Feng Qian didn't care about the touch, she put the toffee in her mouth.

After the toffee melted a little, chew it and swallow it.

The sweet milky aroma suddenly filled the whole mouth.

Shi Bai looked at the little girl beside him for a while, then turned his head back.

He lowered his eyes and glanced at the fingertips that had just touched the girl's lips.

The temperature there seems to be a bit higher than elsewhere.

For a moment, Shi Yingdi casually raised his hand, tapped his lips with his fingertips, and his dark eyes became deeper and deeper.

The fingertips paused for a moment before retracting lazily.

He took out a black eye patch from his trench coat pocket, and Shi Bai put it on his face, his back against the seat, and his fingers folded on his thighs.

The trench coat was open, revealing a thin white shirt inside.

Feng Qian glanced at Shi Bai.

There was no expression on the other party's face. The black blindfold covered those seductive eyes, and he was a little lazy at the moment.

Feng Qian checked the flight, and it took about six hours for the plane to reach the destination.

She also plans to sleep for a while.

It was still quiet, save for the tinny flipping of pages and the sound of passengers rummaging for things.

The girl closed her eyes and leaned on the seat.

The temperature on the plane is relatively comfortable. At the beginning, the wind was shallow and I didn't feel anything. Later, when I was drowsy, I felt a little cold.

The little girl frowned, but did not intend to open her eyes.

After a while, the sound of fabric rubbing came from his ears, and Feng Qian's eyes opened slightly.

Then I saw that Shi Bai pulled the blindfold to his forehead, took off his windbreaker, and then covered her with his fingertips.

Feng Qian blinked, a little sober.

She raised her wrist and held Shi Bai's hand.

"No, thank you Shiying Emperor."

Shi Bai's movements paused for a moment, he lifted his eyelids and looked at Feng Qian, without speaking, and lowered his eyelids lazily.

He continued the movement of his hands and put the windbreaker over Feng Qian.

The movement was a bit big, and the manager Jane in the back seat also saw it.

Jian An stood up and saw this scene.

He pursed his lips, feeling mixed in his heart.

Looks like it's time to talk to him.

However, the little ancestor couldn't be frozen either. Jian An took out the blanket prepared in advance and handed it to Shi Bai.

Shi Bai raised his hand to take it, without saying a word, yawned lazily, put the blanket over his body, and pulled the blindfold off.

Jian An looked at her little ancestor, and then at the girl who lay down obediently with her eyes closed.

Finally, he sighed tiredly and sat back in his seat.

Shi Bai's windbreaker was stained with his unique breath, and when it was covered, it was as if he was being wrapped in his arms by the other party.

After Feng Qian closed his eyes again, he soon fell asleep again.

When she was about to fall asleep, her shoulders sank suddenly.

The little girl woke up and opened her eyes.

After waking up, the weight on the shoulders is more noticeable.

Feng Qian turned his head, and his chin touched the soft dark hair on the top of the other's head.

Across a blanket, Shi Yingdi's hands were still folded on his thighs, but his head was on the girl's side, the weight was on the girl's shoulders, and there was no response.

Feng Qian: "..."

She blinked and her right hand came out from under the windbreaker.

Feng Qian stretched out her index finger and poked Shibai's head.

Mr. Actor did not respond.

The little girl moved her fingertips down and reached out to tap Shibai's nose.

After clicking, and seeing that there was no response from the other party, Feng Qian planned to click again.

However, this time, Shi Bai had a reaction. He stretched out a hand and took the girl's hand in his hand, then pulled it down and stuffed it into the blanket.

The posture at the moment was a little awkward, and Feng Qian tried to withdraw his hand.

No twitching.

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