Quick Transmigration, My Royal Highness is a Bit Obedient

Chapter 853: Master, give me a hug? (27)

This time, all the spears are pointed at Feng Qian.

What's more, even Master Yunzhuo can testify.

To everyone's surprise, the expression on the little girl's face was very calm, and she was not nervous because of the evidence of the other party's identification.

Feng Qian looked at Rong Yuan and said, "The Sect Master should probably investigate first, why the monsters suddenly besieged the disciples and others on a large scale."

Rong Yuan was stunned by the wind.

She had a bad feeling in her heart.

Could it be that she knew that she provoked the monster?


Rong Yuan's face changed slightly.

Feng Qian didn't look at her anymore, but turned to look at Rong Qi in the main seat.

The girl asked back, "Don't you think it's weird?"

Everyone insisted that Feng Qian colluded with the Mozu.

Witness testimony also seems convincing.

However, such a designation can easily overlook the details.

The most important detail is, why are they surrounded by monsters?

The disciples of the Qingyu Sect in the past, many times have been in the demon forest for trials.

For so many years, he had never encountered a phenomenon of being surrounded by large-scale monsters.

The Precepts Pavilion could not help but quiet down for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Zhuo said: "I smelled the breath of clear spiritual water in the Demon Forest."

The voice of God does not contain emotion, but the words in his mouth are sharp.

Rong Qi frowned.

Qingling water is indeed a treasure unique to the Qingyu faction.

In the Qingyu Sect, besides him, there are all the elders present who possess the clear spirit water.

Except for the day of the apprenticeship meeting, Feng Qian came to the Qingyu School, and the rest of the time, she was on the mountain where Yunzhuo lived.

Therefore, it is impossible that Feng Qian stole the clear spiritual water from the Qingyu faction.

Of course, the possibility that Feng Qian secretly stole the Spiritual Water in advance could not be completely ruled out.

Rong Qi frowned and glanced at the seven disciples below.

The Qingling Water of the Qingyu School is very cherished, and the use of it by those who cultivate immortals can help improve their cultivation.

At the same time, Qingling Water has another feature, its smell is a very delicious tonic for monsters.

There were only two bottles of clear spiritual water in Rong Qi's hand, and the rest of the elders also had one bottle each.

As for the two bottles of clear spiritual water in Rong Qi's hand, one of them was given to his daughter Rong Yuan not long ago.

Rong Qi has always been clear about public and private, even if he doesn't want to suspect that his daughter used the clear spirit water to provoke monsters, but as the head of the Qingyu faction, he can't bend the law for personal gain.

"Rong Yuan."

Rong Qi's tone was low, and his face was a little bad at the moment.

Rong Yuan's face was a little pale.

She stood up pretending to be calm and walked to the center of the Discipline Pavilion.

"Kneel down!"

Rong Qi scolded.

With this reprimand, Rong Yuan was also stunned, and almost fell to her knees.

From childhood to adulthood, she has been nurtured by Rong Qi and grew up in the palm of her hand, and she has never been yelled at like this.

Rong Yuan's temperament is stubborn and arrogant, and naturally she will not kneel easily, and she will not kneel in front of so many people.

It was also the first time that Fu Yu had seen such a big fire from Rong Qifa.

He also guessed that Rong Yuan must have something to do with Qing Lingshui.

Mutilating the same sect, the most important thing is to be expelled from the division.

And the person who mutilated the same family was most likely the daughter he had been hurting for so many years, and it was reasonable for Rong Qi to get angry.

At this moment, Rong Qi had a cold face and asked, "Where is the bottle of clear spiritual water I gave you?"

Rong Yuan gritted her teeth and decided not to admit it, "I lost it."

Rong Qi also knows her own daughter. If it wasn't for her, she would be arguing for herself at this moment, instead of just perfunctory: "I lost it."

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