Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 310 The rich mistress disowns her relatives after opening the book (8)

Boss Jiang, you are the old lady's nephew, right?

At this time, the people below were sweating, trembling all over, and kneeling on the ground, not daring to move.

Boss Jiang trembled even more as he looked at the account book in front of him. He looked at it casually and found the evidence. It was clear that there was no room for refutation.

He looked up at Jin Shu, thinking about playing the family card, but he heard her say something else.

Are you doing this worthy of the old lady's trust and cultivation in you? Huh?

Old Madam...Old Madam, she...

What happened to her? She trusted you so much and arranged for you to be the shopkeeper of the bank, but you deducted ten thousand taels of silver every year. What did you do with the money?!

Boss Jiang was speechless, his face turned pale and his whole body was trembling.

Money...money is not me...

It's useless to worry about these things now. Starting today, all thirteen stores will be replaced by shopkeepers.

As for you, I have already reported to the official. If you have anything to say, go talk to the official!

Everyone in the courtyard looked horrified. No one thought that Jin Shu could find loopholes in the bad debts of ten years.

What else do you want to say now? Has your money been embezzled by you, or is there someone behind the scenes helping you...

Madam, madam, please forgive us. We are just helpers and don't know anything. Madam, you, sir, have enough power to spare us!

Calculated, each store will basically have a capital loophole of several thousand taels every year.

Added together, Jin Shu knew clearly in whose pocket more than 10,000 taels of silver a year went into.

You still have a chance. I'll give you three days to go back and make up the money. If you make up the money, I don't need to report it to the official, leaving you with a way to survive.

If you can't make up for it, just count it as one of you, and let me cry in jail!

The whole courtyard ran out in panic.

Jin Shu didn't stop him, just stood back and watched silently.

If nothing else, the old lady won't be able to sleep tonight.

After solving the mess, Jin Shu was in a good mood and took Ayu directly to the busiest street in the capital and started shopping.

Miss, you haven't dressed up much in the past few years. Don't you have to go to the palace to attend a banquet during the Chinese New Year? You have to dress up well so that the other ladies will not wait to see your jokes.

The original owner was once a famous Bai Yueguang in the capital. At that time, how many young men from high-ranking families came to propose marriage?

For example, the son of Prince Bei visited Jin Shu three times.

The son of the minister even wrote an article specifically for her, praising her beauty and literary talent.

There are so many outstanding men.

It was a pity that the original owner and Lu Mingqian had made a marriage contract when they were young. The Lu family recognized her as their daughter-in-law and sent someone to give her gifts early. As for the original owner, she was so infatuated with Lu Mingqian that she didn't even look at other men in the capital.

However, the noble girl who was famous in the capital back then is now miserable in life.

No one knew that her husband was defeated and died in the war, Dingguo Duke's palace was in decline, and she was solely responsible for supporting the entire palace.

Every year, the queen holds a banquet and invites the female relatives of these aristocratic families in the capital to attend. For the sake of the Duke's palace, the original owner goes there every year, but every time she wears old clothes, which remain the same year after year.

Those ladies from aristocratic families who had been suppressed by the original owner's limelight for more than ten years now naturally want to step on the original owner when they see him so lonely.

Ayu looked distressed, but there was nothing she could do.

There is no way, no matter who makes Dingguo Duke's mansion lose, without the support of imperial power, he can only bully others.

This year's invitation stickers have been sent to Jin Shu.

Ayu followed Jin Shu happily, watching her buy the best piece of fabric in the store with a wave of her hand, and then went to the jewelry store to pick out many fashionable gems and jade.

These jewelry look great with you! Miss, you are really thinking!

Jin Shu smiled and said nothing. She looked at her face in the mirror. There was a hint of tranquility in her gentle eyebrows. Her facial features were bright and dignified. Her almond-shaped eyes were round under her willow eyebrows and her pupils were clear. They were like the first jasmine that bloomed in early spring. They were so beautiful. convergence.

But after paired with a luxurious golden begonia bead flower step, the bright red bead flower did not take away the limelight of this face at all. On the contrary, it brought out all the advantages of the facial features, and there was a hint of Jin Shu's unique laziness at the corner of the eye. Calmness instantly sharpened her beauty and gave her a little more edge.

Ayu watched intently from the side.

Miss, you should wear more red, it really suits you.

Before leaving the palace, the original owner was a standard noblewoman from aristocratic families. Her every smile and every move reflected her self-cultivation to the fullest.

Therefore, the original owner's clothes never had bright and exaggerated colors. The cabinet was all blue, green, white, gray...other than that, there was no bright color.

The same is true for the original owner's character. He is low-key, restrained, calm and never shows his emotions. He abides by the etiquette of the family and is completely like a carefully crafted ornamental flower.

This is also the source of the tragedy in her life.

It was so decent, so decent that even the final death was so silent.

Jin Shu never recommends raising girls with too much sense of morality and shame. No matter what era it is, girls with too good character will definitely suffer.

The original owner is a living example.

She sighed in her heart, then took off the robe on her head, stood up and said.

Wrap up everything I just saw.

My legs were sore from shopping all day long. Including Ayu's things, I spent more than fifty taels of silver in total.

The money is really worth spending.

If it were all spent on herself, Jin Shu would never be able to spend it all.

The reason why he is living in such straitened circumstances now is because the original owner is too kind and would rather be wronged himself than let those people in the Duke's Mansion who are just eating and waiting to die be wronged.

Fortunately, Jin Shu has no such noble character at all. She is good at being a bad person.

After shopping and heading back home, Jin Shu didn't see the old lady's shadow until lunch.

Asked where she had been, the attendant said that the old lady had not returned since she left home in the morning.

It's normal not to come back. Thirteen shops were turned upside down by Jin Shu. Now she has a lot of things to be busy with. Jin Shu doesn't care about so many things, she still has to eat what she deserves.

Go ahead and replace these light dishes with fresh fish. There are three young masters in the house. How can we eat these every day?

All the salty porridge and side dishes on the table were replaced with chicken, duck, and fish. Jin Shu picked up her chopsticks and glanced at the three children opposite.

Eat, eat more. Only when you are full can you have the strength to read and write.

Lu Xu picked up his chopsticks and started eating. Lu Huai waited for Jin Shu to pick up the food first, and then followed her to pick up the food.

Lu Gu, on the other hand, looked distracted.

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