Quick Transmigration, My Royal Highness is a Bit Obedient

Chapter 1012: The best actor is a vixen (39)

However, Shi Baifa's Weibo did not clearly state the relationship between the two, but only gave a hint.

Of course, the relationship that can make Shiyingdi express like this is already obvious.

Plus that military uniform photo.

The shadows cuddling with each other in the background are already a bright official announcement.

After Fengqian fell asleep, a group of fluffy little foxes got in at some point.

Feng Qian rubbed the fox fur.

He took the fox into his arms, his eyes were not opened, he was dazed and might fall asleep at any time.


Feng Qian felt that something was holding him down, and he felt a little heavy.

Breathing is also a little difficult.

The little girl's eyelashes trembled and she opened her eyes.

The night in the city is not so dark, and the silhouette of the man can be vaguely seen.

Mr. Actor closed his eyes, his movements were a little soft, and his slender and fair fingers held Feng Qian's hand.

Feng Qian was stunned, and blinked.

She felt something furry around her waist.

Feng Qian pushed Shi Bai, his fingertips fell on his waist, and he held the other person's fluffy tail.

The wind was suddenly a little square.


The fragments are just like that... directly revealing their identity?

Shi Bai lowered his eyes and saw the girl's dull appearance. He stretched out his hand and pinched the other's face, and then asked, "I touched your tail, are you satisfied now?"

Feng Qian was a little stunned, and there was confusion in his dark eyes.

Mr. Actor bowed his head and kissed the girl's forehead, and said in a low voice, "Why, aren't you called the little fox?"

Feng Qian was stunned for a while, and probably understood.

She knew that Fragment was about Vixen, Fragment had known it for a long time.

As for when he found out, Feng Qian can guess without thinking. It must have been after being fed wine and drunk.

Well, it looks like I can't drink alcohol anymore.

Now that you know everything, Feng Qian is not tangled, and the fluffy touch in his hand is a bit strange.

She squeezed lightly.

The actor's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and he panted softly.

He buried his head in the girl's neck, his voice hoarse: "Qianqian is responsible."

"Huh?" Feng Qian wondered, "Responsible?"

Shi Bai's thin and warm lips were pressed against the girl's neck, and he murmured, "You can't touch the fox's tail casually."

"Touch it, take responsibility."

Feng Qian suddenly felt his palms get hot.

The little girl let go of the tail in her hand, her face was tensed, and her hands were returned to their original places.

"Don't touch it."

The wind opened his mouth slowly.

"Qianqian can't default on her debts, not to mention, this is not the first time."

Shi Fox's voice was low, as if it could seduce people's souls.

Feng Qian blinked her eyes, she seemed... vaguely aware of what she had done when she was drunk.

After a pause, the little girl nodded: "I'll be in charge."

After a pause, a man's hoarse voice came through the air.

"That's what you said..."

Mr. Actor's eyes became more and more blurred.

He slowly raised his hand and unbuttoned the collar of his shirt.

Feng Qian swallowed his saliva.


Shiyingdi didn't bring a little assistant today.

Almost everyone on Weibo knows about it.

The crew couldn't help but pay more attention to the little girl behind Shiying Emperor.

The other party is good-looking, plain-faced, well-behaved and well-behaved, and the impression is still very deep.

However, it is a little surprising that Mr. Actor likes his assistant.

The actor seems to be in a good mood today.

When I entered the crew, I was still wearing that black trench coat, the collar of the shirt inside was a little messy, and some red marks were faintly revealed.

Anyone who saw it couldn't help but blushed.

I was caught off guard and was stuffed with a mouthful of actor brand dog food.

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