Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 324 The rich mistress disowns her relatives after opening the book (22)

The scene suddenly became a little awkward.

All the ladies looked at each other in confusion. After seeing the disbelief in each other's eyes, they all smiled in unison.

I didn't expect Jin Shu to have two brushes and mount the horse so neatly.

It's just a matter of getting on a horse. How dare she get on a horse and embarrass herself if she can't even ride a horse?

It's not like you don't know that she has never given birth to a child. A woman without children must be in better health. Riding a horse should not be difficult for her.

She just looks like a showman, and her mounting posture is so fancy. I wonder if I thought she was some pretty girl! I'm even ashamed of her!

Just wait and see, the good show is yet to come. If she can't get on the horse from the beginning, how can we watch the good show later?

After saying this, everyone still became serious silently, staring carefully at Jin Shu who was on the track.

what happened? Why is the horse under her so obedient? Looking at the horses under the others, they were more or less restless, but Jin Shu's horse calmly held its head high, and from time to time would put its head close to Jin Shu's hand and let her stroke it.

This scene was not only noticed by the people below, but also people on the field couldn't help but take a second look.

His Highness the Eighth Prince Gao Zheng: See if that woman is riding the Cloud-Treading Horse?

His Highness the Seventh Prince Gao Li: It's the Horse that steps on the clouds. It has a very fierce temper. Many people in the palace wanted it at that time, but they couldn't surrender in the end. If it weren't for the royal horse, it would have been thrown on the battlefield long ago.

Gao Zheng: Brother Eleven, I remember that you also had the idea of ​​​​this horse, but why did you let it go?

His Highness Eleven Gao Yan glanced sideways and said casually.

It's a good horse but unfortunately it has black hair on its feet. I want a pure white one.

Isn't the horse under you now a pure white one? The best horse in the world has been kidnapped by you. We are all here to make up for it in this competition.

Gao Yan curled his lips and smiled.

Don't put a high hat on me. You have to see how capable you are.

After saying that, he glanced at the horse lined up under Jin Shu's seat in the corner, and there was more interest in his eyes.

The game started, and everyone below was staring at the field with interest.

It's about to begin. His Highness Eleven will definitely get a good deal this time!

The woman in red is so unfamiliar. Why haven't I seen her before?

Could it be that she is a young lady from some family in the capital? She looks young, maybe just like His Highness Eleven, she has just reached her age this year.

It's started, it's started! Stop talking! Get a good seat quickly!

The area was already crowded with people, and everyone couldn't help but stand up to watch the event up close.

At this moment, the gong for the start of the game finally rang, and the three middle palaces rushed out first, led by His Royal Highness Eleven, who was the most colorfully dressed. This scene directly shattered the reserve of the young girls below. One or two people below were waving handkerchiefs and shouting words of encouragement.

Not long after the gong sounded, the white horse that was clinging behind the three Highnesses suddenly overtook the Eighth Highness at the end.

On the other side, when the gong sounded, the moment Jin Shu clamped the horse's belly, the white horse under her body flew out like an arrow.

Before the people around him could react, the woman in red on the white horse had already crossed the two railings. With her legs sandwiched between the horse's back, she straightened her back and drew an arrow with one hand, pulled up her long bow and shot hard.


The sharp arrow accurately hit the nearest target, and the copper target fell down with a sound.

When everyone below focused their attention on the three highnesses, this sudden voice made everyone stunned for a few seconds. The first to react were the ladies of the aristocratic family who were waiting to see Jin Shu's joke.

After all, his eyes were always fixed on her, especially Hu Jin, who was already thinking about what Jin Shu would look like after being thrown to the ground, so when she saw the woman on the horse with her black hair tied high, her brows elegant, her hands clasped When the arrow hit the target, the teacup in Hu Jin's hand fell down with a louder sound than the target hitting the ground.

She subconsciously rubbed her eyes and looked carefully a few more times.

Make sure you read it correctly, Jin Shu is not the only one wearing red in the audience!

What happened? Was it because she didn't wake up or something? Why did she just see Jin Shu shoot down the target?

Except for her, everyone looked at Jin Shu with surprise as he shot down the first target. When he first came on stage, everyone was competing to guess which of his highnesses would hit the first target. Unexpectedly, the one who succeeded in the end turned out to be an inconspicuous person. woman.

But if you look closely, you can see that the woman on the white horse is dressed in a neat red dress. Her legs are straddling the horse as if she is integrated with the horse underneath her. Her body is tall and strong, and she does not hesitate at all when shooting the arrow. The wind is hunting, and the arrow is The arrow accurately shot down the disc-sized copper target.

Before everyone could react, there was another ding sound, and the woman in red shot down another target. She was so fast that she could shoot more accurately than standing still!

The three worried children below were so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths.

Not caring about so many eyes, Jin Shu leaned over and grabbed the reins and shouted loudly.


The tall body of the white horse easily crossed the obstacles in front of her. Jin Shu once again aimed at a bronze target. Before she could take out the arrow, an arrow suddenly flew out from behind, knocking down the bronze target first.

Jin Shu did not look back, because no one was worthy of her looking back at this time.

Her goal is to shoot down as many bronze targets as possible, so as to greatly increase the probability of winning the prize.

At this time, Gao Yan, who was following Jin Shu closely, stared at the bright red in front of him, like a burning flame, which made his eyes slightly hot.

He silently increased his speed, trying to seize the opportunity.

Only when you are at the front can you be the first to shoot down the bronze target. At this time, Jin Shu has a clear goal. After crossing an obstacle, before the next obstacle arrives, he quickly shoots out an arrow, shoots the bow from left to right, and hits the bronze target with one arrow. The accuracy is jaw-dropping.

Jin Shu was very familiar with the feeling of galloping on horseback.

It was as if life had returned to the endless grassland.

It was a rare place where she could live happily. She didn't have to think about anything every day, just riding her horse and galloping wantonly on the grassland.

When she crossed the last railing, all eighty arrows on her horse had been used up.

The gong sounds and the game ends.

Jin Shu rode her horse in circles around the battlefield, waiting for the result of the game.

The results were quickly tallied up. Every copper target she shot down had white powder on it. Count them carefully.

Mrs. Lu, Mrs. Lu, shot down eighty bronze targets!!

Eighty! !

The arrows each person received were only eighty!

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