Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 334 The rich mistress disowns her relatives after opening the book (32)

Lu Mingqian was scolded twice in a row, and his face was very dark when he returned.

As soon as I walked in, I happened to see Deng Qiao trying on new clothes.

The bed, table, and even the floor in the room were piled with fabrics. These materials were obviously expensive at first glance, and at this moment, Deng Qiao was stepping on them without restraint.

Ming Qian, come and see, which of these materials suits me better? I just came to the capital and I don't know what the custom is here. I feel like there are all kinds of clothes on the street.

Let me tell you that the fabrics in the capital's cloth shops are much cheaper than the county where we live. Small places will cheat people, but big places will cut prices when they are more competitive. I finally understand that this kind of thing is the same in ancient times and modern times...

Deng Qiao talked to herself for a long time, and then she realized that something was wrong with Lu Mingqian's mood.

What's wrong with you? Why don't you say anything? Is Jin Shu teasing you again?

You bought so much material, can you wear it all?

How many times have I told you that no matter how many pieces of clothing a woman wears, it's not enough. Why do you still ask this kind of question after so many years? It makes me angry if you ask it again.

How much do these materials cost?

About fifteen taels. It's super cheap, isn't it? It seems that we can consider living in the capital for a while in the future.

Lu Mingqian subconsciously clenched the seven taels of silver in his hand.

This was his expenses for the next month, but at this time, Deng Qiao was stepping on them without any care.

What's wrong? Have you received your monthly payment? Give me one hundred taels first. For these fabrics today, I put the pigeon blood gem you gave me to the cloth store.

I bought more than 100 taels of that gem at that time, but the style is a bit old. I want to change it. I happened to see something I like in the jewelry store today. Can you go shopping with me tomorrow?

Seeing that Lu Mingqian was silent, Deng Qiao instantly dropped her smile.

It's rare that I'm in a good mood. Do you have to let me down? What's wrong? Tell me.

It's nothing. Have you brought back all the jewelry and stuff you usually buy?

Just what you're wearing, leave the rest at home. Didn't you tell me that you could go back in two or three days? How long has it been now?

Lu Mingqian sat down tiredly, as if his soul had been sucked out of his body.

Ah Qiao, we may have a difficult time in the coming days.

Why? What's wrong? Something happened to the Duke's Mansion? Tell me, since I am your wife, I naturally have to help you share some of the burden.

It's nothing, it's just that... the head of the family, Jin Shu, pays seven taels of silver per person per month. We have to be patient for a while until the power of the head of the family is restored.

Seven taels?

So much? What's that enough for? Did Jin Shu do it on purpose, to tease you and make you submissive?

Lu Mingqian was silent.

It would be fine if only Jin Shu said this. The key point was that even the old lady had spoken just now and reprimanded him for his previous extravagance. Then it seemed that Jin Shu was not targeting him.

But the Duke's Mansion seems to have some money.

This is even more terrifying than being targeted by Jin Shu.

Anyway, just be patient for a while. If you want to buy, just be patient for now. Wait until you have money later.

This is your home, why should the food and drink expenses depend on Jin Shu's face? Isn't it okay if you don't just get the money back?

Even in modern times, there is no reason why a woman should not let go of other people's property!

Jin Shu has been in charge of the family for so long, and everyone in the house is hers, so what if she wants to come over? It's useless if you can't convince everyone!

When Deng Qiao heard this, she walked directly to Lu Mingqian on the precious fabric.

Who can't convince everyone? Even if you want to come over, as long as I'm here, let alone your palace, even all the mess in the palace can be managed in an orderly manner for you!

It's not what you think...

It's not as simple as I thought, is it? I knew you would say that, but I want to tell you that sometimes things are just as complicated as you think!

I used to manage the expenses of tens of thousands of people. How many people are there in your government? What does this mean?

This isn't her bragging.

Before she traveled through time, Deng Qiao was an accountant for a listed company, specializing in budgeting.

How much money had she seen in her previous life, but unfortunately none of it belonged to her.

In this life, she has come to ancient times. Is it possible that she, who has the most advanced accounting technology, can't solve the food and clothing expenses for the hundreds of people in the Duke's mansion?

Lu Mingqian heard her say this.

What was your previous identity?

Deng Qiao hugged him and smiled mysteriously.

I came from heaven specifically to save you from fire and water.

As different sounds came from the door, Ayu, who had been squatting in the corner, rolled his eyes and got up, returned to the main courtyard, and told Jin Shu everything he had just overheard.

Miss, that woman is so shameless! Why do we have to endure it all this time? Can't we just kick her out?

There was not much emotion on Jin Shu's face, as if the man cheating on her with another woman had nothing to do with her.

Ayu deeply admires her young lady's determination. No matter who it is, she will probably be pissed to death.

People are coming to seize the power of the family! Miss, if you don't give her some color, she will really think that we are weak persimmons!

Why are you in a hurry? Why don't you take your time? If she wants the housekeeping rights, then give it to her.

When Ayu heard this, her eyes widened.

Miss, are you crazy? You worked so hard to support this family, why should you give him an advantage?

Don't worry, you can't give anyone a discount. Isn't she more than enough to manage tens of thousands of people? It just so happens that I have managed tens of thousands of people like her.

She has seen many small accountants in large companies.

But why can accountants only be accountants throughout their lives and cannot be promoted to leaders like other departments? That's because they can only manage money, but not make money.

If she wants to take care of the three melons and two dates in the Duke's Mansion, then she can take care of them.

That night, the three children were studying, and Lu Mingqian came back with a smile on his face.

Jin Shu, I thought that I have a good friend in the court who is now an important minister in front of Your Majesty. If he goes to plead for mercy, Your Majesty will definitely forgive me.

Oh, who?

You don't need to know this. Anyway, just wait for the good news. When I become Lu Mingqian again, you will be relaxed.

Okay, I'll be waiting.

This boy didn't dare to be Lu Mingqian before. Firstly, he was afraid that your Majesty would convict him, and secondly, he was afraid that he would not be able to defeat Jin Shu.

Now that he had found a way to plead for mercy, and with Deng Qiao as military help, he could not sit still and immediately came to Jin Shu to ask for power.

As long as you can make His Majesty forgive you, you will naturally still be the master of the Lu family.

Lu Mingqian couldn't hide his excitement.

You can have a good rest then, and you won't have to be as busy as you are now.

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