Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 343 The rich mistress disowns her relatives after opening the book (41)

The old lady who was originally bedridden sold the shop so quickly after hearing this, and she was able to sit up immediately.

Deng Qiao was still sulking about what happened yesterday. Lu Mingqian took the initiative to go to her to ask for peace. He was scolded a few times at first, until he took out a wooden box from his arms. After opening it, Deng Qiao saw the gold in the wooden box. With the jade and agate necklace, the air that had been blocked in my heart suddenly became smoother.

The Liang family gave a deposit of 10,000 taels, and Lu Mingqian was so lavish that he signed a contract with the other party without even thinking.

Thirteen shops can sell a total of nearly two hundred thousand taels of silver. This money is enough for their family to eat and drink for a lifetime.

Deng Qiao admired the necklace in her hand and couldn't put it down.

Then what are you waiting for? Go and tell your mother quickly and give her the land deed.

The old lady didn't expect to sell it quickly. She was reluctant at first, but now she has no choice but to accept it.

If our ancestors knew about it, they would be furious to death.

Since he is an ancestor, he should think about future generations. We just need to live happily, no matter what.

Every time Deng Qiao opened her mouth, she could make the old lady so angry.

This time it was rare for the family to work together. The old lady sighed and told them to take out the land deed tomorrow morning.

Just as Lu Mingqian was about to nod, Deng Qiao pinched him.

We are all a family, so what is there to hide? Should you be ours in a hundred years? Is there any use in hiding it now?

When the old lady heard this, her originally gentle attitude now became extremely firm.

I said it will be tomorrow morning!! Stop talking nonsense here! It's not your turn to take charge of this house yet!

Lu Mingqian stopped Deng Qiao who was still wanting to argue.

Tomorrow is tomorrow. I made an appointment with Prince Liang to come to my house to pick it up early tomorrow morning. They just need to give me the land deed before they come.

Don't worry, your mother and I have hidden those things in the safest place. No one will know except me.

Deng Qiao curled her lips and was too lazy to argue with her.

The old thing won't live long anyway. The housekeeper's power will be hers sooner or later, and there is no rush now.

She would like to see where this old thing can hide those things when the time comes to move!

That night, as soon as Deng Qiao went to bed, the old lady's maid came to the study to invite Lu Mingqian.

The old lady calls you to the Buddhist hall and asks you to slow down and don't let the lady know about it.

Lu Mingqian understood it immediately, and after a little hesitation, he quietly went to the Buddhist hall.

The old lady was kneeling in front of the Buddha statue and said leisurely when she heard Lu Mingqian's arrival.

Kneel down and kowtow to Buddha.

That's why you called me here? Why do you have to worship Buddha in the middle of the night?

He has guarded the property for you for so long, wouldn't it be appropriate for you not to pay him homage?

When Lu Mingqian heard this, his eyes immediately became pious as he looked at the Buddha statue. After kowtowing to him firmly, the old lady slowly stood up and walked behind the Buddha statue to trigger the switch.

The next second, the giant Buddha in front of him moved slowly. This scene made Lu Mingqian's eyes widen and his mouth opened. He couldn't recover for a long time.

The seemingly ordinary Buddhist temple is actually something special!

Back then, I sent people to repair this Buddhist hall and left a secret compartment under the Buddha statue. No matter what treasures we have at home, they can be safely stored here. No one will guess that there is anything under the Buddha statue.

Lu Mingqian couldn't wait any longer, so he ran over and stretched his head to take a look into the dark hole.

Three seconds later, he raised his head and looked at the old lady in confusion.

Mom, are you sure something is hidden in here?

Of course, it hasn't changed in so many years.

But I can't see anything.

Lu Mingqian was worried that his eyesight was not good, so he specially lit a candle to shine inside, but he still couldn't see anything.

At first, the old lady thought her son was messing around and joking with her again, until she realized that Lu Mingqian's expression didn't look like he was acting. For a moment, alarm bells started ringing in her heart, and she rushed forward to take a look inside the Buddha statue regardless of risk.

empty! !

It's really empty! !

The gold, silver, jewelry and land deeds she had stuffed so full of them are all gone now! !

Oh my god!!!

Seeing this scene, the old lady suddenly burst out with a sharp howl, which shocked Lu Mingqian. Before he could figure out the situation, he saw his old lady falling straight backwards, which shocked him. He quickly reached out and caught it.

Mom, where are the things?!

At this moment, he cared more about where the things inside this Buddha statue went than I did about my mother.

However, seeing the old lady's ashen expression, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice bank, his whole body was shaking uncontrollably, and there was a hint of panic and expectation in his voice.

Mom, did you put your things somewhere else?

The old lady fell in his arms and stared, her teeth clenched tightly, and her body was as tight and stiff as a dried salted fish. Her appearance was extremely horrifying.

Lu Mingqian suddenly sat down on the ground and asked with his last bit of strength.

Is the thing stolen?

Hearing this, the old lady spat out a large mouthful of blood.

Lu Mingqian was already numb and collapsed on the ground, mumbling something.

What can we do? Mom, tell me, what should we do next?

Mom, you definitely won't hide everything in this place. Where are the treasures you have hidden in other places? Take them out quickly. We will leave tonight. We can't waste a moment.

Seeing that the old lady was still staring at him blankly, Lu Mingqian suddenly roared.

Where are the things!! Where is the property that the Lu family has accumulated over the years!! You speak!!

At this moment, the door of the Buddhist hall was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and Deng Qiao rushed in, breathing rapidly and with a solemn expression.

Mom, forget it if you hide things behind our backs, you are not going to tell me now that all the things have been stolen, are you?!

Now no one has time to argue with Deng Qiao about eavesdropping.

The scene fell into unparalleled chaos.

Lu Mingqian: Mom, please speak!! Mom, what should we do!!

Deng Qiao: Just call your mother! Your mother is driving us to death now! We are finished, we are finished!

Lu Mingqian: What qualifications do you have to say this here? What does this have to do with you?

Deng Qiao: I gave you a son and you are saying this to me now? What do you mean? You are still protecting your mother at this time?!

The people in the house were biting each other like animals.

Lu Gu stood outside the door and listened to everything inside. He took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, then went back to pick up the package he had already packed and left the Duke's Mansion in the night.

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