Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 351 Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Male and Female Heroes (3)

Except for their own time to learn professional skills, Jin Shu and Ling Xiao spend almost eighteen hours a day together.

The original owner used to be aloof and arrogant, because he had had countless halos since he was a child, and he was still the center of attention when he arrived at the military academy.

The original owner, who has been accustomed to being independent since she was a child, rarely takes the initiative to be considerate and considerate of others. Even if it is her own maintenance technician, she rarely takes the initiative to communicate.

The two have maintained a close relationship, participating in major mecha competitions in the school together, and representing the school in the Alliance Military Academy Competition.

The original owner was inevitably arrogant due to his halo since he was a child, and had his own views on combat skills. But the heroine Ling Xiao, who is a maintenance technician, is not optimistic about what the original owner has done over the years.

In her opinion, the original owner only regarded her as a dispensable assistant from beginning to end, an accessory that could come and go when called upon, so before the last practical operation before graduation, she stopped The original owner asked to talk to her about the upcoming graduation practice.

Ling Xiao believes that actual combat is not like those previous large and small competitions, which require driving mechas into real battlefields to fight, and this time the actual combat map they selected was the Insect Star.

The actual combat content has not been announced yet, but based on past experience, the actual combat content this time is most likely to kill the female insect emperor in the insect star.

Ling Xiao believed that this battle was no small matter. She offered to enter the cockpit and fight side by side with Jin Shu. After all, the school also had two-person mechas, but this situation usually happened with couples or relatives. After all, two-person combat would test the tacit understanding of both parties. Extremely, if you are not careful, both parties will be injured. Failure in combat is secondary. The most serious one may even damage your nerves.

Obviously, Jin Shu didn't feel that there was any tacit understanding between her and Ling Xiao, and she didn't want to violate the regulations and directly let a maintenance technician who had not participated in any formal studies operate the mecha.

So she rejected the other party's suggestion without hesitation and said that she would not have any problems in the final graduation showdown.

Ling Xiao didn't say much, just dropped the sentence expressionlessly.

Sooner or later you will pay the price for your arrogance and arrogance.

The original owner frowned and said nothing. She didn't understand that Ling Xiao would say such hurtful words. It didn't matter if others didn't understand her. As friends who had lived together for five years, Ling Xiao would secretly practice with her mecha, and even Even if her mecha operating system was messed up, she wouldn't say anything. Every time Ling Xiao was bullied by other students from the Alliance Military Academy because of her lack of background, she would take the initiative to help her out. Even Ling Xiao was still her The first friend I brought home since I was a kid.

The original owner didn't understand why Ling Xiao would say such hurtful words because of a request that was impossible to be allowed.

But as the finals approached, the original owner didn't have time to pursue it too much, so he turned around and devoted himself to more intense training.

On the day of the finals, she piloted a mecha and flew into the insect star. After breaking into the insect queen's nest, the mecha's tail suddenly exploded and failed, putting Jin Shu, who had already had the advantage, in an instant.

However, although the tail explosion was serious, it was not fatal. The maintenance technician would definitely have a spare tail. She only needed to reserve enough firepower to retreat to a relatively safe area and wait for Ling Xiao to replace the tail.

However, when Jin Shu exhausted all her firepower and finally found a safe area to wait for rescue, Ling Xiao only said one sentence.

You have always treated me as your follower and assistant, and treated me as your dog. Today I am going to tell you something, even a dog can bite.

After saying that, all the communication equipment in Jin Shu's mecha was cut off, the firepower was exhausted and the tail fin was damaged, making it impossible for the Zerg to retreat.

Mechas are equipment that warriors need to protect with their lives. Each mecha contains the equipment secrets of the Alliance Legion. If it is obtained by foreigners, the secrets will definitely be leaked.

Once trapped, a soldier's first choice is never to escape, but to blow up the mecha without leaving any traces.

The original owner pressed the mecha's self-destruct button immediately, but the button, which was unlikely to malfunction under any circumstances, could not be pressed at that time.

In this way, the original owner was captured and the mecha was snatched away by the Zerg.

This has never happened in the Alliance Legion, but now it happened to Jin Shu, who was least likely to fail.

Overnight, Jin Shu became a shame to the alliance and the military academy. Everyone felt that she did not choose to press the self-destruct button at the first time because she was greedy for life and afraid of death.

The original owner's father was helpless and heartbroken, so he broke into the Zerg at the risk of being punished and rescued the dying Jin Shu.

But at this time, it was impossible for Jin Shu to return to the Alliance Military Academy or enter the Alliance Army.

The original owner, who did not want to implicate the family, chose to leave and came to live alone on a small, weak and nameless planet.

A few years later, the original owner was forced to strip off his mecha by the Zerg, which completely damaged his mental power and became a waste that could no longer fly a mecha. His health points had also changed from hundreds of thousands in the past to a thousand now. For several years, he lived in poverty and darkness.

Finally, on this day, she was bullied by gangsters on the planet and suffered a head injury. She bled to death because no one was there to help her.

How did the once brilliant genius die quietly on a dark planet, and no one in the galaxy remembered her anymore.

Inheriting the resentment and despair of the original owner, Jin Shu took over her body.

A broken body.

A warrior with a noble spirit of alliance.

A waste who can no longer control mechas with mental power.

The heroine of this article, Ling Xiao, was held accountable after her failure in the graduation battle. However, considering that she took the initiative to treat other soldiers during the battle, the classmate was also the leader of the Alliance's First Legion, so the leader opened the door for her. The privilege allowed her to join the Alliance Legion and directly change her status from a maintenance engineer to a reserve mecha warrior.

Over the years, Ling Xiao has repeatedly performed extraordinary feats in large and small battles, and quickly upgraded from a reserve warrior to the captain of an elite team, directly taking orders from the leader of the first legion. He has occupied the elite list of the alliance legion all year round, becoming the number one in the history of the alliance. A dual-wizard warrior who is both good at maintenance and better at mechas.

At this point in the plot, Jin Shu didn't want to continue reading.

The only thing she can be sure of now is that the mecha used in the decisive battle was tampered with, otherwise the original owner would not have failed, let alone become a shame to the Alliance Legion.

The suspect is also very clear.

That is Ling Xiao.

As a heroine in this article who is both good and evil, and will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals, she is not only extremely powerful in combat, but also has strong IQ and luck.

Jin Shu has never felt anything about this kind of people. After all, who doesn't have them in this world?

But if the one being stepped on is yourself, that won't work.

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