Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 314 The rich mistress disowns her relatives after opening the book (12)

But following Jin Shu at this moment, his face was burning red as he looked at this woman who was working so hard for the Hou Mansion.

Although he is young, he is born with an understanding of right and wrong.

That is, in this world, men as heirs should bear more.

But at this time, his biological father was spending all his time in the south, where it was like spring all year round, fishing and drinking tea. Together with his mother, he and his mother never had to work hard for money. They were enjoying themselves all day long and lived freely.

That's right, he also wants to live a life like his parents in the future.

But when he arrived at the Marquis Mansion, he realized that to make money he had to visit thirteen shops a day, that food and drinks cost a lot of money every day, and that he had to struggle step by step to gain a foothold in the capital...

Shouldn't all these be borne by the eldest son of the Hou family? But why should a woman carry it now?

But this woman thought that the man was dead, and she wholeheartedly remained a widow for that man...

That night, Lu Gu lowered his head and read the letter his grandma asked him to write.

His parents were far away in the south, and they were about to celebrate the New Year. They had asked him to send a letter every month to report that he was safe.

Grandma also wrote a letter, which will be sent out together with his.

Grandma has been busy recently and has not asked to send the letter, so Lu Gu took the initiative to find her and remind her about sending the letter.

Grandma is busy this year, so I only need to send the letter you wrote. I will send the letter after grandma is busy with the end of the year.

Even Lu Gu could tell that the old lady had been tired recently. The anxiety and embarrassment on her face were visible to the naked eye, as if she was dealing with a very difficult matter.

Grandma, please take some rest. Is there anything I can do to help you?

No, no, grandma was in charge of all the trivial matters of the Duke's palace back then. Your father was still a child at that time. This is nothing now.

Then why didn't grandma help mother manage the housework before?

Lu Gu's simple question made the old lady's face darken a lot.

You didn't understand many things when you were young, but you will understand them all when you grow up.

Lu Gu lowered his eyes, his expression suddenly a little downcast.

Grandma, I miss home.

What's wrong? Is that woman tossing you again?!

The old lady's tone became angry.

Lu Gu shook his head.

It has nothing to do with her. I just miss my parents. That woman is right. People can't enjoy preferential treatment and be unwilling to bear the burden. It's too tiring to inherit the government. I don't want to be so tired. I want to be as free as my parents. …”


The old lady interrupted him sharply, her expression stern.

You are the direct grandson of the Duke's Mansion. If you don't inherit the Duke's Mansion, who will?

My dad can do it, so how can I...

Your father has Jin Shu to support him, what about you? Do you have anything to help you with?!

As soon as she finished speaking, the old lady suddenly remembered something and quickly changed her words.

The Duke's Mansion needs someone to inherit it, and that person can only be you, do you understand?

Grandma, why does Jin Shu do so much to help my father? Since my father and my mother are together, why are we still trapping Jin Shu here?

This is what she did willingly. You are still young and don't worry about it! Also, you can't say these words to anyone if you hide them in your heart. Remember?

When you inherit the Duke's mansion and become successful, your parents will naturally come back to stay with you.

Lu Gu fell silent.

He didn't know why, but he just felt a little queasy in his stomach at this time.

The father and mother who used to be perfect in his mind now seem to have become a little strange and difficult to look at.

Since then, Lu Gu never took the initiative to find the old lady.

It wasn't until the New Year was over and the entire mansion was preparing to go to the temple to pray for blessings that the old lady sent someone to find Lu Gu.

Master, the old lady calls you to sit on the sedan in front.

The sedan in front is a large sedan carried by eight people. The space inside is spacious and bright.

The sedan at the back is a small sedan carried by two people, and it is a bit crowded for only one person.

But on this trip, except for the old lady who was riding in a big sedan, almost everyone else was riding in small sedans, and there were two or three people crammed into one sedan.

Even the two cousins ​​​​were crowded together. When they got off the sedan and got off the car, their faces were wrinkled with obvious displeasure. Their original carefully dressed headdresses were scattered to pieces by the bumpy journey.

At this time, the old lady slowly stepped down from the big sedan chair in front of her. She was still noble and delicate from beginning to end, and she didn't show any signs of fatigue.

Except for the cousin, the other young ladies of the family all came down in embarrassment. Each one followed the old lady to the top of the mountain, holding back their grievances and displeasure.

When everyone arrived and wanted to have a good rest, when they saw where they would live for the next two days, one or two people were dumbfounded again.

The little novice who was leading the way was pulled along.

Little master, are you mistaken? Is this the residence of our Lu family? Are you mistaken with other families?

This temple is the most popular place in Beijing. On the first and second days of every year, many aristocratic families come to offer incense and pray for blessings.

These aristocratic families may be large or small, strong or weak. Depending on the incense offered, the temple will naturally arrange different residences for each aristocratic family.

In the past, the Lu family was not as good as the top, but more than the bottom. Even if they could not live like the Liang family, the Yang family, and those nobles in the capital, as old-school royal relatives, they could still maintain some honorable flowers, as they should. There are a lot of etiquette and specifications, and the money that should be spent must be spent.

But this year, when they saw the bamboo house in front of them, which was next to the woodshed to the east, even the maids and servants following the young master and lady had a look of disgust on their faces.

There must be a mistake. Our Lu family pays three thousand taels of incense money every year, and lights ninety-nine ancestral lamps. How could it be arranged in such a place?

Little master, please quickly ask the abbot what's going on. It's already dark, so don't delay our lady's rest.

The little novice monk had obviously guessed that they would react like this, so he said respectfully.

You can't go wrong. This year, six aristocratic families will come to offer incense, namely the Liang family, the Yang family, the Zhou family, the Zhang family, the Jin family and the Lu family.

According to the specifications of the offering, this is where everyone from the Lu family will stay tonight.

If you have any questions, you can ask your mistress, these are not our responsibility.

After saying this, the little novice left.

Looking at these remote rooms in front of me, I opened the door. Not to mention the soft couch and the stove, even the bed was empty. Just by looking at it, I could imagine how hard and cold it would be if I lay down.

Living here in such a cold weather, without even a heating stove, how will we live in the next few days!

The young master and young lady can only live here, and the servants are even more miserable. They can only huddle at the door and sleep.

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