[Nan Qing - Qing for Yi] Author: Chu

The beacon fires are in the sky, and the bones are exposed.

he has never seen

Success or failure, the emperor's heart is unpredictable

fixed his life

Even his sad life

It's all the charity and jokes of others

Nan Qing rises, and the cold palace remains alive

Ten years of torment, if it's just for her clear eyes

Then he...

Sweet as candy

She sits on the wall, white clothes floppy, jade crown black hair

He was bullied, he was ragged, his heart was cold

She offered to help, the boy looked at each other coldly

"I can take you out of here," she said

take him away?

Oh, whimsical.

The teenager turned her away, but looked at the empty courtyard


Liar, it's fake

When they said goodbye, she completely ignored the emperor's advice,

Just say:

I will take him as a disciple

Finally he said indifferently: "What do you want from me?"

She denied it first, but said it had a purpose

At that moment, my heart fell deeper

Sure enough, there should be no hope

He should have known

And the next second, she continued: "I hope you can be happy."

"That's what I want."

Confused, he bowed his head in confusion

No one... would have such an idea...

Be nice to him for no reason

She tied the silver bell to the boy's wrist

"This is a gift for you. Wherever you go in the future, if you can't find me, shake the bell three times and I'll be able to find you."

The cold boy gently stroked

Is this a promise?

I got it

But you must not...


The eerie light bursting from the snow-colored crystal ball

make him feel cold

In all eyes, he has no talent

Will it be... abandoned?

Or, go back to the cold and silent cold palace...

back to his destiny

Suddenly so unwilling

Is it really my wish?


She is like that splendid colorful brilliance

dazzling eyes

She is so unattainable

never give up on him

his master

Will call him Aqing, will hold his hand, will smile at him

When I first met, I promised to take him away

Do not hesitate to marry him

Maintain everywhere, care about everything

He clearly...

Nothing at all

Master, I have been poisoned by you

Worry about gain and loss

Master is still so kind to me

But such a good teacher


to abandon me

Did Ah Qing do something wrong?

Did Ah Qing make Master unhappy?

Master... Master...

Can you tell Ah Qing?

Ah Qing has changed, everything has changed

Master, let's see if Aqing is okay

Look at Aqing again...

He stumbled to Huahun Island

teenager sitting on the ground

Shaking the Chihiro Bell on my wrist over and over again

tingling wrist

shaking to lose consciousness


she didn't come

Thousands of miles to find the bell

but can't find her

The bell rings, the silver bell rolls down, and the dust falls

Just like him

He sat there blankly

turn out to be……

you don't want me

it's true... don't leave me

seven years

He waited seven years

Bloody and dirty hands

Just to protect the Kyushu Pavilion

This Kyushu Pavilion that may make her feel a little bit reluctant

A glimmer of hope

I hope she doesn't want him

Even just thinking about this dead thing

He only hopes

It can be seen, her eyes are stagnant

he's dreaming again

dream of master

even if only in a dream

Even if it's just a mirror

Even when I wake up from a dream, my heart is broken

Even if over and over again drifting between the illusory dream and the cold reality

But he is rather...

Sweet as candy

The broken gold leaping from the window lattice is dotted on the girl who is pregnant

also in his eyes

irrepressible ecstasy

then bewildered

he sits alone on the wall

like when we first met

She has picturesque eyes and smiles with him

He dared not face

he is afraid

Afraid...Will she be the same as back then?

Suddenly gone, never looked back

The red mark on the wrist never dissipates

But she wouldn't even see him

seven years

Did she really not think of him once?

But he has no resentment

He is reluctant

he forgave her

in front of her

so easy

because of her……

Standing in the courtyard, white as old


softly calling:


--Dividing line--

【Inside the Night】Author: Shallow Hitomi

My name is Qingye, and my country is Fengyuan.

Fengyuan Kingdom is a country where women respect.

The positions of men and women are reversed, with women being the most respected.

The man's status is lowly, and he is dependent on his mother before he gets married. After getting married, they are dependent on the wife.

Women can have three wives and four concubines.

The Prime Minister of Feng Yuan Kingdom is the only person in the country with the honor of being a woman.

The man of the court order... and I, the Prime Minister...

My she is my monarch, but my intuition tells me that since I stuffed her, she is not the wind she used to be, I don't care

Who the **** is she, as long as she's by my side, like this.

The first time I saw her in the courtroom, she didn't focus on me like before. I should have been happy, but for some reason, I felt a touch of loss in my heart...

She guessed that I was the one who stuffed her, and she didn't regret it after she asked me at the end. My answer at the time was that I didn't regret it. Now... I'm glad she didn't accept it...

At Prince Rong's banquet, Young Master Ning offered a pillow seat. I thought she would accept it, but she asked me for my opinion. In the end, she still didn't accept it. I'm very happy, I don't know what I'm happy about... I'm going back. At that time, she climbed into my carriage and said she was going to my house. I actually agreed. I tolerated a lot of her approach and was very confused.

She was drunk, I kissed her, she was so soft and fragrant... She was very beautiful, once, I could be indifferent to this alluring face.

And now, as if... something was different...

She was going to another country, and I became the accompanying minister. I saw Young Master Ning in the carriage, hehe...he wanted me to help him get to the land, he was delusional, hehe...I took this opportunity to get on her carriage, she fell asleep, so cute, I finally hug her once.

She seems to be shy and deliberately ignored me. Lu Xia is so cute. Still ignore me. She went out, where is she going? Fengminglou...hehe...I saw her, she was attracted by that child.

Sure enough, the emperor is affectionate, don't I know, why is my heart so irritable.

She has followed that child, doesn't she want me? Doesn't she like me? It seems like... in an instant, something important is about to be lost.

A very strong and painful feeling, as if eroding the heart. I followed, even if I could see

To the scene I don't want to see...

When she came out, I pulled her over and wanted to do something bad to her... I did, and sure enough, it was so sweet... I called her wife and she agreed.

I helped her with that deal, and she said the thing was for me, and although it was someone else's thing, I was still very happy because she gave it.

Unexpectedly, she gave me a position, still Feng Jun, and promised to be the only one...

On our wedding day, she was really beautiful...and tasted...sweet...

My girl, Qian Qian, I love you.

--Dividing line--

【Ye Jin Fanwai】Author: slender____

I am Ye Jin, game ID: Jin.

A silver-white hairband has been tied on my forehead, which looks very unique. Maybe others will think that I am a middle-aged 2-year-old boy, but only I know the pain under the hairband.

When I met her, I formed this team just because I wanted to make some money. It just so happened that the other party was spending money like they were throwing money away.

As for the rest, don't care.

The first time I saw her was in the game. But she's not a girl, so I thought she was a boy.

She fell by my side.

Looking sideways at me, the dark eyes were clear and clean, she said seriously: "You go to rest, I'll beat it."

When the girl suddenly interrupted me like this, I stopped what I was doing and turned my head to look at each other.

She was expressionless, but looked serious.

I was a little stunned, not knowing why.

She spoke to me in a tone of coaxing a child. My first reaction was that I was sick?

Later she said: "In the future, I will protect you."

I was stunned and asked her, "Why do you want to protect me?"

She answered me seriously: "Because you are very important."

These simple six words caused a ripple in my calm heart... When I heard these words, my heart suddenly shrank, and I felt a little joy? But she is a man!

My first impression was that she was someone I knew. Because of her, I have a very strange feeling, is it... at a loss...

The second time we met was on the way.

Accidentally hit it.

It feels so familiar, but I can't remember it...

Later, she helped me transfer my mother to the VIP ward on the fifth floor, and also invited a professional team from abroad to take over the treatment of my mother...

She... did so much for him?

The young man only felt that his heart suddenly contracted at this moment.

Just want to... see the girl soon.

As soon as I saw her, I pressed on her...and said to her:

"Are you... taking care of me?"

"Qianqian wants to take care of me, but I can only take care of me alone."

"No... no one else."

We are married...

A nationally sensational wedding.

On the day of the wedding, the reporter followed the recording and broadcast the whole process.

When the most popular search - the most grand wedding in history.


Feng Qian and Ye Jin entered the marriage hall with the blessing and envy of the people of the whole country


Marriage room.

"Baby, I love you..."

very nice.

I met you in this life.

I will spend the rest of my life telling you how much I love you...

"It's nice to meet him, but it's so sour..." Feng Qian groaned while rubbing his waist, "Hey~"

--Dividing line--

[Extras of His Majesty the Blood Race] Author: Bear Cub Wenjing

My name is Ilo.

Is the first generation of blood.

Born with unparalleled power.

The world calls it the power of the demigods.

None of the blood races that are the same as me are the first generation, and none of them have such a powerful power as me.

They were gradually eliminated by the world and fell into eternal sleep.

In the end, I was the only one left.

The long years have taken away everything I miss, leaving me only loneliness.

I... chose to sleep

After waking up from a slumber for thousands of years, because of my noble and pure blood and great strength, I was established as the king of the secret party.

When I woke up from this deep sleep, I accepted the elder's request and agreed to a peace contract with mankind.

Go personally to exterminate the demon party.

Then, the unification of the blood clan may also be what the first generation hoped.

Therefore, I was established as the blood race under the land.

But there is nothing I care about in this world, and I continue to sleep.

An undisturbed corner.

A long sleep is my best choice.

until that day.

A girl broke into the North Hall and she woke me up.

I remember the first sentence I said.


She is the blood servant of human sacrifice, but she lost her way and walked to the North Hall.

"If you leave the team privately, you will be punished by the blood race."

But the little girl grabbed the corner of my clothes.

"Can... not punish?"

I feel lost, something I haven't felt in ten thousand years.

I can't help but say.

"I'll take you to the main hall. It should be... too late."

I don't know why I would be so kind to a human girl.

I took her to the main hall, and I thought I would calmly watch the girl being picked away.

But when he saw Aaron sticking out his fangs, he was about to lean towards the girl's neck.

I couldn't help but let out the pressure.

I want her.

I asked her, "Can... be your pet owner?"

But for some reason, he said, "The only one."


The girl nodded obediently.

I was actually happy about it.

The girl is very fragrant, and the air is full of the sweet scent of her blood.

Fresh and sweet blood.

The temptation that the blood race can't resist.

This made me feel the thirst for blood for the first time in ten thousand years.

"Can I...bite my finger?"


The girl's blood is very fragrant, it is addictive and sweet, once you taste it, you want to taste it a second time.

I broke a lot of rules for her.

I took her into the council hall, and after listening to the human representatives, I asked the girl, "Then... do you want to go back?"

The girl said, "I want to."

I feel lost...

Strange loss...

She really...still doesn't like blood clan.


I accompanied her to the human world.

We met a woman who called herself the girl's sister, I didn't like her, but I thanked her for telling me the girl's name.

It turned out that her name was Feng Qian.


"I'm hungry, Qianqian."

"Isn't it not going to feel hungry?"

"Qianqian is very sweet and makes me hungry."

"Qianqian, can I... bite my neck?"

"I'll... be lighter."

"it is good."

This is my first time biting a **** the neck.

The fangs pierced the skin, and a large amount of blood gushed out, instead of biting a small amount of fingers like before.

The sweetness filled my mouth and stimulated the nerves of the blood race. I ate with restraint.

But the girl still almost fainted and I was a little overwhelmed.


"Then I'll... stop sucking blood."

"You...don't be angry..."

The girl said, "I'm not angry. Just... can you not bite your neck in the future?"


As long as the girl doesn't get mad.


I like shallow winds.

Not only like her sweet blood, but also like a girl.

Likes to kiss and hold girls.

Anyway... just like it.

I also feel that liking is not enough, it is a stronger emotion than liking.

this is Love.


Qianqian, you are so sweet.

You are the sweet that I can never give up.

--Dividing line--

[Uncle Huang, I want to give a hug] Author: Dream. Rain in My Heart (Mu Ci)

In a whirlwind, Feng Qian opened his eyes.

She blinked her eyes lightly, tilted her head slightly, oh, it's a familiar place again, the main **** space.

[End of ding~ Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the task, do you want to take a break? 】

"Well, good idea."

"..." The system indicated that it was really just taking a form...

Qian Qian Mei looked at the empty room, thinking of a funny daily life between the previous plane and the small fragments——

small theater:

It is said that since the little emperor and the prime minister have retired one after another, the wind of breaking sleeves in the market is called a rapid one.

Another year of Lantern Festival, a teahouse in Luoyun City, the business is in full swing.

"Two young masters, please." The second shopkeeper enthusiastically solicited, and quietly glanced at the two handsome and extraordinary people in front of him, secretly poking joy in his heart, they are a pair of beautiful people again.

Feng Qian and Feng Jue looked at each other and stepped forward suspiciously.

Qianqian rarely got up, and changed into men's clothes again. Dressed in white, the one on the side is called a handsome, unrestrained and romantic, but he is really "unparalleled in the world".

Xiao Shard was asked by Qian Qian (acting like a spoiled child) to accompany her out to play. He was also dressed in white, but he was wearing a cold and confusing look.

The two sat in the private room on the second floor, drinking tea and listening to books.

In fact, it was mainly because Qian Qian wanted to join in the fun, what the Prime Minister could do, of course he was spoiled.

The business of the teahouse is also booming today. The shopkeeper of the teahouse looked at the lobby full of guests and smiled.

Such a good business is not because there is the best tea here, nor because there is the most handsome shopkeeper here, but because there is the only storytelling story that the capital can't get here, in addition, thank you The wise decision of the wind, the little emperor, and the shallow.

The story of "Towards the Wind and Clouds", told by the storyteller of the teahouse, became popular all over the city as soon as it was released, and the venue was full, fully satisfying the gossip heart of the masses.

Just listening to the storyteller in the middle of the lobby slap the Xingmu in his hand and start today's explanation.

"The story to be told today is related to a famous figure in Feng Qiguo. He was the king of Zhenbei in the previous dynasty. He was the **** of war who fought in all directions and was invincible. He was not only a noble family, a successful career, but also a personable person. With a dignified appearance, he can be regarded as the first of the top ten outstanding young people in Feng Qiguo, um, yes, he is Yi-Feng Jue."

A spectator was dissatisfied and shouted why the prelude was so long, this

Of course we all know so much. Let's get to the point.

The crowd also urged.

Mr. Storyteller folded a dozen fans: "The world only knows that Zhenbei Wang Fengjue is highly skilled in martial arts, cold and abstinent, do you know that he has always had a blue-faced confidant,

Can King Zhenbei not marry him for the rest of his life, or even disarm him and return to the farm?"

There was a lively discussion among the tea guests.

In the private room, Qian Qian held a teacup, silently raised her head and glanced at Feng Jue, holding back her smile. Was it all rumored to be like this?

Feng Jue had a pair of bewildering phoenix eyes, the hand holding the teacup paused, glanced at Qian Qian, and helplessly bent the corner of her mouth, revealing a doting smile.

I only heard that Mr. Shu continued: "Yes, that person is our former emperor, Feng Qian, who abolished the prime minister, punished traitors, and dedicated himself to the people."

The tea guests immediately made a round of boasting around Feng Qian.

Qian Qianchu upstairs silently blushed when she heard this, but in the next second, she tilted her hairy head and raised her delicate eyebrows towards His Highness, as if to say: Look at me or not.

Feng Jue casually listened to Mr. Storyteller's words, and when she saw Qian Qian's interaction, she looked at Qian Qian Mi with a dangerous look on her face.

This girl, I'm afraid she wants me to eat her, what is she doing so cute?

When Qianqian saw it, she became obedient in a second, but she didn't want to be pressed again.

I only heard that Mr. Shu said: "Look, the emperor is wise and martial, with red lips and white teeth, the prince is highly skilled in martial arts, cold and abstinent, and when the emperor and the prince meet, can you sing the song "The Match of Heaven and Immortals"."

All the spectators under the stage showed their aunt's smile in tacit understanding. Match, too match, match with a face cough.

Yajian's Qianqian looked downstairs with a bewildered look and smiled, but before she could react, the little shard here said nothing and the princess picked herself up and left.

The spectators downstairs saw it sharply, and there was another round of booing.

But these winds can't be seen anymore, and she has been so ashamed that she buried her head in the chest of the small fragments.

Feng Jue thought expressionlessly, she will never come here again. Although the tea is good, this story...

"Ajue, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, I just don't want to continue shopping."

"Then where do you want to go?" Feng Qian blushed quietly raised his head and asked, this is still on the street.

"Qianqian will find out soon." Fragment curved a pair of phoenix eyes, and the corners of his mouth were raised.

Even though it's like a flower and snowy moon, it won't be able to resist your glance back and smile.

When I came back to my senses, it was still a cold space.

"Enter the next plane, system."

【It's good】

--Dividing line--

[Small Theater - One day I found myself turned into a boy and successfully knocked down His Highness] Author: M. Mo (Xiao Xi)

Feng Qian looked at the ceiling with a bewildered face, unbelievable that he turned into a boy overnight, with a live broadcast system and a live broadcast room beside him?!


"Ow! Qian Qian Mama loves you!!!"

"Calm upstairs, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, baby Qian Qian!"

"You upstairs let others calm down, I think you should calm down yourself first"

"Hey! Qianqian is so cute, especially when he becomes a boy, he really wants to flirt and throw himself down!"

Feng Qian stared blankly at the news swiping in the live broadcast room and finally briefly accepted the fact that he had become a boy.

"That..." As soon as Feng Qian opened her mouth, she was taken aback by her own voice. The magnetic and charming voice was a little hoarse because she just woke up. original voice.

The barrage in the live room suddenly exploded with information swiping

"Old Qian Qiangong marry me!!!"

"Ow! This shallow voice, I can!"

"Qianqian's appearance can completely go and knock down His Highness!"

Feng Qian recited the words "Throw Your Highness" several times in his heart, and the thought gradually deepened in his heart, and a dark light flashed in his eyes for a moment.

He got up quickly, got dressed, and came to His Royal Highness's palace with a trot.

When I walked in, I was still a little apprehensive (to put it bluntly, I was a little cowardly and wanted to escape)

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room kept cheering Feng Qian on.

"Qianqian baby, come on!"

"Qianqian rushes to the duck! Throw down Your Highness!"

"Qianqian, this is a good opportunity to seize. If you miss this opportunity, how many years will it take to realize your big plan?"


Looking at the barrage, Feng Qian did psychological construction for himself again and again, thinking that he must not miss this opportunity, this time he must succeed in defeating His Highness!

Unconsciously, Feng Qian had already walked to the living room and saw His Highness cooking lunch in the kitchen. He didn't bother (still a little song) and waited on the sofa obediently, thinking to himself, "What would your Highness be when you see yourself turned into a boy?" The expression and attitude."

Mu Yan prepared the last dish and brought it out, his eyes drifted to Feng Qian on the sofa, just as Feng Qian was also looking at him, their eyes met, and Mu Yan was not surprised that Feng Qian came here, look again She was only slightly surprised by her male outfit, except for the redness and heat of his earlobe, there was nothing unusual.

Feng Qian took a deep breath, "Your Highness, I'm here today to discuss a plan of mine with you. I've been thinking about implementing this plan for a long time. I wonder if Your Highness would like it?"

Mu Yan's eyes never left Fengqian since the moment they looked at each other. At this time, when she heard that she wanted to discuss and didn't think too much, she agreed, "Okay." After speaking, she paused and said, "Qianqian wants to implement it." After speaking, he tilted his head, and his earlobes turned even redder.

Feng Qian felt that His Highness's appearance was not too foul. Meng's face was bloody, and she felt that she was starting to get hot too. "Huh"

Feng Qian suddenly closed the live broadcast room. The people in the live broadcast room were very excited when they watched the climax. The sudden black screen caught them off guard.

Feng Qian strolled to the dining table, Mu Yan sat obediently at the seat, the orange light shone on his porcelain-white skin.

Feng Qian's throat moved, and he bent over to pass through the sockets of his legs under Mu Yan's surprised eyes, picked him up horizontally, and walked towards the soft big bed.

"Qianqian..." Mu Yan jumped into the air and exclaimed subconsciously, but a dim light flashed through his pupils, and he wrapped his hands around Feng Qian's neck.

The warm body pressed against her for an instant, and a smile appeared on her lips.

Feng Qian hugged Mu Yan with steady steps, and when he saw that he was brought to the door, he didn't hesitate anymore. He smiled and said in a hoarse voice, "His Royal Highness called it wrong, and there will be punishment."

Feng Qian's hoarse and magnetic voice made her fair face flush red, her heart was pounding, her voice was slurred, punishment...what?"

"Of course....want you!!"

A pair of clear water eyes widened because of these two words, and Mu Yan was as stunned as a frightened deer. He was thrown on the bed by Feng Qian without the slightest preparation. Kissed his lips.

A night of lingering.

The next day, Mu Yan looked at the person in his arms who had already turned back into a girl with a contented face, Qian Qian, this was delivered to your door by yourself.

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