Quick Transmigration, My Royal Highness is a Bit Obedient

Chapter 968: I will coax you to sleep later (45)

The team led by Feng Mo easily won the provincial championship, and the national championship will be held on the fifteenth of the following month.

There is plenty of time too.

July. The boys in the team also had a long vacation. They decided to go to the capital in advance to adapt to the environment, and also travel by the way to relax.

Feng Qian also took a long vacation and accompanied Yan Qi to the capital.

Yan Ci has also graduated from college. For his future life plan, he hopes to be able to do what he likes and be engaged in the dubbing industry.

"Xianyin" is also broadcast in the prime time of the summer, with a big production and a large lineup. Before the broadcast, it has already attracted much attention, and it has been searched on Weibo several times.

Before the national e-sports competition, "Xian Yin" was officially launched.

In addition to the cast, the production is excellent, and fans also said that the fans have attracted the CV little brother who dubbed the male lead.

On Weibo, below the official Weibo of the "Xianyin" crew, fans kneel and beg for all the information about CV's little brother.

Officials also responded.

Xianyin v: I heard that there is a little brother named Cibai in the Maoer APP, whose voice is as good as Ah Zhao.

A Zhao is the title of the heroine in "Xianyin" to the hero.

In response to the official crew's response, fans downloaded the app in minutes and searched for Cibai.

Cibai's interface is still as clean as before, except for the two voices that fans have heard hundreds of times.

Looking at the fans of Cibai, there are more than 3,000 fans, and they are still wondering, is this the CV little brother who dubs my Ah Zhao?

Fans just poked a voice into the Cibai homepage with the mentality of trying it out.

When the voice came out, the voice-activated fans couldn't help crying out.

Immediately followed.

Someone took a screenshot of Cibai's homepage and put it on Weibo, which caused another wave of popularity.

Not long after, the number of fans of Cibai has exceeded 10,000, and the number of fans is still rising.

The two voices on his homepage have a total of over 10 million playbacks. The voice-activated fans check in and leave messages below every day, looking forward to the little brother Cibai to update the homepage, kneeling and begging for goodbye to open the voice live broadcast.

It's just that Cibai is too cold and indifferent to the fans' response.

The voice-activated fans felt ticklish and uncomfortable. They couldn't hear Cibai's online voice live broadcast. They had no choice but to watch the drama.

Part of the reason for the popularity of "Xianyin" is the persistence of voice-activated fans on Cibai's voice.

Fengqian doesn't swipe Weibo, and the original owner rarely pays attention to them.

If there is any major event in the entertainment industry that endangers the company's interests, relevant personnel will tell her that she only needs to make the final decision.

Regarding Yan Ci's voice, Lu Chen personally told her in the office.

Lu Chen felt that this was a business opportunity. After all, they were an entertainment company, and the dubbing was also closely related to the entertainment industry. If Yan Ci dubbed the company's drama, it would also gain popularity before the drama was broadcast, and attract a lot of attention in advance. The ratings will also be greatly guaranteed.

Cibai's fans exploded, and the app almost caused congestion and software crashes.

Lu Chen has never seen a CV as popular overnight as Yan Ci.

The release of the CV information by the crew of "Xianyin" is only a commercial means, and it will bring a wave of popularity to "Xianyin".

But the "Xianyin" crew did not expect that the influence of CV Cibai would be so great.

Before, after all the updates of "Xianyin", the ratings also began to gradually decline, but it suddenly rebounded in the later period, and the ratings stabilized at the top of the list, almost occupying the first place in the ratings of summer TV dramas, and the effect may continue. .

However, the official production of "Xianyin" also found that most of the people who watched "Xianyin" in the later stage only watched the male protagonist.

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