luo Pu's words.

When I looked at these three people, I knew it well.

She had seen the other two, but they were still young at the time. More than ten years later, they were old enough to take the military academy entrance examination.

As for the one in the middle, she looks very similar to her old friend. Ling Xiao seems to look like this in my impression, but she doesn't like to smile very much, and she doesn't look as bright as the girl in front of her.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ling Su. These two are my friends. His name is Aster and his name is Legere. They are also freshmen this year. We should meet often in the next five years.

That's right.

The tall and straight boy in front of me is the son of the leader of the first regiment, Astor Bailey. Some people may not know who this is based on his name alone, but as long as the surname Bailey is mentioned, everyone in the entire galaxy must be aware of it. People don’t know.

The Bailey family is one of the oldest families in the interstellar world. Astor's grandfather was the founder of the Alliance Army, and the descendants of the family are born with the blood of Berserker warriors.

Berserker warriors are born with mental power that breaks through the black level, and their mental power will continue to soar as they grow older. This means that even if their race does not enter the space capsule, they can make progress just by breathing every day.

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