Quick Transmigration, My Royal Highness is a Bit Obedient

Chapter 1123: Your heart is chaotic (47)

On the phone before, Father Feng's tone was not so good, as if he was looking for someone to settle accounts.

But now, the two old people are happy, and the smiles on their faces are amiable.

"Qianqian, come here."

Feng Qian paused and walked over with his feet raised.

Father Feng smiled kindly and said to Father Shen, "Old friend, let me introduce you formally, Feng Qian, my precious daughter."

The old man Shen also rarely showed a knowing smile.

"I just said that when I first saw the little girl, I felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. I didn't expect it to be your daughter."

Father Feng sighed, "We haven't seen each other for decades. I didn't expect you to move back to China."

"It won't work if you don't come back. The children below can't be on their own."

The old man Shen sighed helplessly.

Over the years, many things have happened in the Shen family, and his heart attack was forced out during this period.

The son was not worried, so Shen Lin was an excellent child, which comforted the old man Shen.

However, only some.

The old man Shen has lived for so many years, and he is not like Shen Boshu who likes to act impulsively, he sees more deeply.

The grandson of Shen Lin, the old man Shen couldn't see through.

Shen Boshu didn't live up to his expectations, but Mr. Shen initially wanted to leave the company to Shen Boshu.

Because Shen Lin is a person, people can't see through it, so it is also the most dangerous.

Shen Boshu once said that Shen Lin was a lunatic who dissected animal corpses.

It's not that Old Man Shen doesn't believe it, but the child has the ability to hide all this. Even if he believes it, what's the use without evidence?

At least the existence of Shen Lin did not threaten to affect the Shen family, so the old man Shen did not pay too much attention to this aspect of Shen Lin.

It's just that this kid is too good, impeccably perfect.

Shen Lin majored in medicine, and the Shen family felt a sense of relief at the beginning.

If such a smart person learns financial management, the Shen family will sooner or later become the world of Shen Lin.

Shen Lin is an illegitimate child.

The label of an illegitimate child is always somewhat disconcerting.

No matter how good he is, the orthodox blood ties of the older generation still make Old Master Shen retain a trace of estrangement from Shen Lin.

During the time he was hospitalized, Mr. Shen seldom paid attention to the news on the Internet, let alone the entertainment industry gossip.

Father Feng chatted with Qiao Yue for a while, and found that the grandfather of the man who was unclear to his daughter was in this hospital. Father Feng decided that the two parents would sit down and have a good talk first.

Unexpectedly, I met an old friend I hadn't seen for many years.

The friendship between Father Feng and Father Shen is an indescribable fate. They are ten years apart, but they are very compatible.

Later, due to various factors, as well as the fact that the old man Shen left the country and developed abroad, the connection between the two became less and less.

Father Feng talked about the matter between the two children.

To be honest, when Old Man Shen heard it, he had mixed feelings in his heart.

Even though they have been together for so many years, he has never really understood Shen Lin.

Because he never wanted others to see into his heart.

The old man Fengqian Shen has also met, she is an excellent and well-behaved girl.

If Shen Lin's heart is dark, it is estimated that Father Feng would not dare to easily entrust his daughter to the other party.

But obviously, after Father Feng learned that Dr. Shen's grandfather was his old friend, he didn't reject the close relationship between the two very much, and even looked forward to kissing.

"Qianqian, this is your Uncle Shen."

Feng Qian stood quietly by the side, and called out obediently, "Uncle Shen."

Dr. Shen, who was left to the side, also stepped forward slightly and said politely, "Hello, uncle. Grandpa."

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