Quick Transmigration, My Royal Highness is a Bit Obedient

Chapter 1117: Your heart is beating (41)

On the screen behind the stage, there is an answer screen on each player's tablet, and the audience can clearly see everyone's answer.

Half a minute later, the answer sheet on the middle screen was still blank.

The audience couldn't help but cast their eyes on the girl standing in front of the central answering table.

The little girl wore a neat ponytail and looked down at the test questions on the tablet seriously.

It's just... the other party has not started writing.

Someone recognized Feng Qian.

"Isn't that the girl who won the runner-up in the last competition?"

"That's right, it's her!"

"Then she must come this time to win the championship."

"But this situation is a bit wrong now. It's been so long, why hasn't she started writing yet?"

"Could it be that there is too much pressure and nervousness?"


The audience looked puzzled. The little girl stood there quietly, looking down at the test questions, not looking nervous.

Now, a minute has passed.

The other contestants, who were faster, were already thinking about short answer questions.

The audience was anxious for Feng Qian.

After all, in the last competition, although the original owner did not win the championship, he performed very well. After all, there is still an element of luck in the last link.

So this time, there is still a lot of hope for Feng Qian to win the championship.

Finally, at one minute and thirty seconds, the little girl standing in the center moved slowly, reached out and held the answering pen, pressed her fingers against the cold answering table, lowered her head, and wrote down the answer one question at a time. .

The audience breathed a sigh of relief.

It didn't take long for someone to notice that Feng Qian wrote the answer without stopping, and kept writing, without stopping to think at all.

The spectators who noticed the oddity widened their eyes.

"Is she going to write all the answers in one breath?"

"She hasn't stopped since she started answering questions!"

It was only then that everyone realized that the little girl did not answer at first, she first organized the answers in her mind, and then answered them in one go.

After three minutes and fifteen seconds passed, Feng Qian wrote the last period, put the pen aside, and looked up at the countdown.

The difficulty of these questions is not bad. She just organized the answers first, and then wrote them together, so the efficiency will be higher.

The audience fell silent.

Feng Qian was the last to start answering the question, but the first to finish the question.

Some experts suspected that the girl was scribbling, so they checked each other's answers on the screen question by question with a skeptical attitude.

There is no error in selecting Fill in the blanks.

The short answer questions are also perfect.

It's more beautiful and detailed than the standard answer.

After answering the question, Feng Qian stood quietly in the same place, accidentally caught a glimpse of Shen Lin, and the other party gave her a bright and charming smile.

Feng Qian turned his face away with an expressionless expression and looked away.

Dr. Shen is like a walking luminous body wherever he walks. This sentence is not wrong.

Some of the female compatriots in the audience could not help but glance at Dr. Shen's back.

It is simply a physique that is born with peach blossoms.

Feng Qian deliberately ignored Shen Lin and waited until the five-minute countdown ended.

A minute later, the panel of experts gave each contestant's final score.

The lowest score is not refreshed, and the highest score is refreshed.

The wind got full marks.

The answers given by the short-answer questions Fengqian have more profound insights and are more accurate and detailed than the answers given by the recent medical textbooks, and even put forward some reasonable and well-founded new directions.

Some experts present could not help but be amazed.

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