The girl blinked, and pale pink gradually climbed up her fair side face.

His Highness is flirting with her, she has evidence!


When did your Highness become so flirtatious?

After walking for a while, Feng Qian found that the other party's eyes were still firmly on her face.

As if waiting patiently for her answer.

But... this kind of shameful question, and their somewhat shameful posture now, she is also... hard to say...

Feng Qian's whole body was tense, and when he straddled His Highness's lap, he didn't dare to move.

The young man in front of him frowned slightly, his head tilted.

"Don't you like it?" The boy lowered his eyes, and his eyes fell on the book he put aside. "So, what is written in the book may not be true."

"Huh? Books?"

Feng Qian followed Mu Yan's line of sight, and when he saw the name of the book carefully, Feng Qian instantly froze in place.

"The Cute Wife Is Down: Male God, spare me! 》

Feng Qian: "!!!"

sin sin! How could she let His Royal Highness see this kind of romance novel? !

And... how come there is such a book here? ! !

She never thought that Salvia and Mizen would like to read this kind of book!

Feng Qian tried his best to calm down and smiled, "Ayan, what else did you see?"

Hearing this, the young man in front of him recalled it carefully.

Dao: "In addition to some places I didn't understand, I also saw... this."

Mu Yan loosened the scarf with his fingertips, and lowered his eyes slightly, his gray pupils had a clear look.

The articulated hand lifted lightly and landed on the front button of the white shirt.

He eased the next button, raised his hand down again, and prepared to continue to unbutton the next button.

Feng Qian swallowed his saliva and held Mu Yan's cold hand with a sullen face.

Because the force was a little too strong, he fell on the bed while pressing His Highness.

The boy was stunned for a moment, then calmly said: "The book says that you should be below."

After speaking, as if to prove that he had written down the knowledge in the book seriously, Mu Yan put one hand on the girl's waist, turned over and pressed Feng Qian.

The boy controlled his strength and did not put all the weight of his body on the girl.

With his arms propped on the bed, the boy looked down at the girl below him.

Feng Qian, who had been suppressed inexplicably, was a little stunned at the moment.

When His Highness did these things, the expression on his face was light, and there was no trace of desire.

And because of this, Feng Qian felt that her own thoughts were impure, and she was still bringing down His Highness.

The indifferent **** seems to be very interested in this kind of restoration of the scene in the book, and seems to want to verify whether the description in the book is true.

Under the girl's stunned gaze, Mu Yan slowly held Feng Qian's hand and pressed it against his slightly open chest because he had unbuttoned a button.

There was a cold feeling in the palm, but Feng Qian didn't feel the coldness at this moment, but felt that the palm of his hand was scalded.

His Highness is now like this, completely unstoppable.

And His Highness... He really knows very little about this aspect.

This made Feng Qian feel that the thought of wanting to sleep with His Highness was extremely evil.

His Highness is so simple, he will be frightened.

It may take a long time to accept.

Well, these thoughts are a bit far.

The cold **** said: "The book says that you will like this."

Feng Qian blushed blood.

"It says there's something more in-depth that I don't quite understand. I think you'll understand."

The young man spoke calmly, saying such things that are not suitable for children, but also makes people feel no desire.

Without any emotional overtones.

Maybe it's because I don't understand, that I say it like a generous one.

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