Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 322 The rich mistress disowns her relatives after opening the book (20)

As soon as the drums sounded, the son of the minister, the strongest of the other party, rushed out on horseback, targeting Lu Xu, the largest of the six children.

On the other side, the polo master who specializes in teaching the princes in the palace gave orders to the remaining two children.

The other side only has brute force and no plan. You two only need to exhaust the strength of the other side's main force. Next, you will fight them two against two. The little Marquis will be responsible for the main attack, and the other will be responsible for disturbing the opponent's mind. Just follow this strategy and you can win as soon as possible. End the game.

Gao Qi, the son of Prince Liang, nodded, and Gao Lian, who was beside him, mounted his horse and rushed out. Taking advantage of Lu Xu being entangled, he aimed clearly at the polo on the ground.

In terms of skills, the three Lu family members were no match for them. The only one who was somewhat capable, Lu Huai, only needed a few feints to make him lose his balance.

The drum beat became fierce, and as he saw that the first ball was about to be snatched away by Gao Qi, a tall and strong figure suddenly rushed out of the diagonal thrust, and directly rode his horse to knock away the horse under Gao Qi.

Gao Qi was frightened and subconsciously gave up his polo and dodge to the side on horseback. He was so angry that he was about to scold him back, but when he turned around, he saw that the polo he had captured had been snatched away by that weak boy from the Lu family. He went over and took advantage of the chaos, with no one to stop him, and hit the target with one strike. The Lu family scored a point.

A bunch of reckless people!!

What's going on?! How could they take away a point?!

That reckless man Lu Xu entangled me, and I didn't have time to come back to help you.

It's just a coincidence. Don't be nervous and continue to play according to the strategy. There will be no problem.

The game continues.

The people below all looked serious and cheered from time to time to liven up the atmosphere on the field.

This time, Lu Xu was still blocked. Lu Xu ignored him and pulled the reins and turned around and rushed towards the field.

At first, Lu Xu was still worried that his strong strength might hurt these noble young masters, but just now his mother said it herself, in this arena, as long as there are no violations, you can play however you want, and the other party is not a fool. If he encounters danger, Will know how to avoid it.

Lu Xu's mind was not spinning very fast, but his greatest advantage was that he was obedient. He did whatever his mother said. If his mother asked him to rush and play as fast as possible, he would let go and run forward.

Lu Xu, who was full of firepower, was like a bull, with both strength and brains, he followed a target firmly.

Seeing that the son of Shangshu was driven out of nowhere, he rushed forward just outside the competition circle, but retreated but was no match for Lu Xu. In the end, before he could make a decision, the pony under him was already panicking, and his hands Hoofei Tengfei stood upright, directly knocking the person on his back off.

Now, there were only two sons of the prince left on the field.

Seeing that one of his teammates was missing, Gao Qi, who was His Highness's sparring partner, was about to raise the flag for halftime, but before he could take out the flag in his arms, Lu Gu and Lu Huai surrounded Gao Qi with a flanking attack. He didn't even have time to take out the flag.

At this time, Lu Xu on the other side hooked the polo and started to rush forward with the ball. Seeing this, Gao Lian, the only remaining player, naturally wanted to block it. Seeing that he was about to be overtaken, Lu Xu directly pinched his hand and brought it to his mouth to blow. There was a melodious whistle.

As the whistle sounded, the pony under Gao Lian suddenly became excited. Its hooves jumped wildly and uncontrollably. Gao Lian's internal organs on the horse's back were displaced, and stars appeared in front of his eyes.

No one on the court could stop him now. Lu Xu laughed and dribbled the ball directly into the hole, and the game was over.

Immediately following the next game, Lu Xu continued to charge forward. With his brute strength and courage, he rushed into the opponent's three-man team and abandoned their armor. Lu Huai and Lu Gu took the opportunity to dribble the ball into the hole and won easily. with no doubt.

Drums sound.

competition is over.

Two out of three games, the three sons of the Lu family won two games and easily won the game.

At this time, the crowd burst into cheers. The three sons of the Lu family won applause when they appeared for the first time.

The Queen nodded slightly and waved to the three children to come forward.

The Lu family is indeed a family of military commanders. The three sons of the Lu family are brave and resourceful, which is an eye-opener for me.

The three children were all sweating profusely, kneeling in front of the queen, feeling a little nervous and scared in their hearts.

At this time, the three losing children were sitting on the seats, staring at the three sons of the Lu family with angrily expressions.

It was difficult to maintain a kind expression on Hu Jin's face, her smile was a little stiff, her hands hidden under the veil were clenched tightly, and her eyes looking at her son were full of disappointment.

How could you lose to those three losers! The Queen is still watching! Now, all the limelight has gone to the three Lu family, where do you want your mother's face to go?!

Gao Qi lowered his head with a sullen face.

Then Lu Xu is as strong as an ox. Who is his opponent when he goes on a rampage?

No matter how strong he is, the horse he rides on is still a horse! But what's the use of being strong on a horse?

Gao Qi's face turned even worse when he heard this. He didn't know what was going on. They were all the same horses. Why was the one under Lu Xu extraordinarily brave? He seemed to be fearless, following the people on the horse. He kept rushing forward, so frightened that the horse under him didn't even dare to move back.

It doesn't matter if it's because Lu Xu was lucky enough to pick a powerful horse. The other two boys from the Lu family have horses riding on them that are both strong and powerful. They are fearless when charging, and the competition has just begun. In terms of momentum alone, he was at a disadvantage.

The polo match here is over, and the winner will naturally be rewarded.

When the queen asked them what reward they wanted, the three children only mentioned one, and that was to ask the queen to give them the horse that the three of them had just given birth to.

They were just three ponies in the Royal Racecourse. Since they wanted it, the Queen would not be stingy, so she agreed with a wave of her sleeves.

The competition is over, the food is full, and it’s time to end the game.

Jin Shu packed her things and waited to leave, but the Queen suddenly proposed another New Year's gift.

Horseback riding and archery, whoever hits the winning shot will get a promise from the queen.

Everyone can attend the banquet, regardless of gender.

Jin Shu was not interested in things that had nothing to do with the mission, until the Empress said that she could agree to win the jackpot. Jin Shu, who was initially uninterested, immediately became interested.

Let's go, Mom, go and sign up too.

The three children looked worried when they saw this.

Lu Huai: Mom, it's hard to win the jackpot. The horse in the royal racecourse will recognize its owner. The fierce horse is difficult to tame and you may hurt yourself.

Lu Xu: Mom, why don't I go and participate? I'll help you win whatever you want!

Lu Gu: You are not young anymore. Those are young people. Don't let us carry you back.

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