Feng Qian paused, tilting his head slightly.

Shi Bai was very tall, and when she looked at him, she looked up.

The other party's dark and broken hair was slightly messy in the breeze, but it did not diminish the other party's beautiful face. Those deep eyes seemed to contain the vortex of starlight in the depths of the universe, and the slightly raised end of the eyes made people take a look. , also followed the heart Jing rippling.

Feng Qian was stunned, and blinked.

Mr. Actor lowered his eyes casually, his long eyelashes obscuring his vision.

His eyes fell on the girl in front of him, he bent down slightly, and raised the sunglasses slowly with his fingertips.

He tilted his head slightly, as if he was thinking about what to do. After a while, he raised his other hand, spread out the legs of the sunglasses, and put them on the girl's face slowly.

When the actor was wearing a mask, when he spoke, his voice came out through a layer of cloth, slightly low and hoarse.

He said, "Little assistant, please keep it for me."

Light tone, with a little spoiled taste.

With his back to the crowd, Shi Bai didn't shy away, put on the girl's sunglasses, raised a hand and patted the girl's head lightly, and then sluggishly retracted it, inserting his fingertips into the pocket of the windbreaker.

Feng Qian looked confused.

Immediately afterwards, the man in front of him turned around and slowly lifted his long legs and walked towards the airport.

Feng Qian only paused slightly, then followed Shi Bai with the suitcase.

She raised a hand and touched the frame of her sunglasses.

Really are……

Kind of weird.

The closer the actor was, the more excited the crowd became.

Just that little episode...

Many people turn their attention to Feng Qian.

As Shi Bai's assistant, Feng Qian immediately felt a lot of pressure.

The girls looked at her as if they were about to peel her inside and out.

"Who is that girl?!!"

"Why would my husband wear sunglasses to her!!!"

"Wuwuwu, I'm so sour, I'm dying of soreness!"

Someone took out their mobile phone for fear of taking pictures, so Feng Qian raised his hand to block it.

The bodyguards are also evacuating the crowd, but the gate of the airport is about to be blocked.

In order to maintain normal order, the relevant responsible personnel of the airport also came to do evacuation work.

It's just that there are too many people.

After the fans in the airport discovered the actor, they notified their relatives, friends, brothers and sisters one after another.

People close by drove directly to the airport, wanting to meet a real person before Shiyingdi boarded the plane, and took a picture and saved it in the mobile phone as a screensaver.

This also aggravates the congestion at the airport.

The evacuation of the bodyguards is also very difficult.

Feng Qian felt like he was crowded into the crowd, being pushed and pushed forward.

She pulled the suitcase, and her movements were restricted to a certain extent.

Someone rushed over from behind, so there was a bunch of people at the first rush, Feng Qian felt that he was being pushed forward, and he couldn't stop for a moment.

Her vision was pitch black, she was pushed down vigorously, and her forehead slammed heavily on the back of Mr. Actor.

The suitcase in Feng Qian's hand also took off and was squeezed farther and farther.


The little girl frowned.

This is also... so crazy!

The forehead hurt slightly, Feng Qian raised his hand and rubbed it, and then his wrist was grabbed by a hand with well-defined joints.

Fingertips are cold.

The other party pulled the girl's wrist and pulled the little girl into his arms.

In Shi Bai's dark eyes, his eyes were cold, and he raised a hand to protect the girl in his arms.

This is also the first time Shi Bai has shown a cold expression in front of fans.

In the past, fans were so enthusiastic.

However, Mr. Actor always raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a shallow arc, and the smile on his face was so perfect that one could not pick out a single fault.

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