Speaking of which, after coming to this world for more than a year, he has only received three text messages from home in total.

The memory is a little vague, and I only vaguely know that the family of the original owner Xie Yifu is not good, his family is a rural family, in addition to his parents, there is a younger sister, and it is not easy to support two children.

So at that time, when Xie Yi couldn't go to school, his family proposed to let him go home and farm.

What he told Xu Guhe at that time was not a lie, because that day, he received the first text message from home.

It's hard to believe that in this era when smart phones have become popular, there is only one PHS in the whole family, and his mobile phone was bought by Gu Yi after coming to the club.

The message from a remote rural village was only a few words.

"Xiao Jue, I heard that you have found a job, you have to work hard, everything is fine at home, if you don't want to come back, forget it, your sister is not young, and she will be able to help the family after finishing junior high school in two years. "

Yes, at that time, the original owner told his family that he was going to work in a big city, and he didn't dare to say that he was going to make money by playing games, and his parents in the countryside didn't know what e-sports was.

They did not blame the only boy in the family who should take responsibility, but persuaded the original owner to let him go to work hard.

Xie Yiju should have replied to a message, in order not to make the family suspicious, but, somehow, he didn't reply anything.

At that moment, an emotion called guilt seized him.

He felt that his "family" who he had never met seemed to be completely different from the wealthy Xie family who had been deceitful, and he was Xi to wearing masks and disguises with different people, talking about people when he saw people, and talking about ghosts when he saw them, but he didn't know how to face such a straightforward and warm heart.

Later, Xie Yiju thought about giving money to his family, after all, after signing a contract with WWK, he also had a lot of net worth, which may not be anything in Gu Yi's opinion, but that money is worth at least ten years of income from the original owner's family!

Until the Spring Festival of the first year.

He remembers very well that on the night of the thirtieth day of the Chinese New Year's Eve, there was a heavy snowfall, most of the people in the club went home, and only one person was in the training room, and one practice was a day.

From dawn to dark, he was reminded of the passage of time in addition to the firecrackers ringing outside the window and the new text message on his phone.

"Happy New Year, Xiaojue! Your first year at work must be very hard, we understand if you can't come back, you must take care of yourself outside. Her sister said that she prepared a gift for you, and when you come back, she will give it to you personally, today is the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, the family has wrapped your favorite dumplings, if you are convenient to give an address, your father and I will send it to you, if it is not convenient, forget it. By the way, your sister took the first place in the exam, and the school gave you a scholarship of 800 yuan, and gave you 400 yuan, don't be too wronged outside. There

weren't many words in the text message, and Xie Yiyi never forgot it, but he still grabbed his phone and read it over and over again.

The scholarship of 800 yuan is a huge amount of money for the family, but before the holiday, Xie Yiju just finished the game, and the prize money alone was 80,000 yuan, which is not counting the dividends given to him by the club.

The light on the screen went out and turned on again.

The empty training room, the glass couldn't block the light, like he couldn't stop the tears from sliding down his eyes.

He didn't understand why he was crying.

It is clear that he has no feelings, and he has not even seen them at all, just a few words of concern, how can a heartless person like him be easily moved?

However, when his fingertips touched his tears, he realized that the tears were hot.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that it was probably the original owner's emotions that remained in his body.

It was also from that day that he reacted, maybe the second task, the original owner's wish was this!

The third text message was a few days ago, the original owner's birthday.

In fact, Xie Yijue didn't remember the original owner's birthday, but that message reminded him.

That day, it happened that they won the EQ team with a hard time and got the ticket to the finals.

When the text message came, it was a celebration banquet, and Xie Yiyi always watched lightly from the side.

"Xiao Jue, happy birthday! Your sister said that she saw you on TV, are you playing that game? Will it hurt? I know you don't think we are annoying, so I don't dare to ask, but your mother is so anxious about this matter that she can't eat, if you are free, call home."

Looking at the text message, a pair of rough calloused hands that were busy with farming struggled to play with a PHS, he used a finger Zen, pressed the keyboard above, typed and deleted, a line of words I don't know how long it will take, a sentence searched for more than half a year before I dare to say it.

That's how it feels......

Growing up, after my parents began to become cautious, I could feel the hopeless but strong love from a long distance.

Xie Yijie suddenly reached out and took a glass of wine, tilted his neck, and drank it all in one gulp.

The little flowers and sunspots next to them frolicked, the old dog and the coach simply put their shoulders together and punched, the cat went to check out, and the leftover meals on the table may be more sumptuous than the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner at home.

And Xie Yi didn't move a single chopstick, just drank a bottle of liquor silently, then stuck out his tongue, and said with a blushing face, "It's so spicy!"

This time it wasn't that he wanted to cry, it was all because of the effect of alcohol.

It turns out that the taste of baijiu in the throat is bitter and mellow.

is completely different from sweet and dangerous love, the feeling of family affection for him is more complicated, he can hardly distinguish how much of it is his own emotions in the tears, and it is really distressed.

But after crying, Xie Yiyi still didn't call back.

Because he knows that he won't live long, every time he contacts more, it is just one more line that binds other people, he is alone, and he should be content to feel the warmth of his family through these few text messages.

This time, he realized that it turned out that what hurt people more than punishment was love.

However, today, Xie Yiju received the fourth text message.

Just one day before the final, the club contacted his family in order to surprise him, so he invited his parents to the finals without saying no.

It wasn't until two hours before the start of the game that Xie Yiyi was told to say no.

Xie Yiju sat in front of the makeup mirror in the lounge, in a trance, "What did you say

?" Maomao replied excitedly, "Your parents are here, by the way, and your sister, worthy of a family, your sister's genes are also extinct! They are in the first row in front, do you want to go and see?"

"Who asked you to bring them here!" Xie Yiju stood up quickly.

The cat was startled.

This was the first time he had seen him, and Xie Yiyi lost his temper.

If he knew Xie Yijue at the beginning was that Xie Yijue was a soft glutinous rice dumpling, it seemed that anyone could pinch it and be aggrieved.

After coming to WWK, Xie Yijie is like a knife out of the sheath, sharp and tough, but his blade has never moved forward, as the youngest captain, he has never reprimanded the team once, every time he loses the game, he just trains harder than before, until the player who makes the most mistakes blames himself for training and works as hard as him.

The door to the lounge opened, and a girl in sportswear stood in the doorway.

Xie Yijie looked back, no need to introduce, and could see at a glance that the girl was his sister.

The eyebrows and eyes are very similar to him, although the skin is more than a degree darker than him, but it looks very atmospheric and beautiful.

The girl had obviously heard what he had just said, and stood in the doorway, not knowing whether to enter or exit, holding a blue-and-white checkered paper bag in her arms, and her fingers clasped the edge of the bag, almost digging out the hole.

There was silence in the lounge, and it was still a simple single circle.

"You haven't seen each other for a long time, haven't you? My sister said she was coming to give you a gift, so I brought it, but it's almost a game, so what do you have to say to make a long story short.

Xie Yijue softened his complexion, he took the initiative to step forward, and just wanted to speak.

The girl stuffed the paper bag in her arms into his hand with both hands, and without saying a word, she turned around and left.

The simple man beside him patted his back anxiously and said, "Hurry up!"

Xie Yiju lowered his head and looked at the bag, which was a thick scarf.

The pure white scarf, after thousands of kilometers of trekking, is not dirty at all, like a girl's clean and almost transparent mind.

The scarf was very soft, but it was very heavy to hold with Xie Yijue.

He silently watched the girl's back walk away, and the teammates around him looked at him with strange eyes, but no one dared to ask.

Because, after waiting for so long, the finals are about to start!

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