Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 338 The rich mistress disowns her relatives after opening the book (36)

Lu Gu stared at his mother coldly.

This is her home!

Azhao, are you also obsessed with ghosts? Have you been assimilated too?! How did your mother teach you since you were a child? I worked so hard to give birth to you just to make you angry at me here?!

Lu Gu's eyes were red, and the raging loss and anger in his heart made him take deep breaths.

It was you who threw me here! I didn't want to come, it was you who forced me to come! After I came, you drove them away!

You are the intruders in this home! You have ruined my life!

You, you...well, you want to piss me off just like your father, don't you?! Do you also want to follow Jin Shu?!

Lu Gu stared at her.

She guessed, she guessed that I am your illegitimate child! She doesn't want me anymore! She doesn't want me anymore!!

The young man roared, and the next second he burst into tears. He was crying so much that he could hardly breathe, and his face was full of grievance and sadness.

He didn't understand why Jin Shu didn't take him away, he wanted to go with her too!

As a result, when he packed up his gifts and prepared to follow, Jin Shu said something to him expressionlessly.

Your home is right here. Your parents are back, why are you still coming with me?

At that time, Lu Gu hoped that he could be like Lu Xu and Lu Huai, an orphan that no one wanted.

He was so panicked and frightened that he grabbed Jin Shu's sleeve and asked her how he could take him away.

As a result, Jin Shu just turned around and looked at him helplessly and sadly, then pulled his hand away and left without looking back.

At that moment, Lu Gu realized that his presence had completely hurt Jin Shu.

For the sake of the Duke's palace and for her husband who had been dead for many years, she endured hardships alone. Even though she was wronged and scarred, she never said a word bitter.

But how come the most beautiful woman in the world was kicked out by the man she had loved for many years after giving everything she had.

At that moment Lu Gu understood something.

What kind of bullshit love, my parents are just a couple of bitches!

And he is just a shameless illegitimate child!

How could he be accepted by Jin Shu like this? His mere existence like this is a mistake!

Since you eloped, why did you come back? How could you want both and want at the same time? How could you do this to her!!

Lu Zhao!!

A slap fell hard on Lu Zhao's face.

Deng Qiao gasped, her eyes red with anger.

She never expected that her biological son would speak harshly to her because of that woman!

White-eyed wolf!! You are just a white-eyed wolf!! Who are you doing this for? Not all for you!! How could I have come to this hellish place if it wasn't for you? Do you know what your grandma did to me? ? I suffered so many grievances for you, but in the end I raised a white-eyed wolf like you!

Deng Qiao, who was hysterical with anger, suddenly found that her son was staring at her with a look of hatred and despair, as if the person standing in front of him was not his own mother, but his enemy.

At that moment, Deng Qiao's heart sank so hard that her breathing froze.

Mom, you didn't do this for me. Just like dad, you did so much for yourself.

You used to rely on your grandma to support you, but now your grandma is old and is no longer a match for Jin Shu, so you sent me here just to find someone else to continue to support you!

Dad, I'm not stupid.

Although you two are my biological father and mother, I feel that Jin Shu is more like my biological mother!

At least she won't eat my flesh and drink my blood in the name of doing good for me!

Every word, every sentence, was like a heavy hammer hitting the heart, making the two people on the opposite side turn pale and silent.

Facing her son's accusation, Deng Qiao was shocked at first. The expression on her face was surprise at first, followed by fleeting shame. Finally, these emotions were all washed away by stronger grievances and anger. Deng Qiao was out of control. She covered her face and cried loudly, her whole body trembling, her voice hoarse and sad.

What's the point of my life? Since all of you hate me, then I'll just die!!

After saying that, she rushed straight towards the wooden stake. Just when her head was about to bloom, Lu Gu grabbed her, and Lu Mingqian also rushed over to stop her.

Azhao, apologize to your mother!

Under this situation, Lu Gu suppressed the grief and anger in his heart and choked with sobs.

Mom, I was wrong.

Of course Deng Qiao didn't really want to die, and she really had no choice in that situation.

In the end, the family of three returned to their former harmony. After apologizing, Lu Gu became extremely well-behaved. It seemed as if nothing had happened. Deng Qiao also promised that as long as everything in the capital was settled, she would immediately take the whole family to continue the journey. Go back and live in seclusion.

At night, Deng Qiao lay on Lu Mingqian's chest and suddenly said something.

Why don't we sell the shop, pack up all the property, and then take Azhao back to live in seclusion.

Sold? This is an ancestral family property, how can it be sold?

Deng Qiao frowned, with such coquettishness in her tone.

You don't know how to do business. Ah Zhao blames me for sending him here to suffer hardships. Since it's better to just leave everything in the capital and go back to live in seclusion. Anyway, the money from the sales is enough for us to live a lifetime, so why bother? Just stay here.

Some time ago I went shopping. The capital is so big that any stone thrown on the street could hit a wealthy person. When I went to buy something in a shop, the shopkeepers ignored me.

Beijing is not good at all. I don't like it here.

In other words, there are too many rich people in the capital, and the family fortune of the Duke of Guo is nothing in the eyes of the truly wealthy.

She could no longer enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by stars.

When she arrived here, she seemed to feel that she had returned to modern times and became that mediocre social worker who had to look at other people's faces her whole life.

Originally in the mountains, she thought that the Duke's Palace behind Lu Mingqian was already rich enough, but when she arrived in the capital, she realized that the Duke's Palace was nothing in the huge aristocratic circle of the capital.

Even some of the new nobles didn't know Lu Mingqian.

Deng Qiao felt a little uncomfortable. This feeling of being ignored or even despised made her feel that the air in the capital was filled with a suffocating smell.

But Lu Mingqian couldn't guess what she was thinking.

He just felt that the woman in his arms was fooling around, so he said perfunctorily.

Let's wait until I get the housekeeper's rights back. Now these things are all in my mother's hands.

You are the head of the family, why don't you just ask your mother to hand over the power of mistress to me?

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