Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 349: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Male and Female Heroes (1)

The two of them had this mentality of being grateful to each other, and they actually got along extremely harmoniously.

Arnold took the initiative to let her rest more, but Jin Shu, who had almost grown grass on her head in the last century, really had enough rest.

After ensuring that she was in the right condition to start immediately, Arnold safely sent her to the small world.

His consciousness was confused, and a familiar voice surrounded his ears.

The mission is over.

Task evaluation result: Excellent+.

Tasker: Jin Shu.

Whether to proceed to the next task: Yes.

Mission is starting...

1, 2, 3, the task was started successfully, and the tasker Jin Shu was loaded successfully.

Forty-eight hours the system loaded successfully.

Current time flow rate ratio: 1:2, the system is on for 48 hours.

Beep, beep, beep - beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, the health is running low, please master, please replenish the blood pack immediately!

A series of rapid alarm sounds woke Jin Shu up. She opened her eyes suddenly. Before she could see her surroundings clearly, she realized that she was seriously injured. The wet feeling on her forehead reminded her that she might die in this world if she didn't think of a solution. The beginning of.

Blood pack? What is a blood replenishing pack?

As this thought came to mind, a transparent panel appeared out of thin air in front of Jin Shu's eyes in the next second. The life replenishment attribute box in the last column of the six-column attribute box jumped out. There were a dozen grids in it, but except for the Except for the blood replenishing pack × 3 displayed in one grid, the other grids are all empty.

As Jin Shu's eyes moved slightly, the number of blood replenishing packs in the grid suddenly disappeared. Just as she was wondering what was going on, the light screen in front of her popped up to prompt.

[HP increased by 300, current HP: 350/1000]

Looking at the empty attribute box, Jin Shu probably understood her current situation.

This seems to be a science fiction world that is more advanced than any previous world, but before getting the memory of the original owner, Jin Shu couldn't tell whether she was thrown into the game as an NPC again.

After all, this style of painting is somewhat familiar.

After the blood pack was replenished, Jin Shu clearly felt that the foot that had just stepped into the gate of hell had retracted again.

He raised his head and looked at his surroundings. It was raining in the muddy alley, with dilapidated iron houses on both sides. The houses were pitch black and there was no sign of any biological activity.

Jin Shu subconsciously looked up at the sky. She didn't know whether it was evening or morning at this time. The crisscrossing pipes above her head were twisted together like the tentacles of a monster, almost blocking out the sky and the sun, making the already cold environment here appear. It becomes increasingly dull and depressing.

Jin Shu had never seen such a thick pipe.

Looking carefully, the thing that looked like an animal's throat was actually squirming like life. Jin Shu could probably guess what kind of pipeline it should be, but because it was so disgusting to look at, she averted her gaze and simply stopped looking. Find a place to receive memories.

Just then, several pairs of red eyes appeared in the darkness, staring eerily in the direction of Jin Shu. When they walked out of the dark alley, four human beings with mouse faces were slowly approaching. Their bodies are thin and long, their waists are too thin and bent, but their arms are as short as the forelimbs of a mouse, and their hind legs are thick at the front and twisted at the back, giving them amazing jumping ability.

When faced with something like this that she has never seen before, Jin Shu's first reaction is usually to draw her sword first.

With a slight movement of consciousness, the light screen panel appeared again in front of him, and the weapon attribute bar popped up. There were only three weapons in it. (End of chapter)

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