Quick Transmigration: Fate Trading System

Chapter 114: Rise of Another World 26

Everyone was waiting for Susin's death, but found that another person had fallen.

Ruyi Bei died.

"What did you do to the homeowner!"

The people of Ruyi's family were frightened and asked in a hurry.

Su Xin coughed twice and was surprised to find that she was not dead.

No, according to the tolerance of her body, she should have died, at the same time as Ruyi Bei.

What Su Xin didn't know was that behind her, a huge cat was floating in the air, her eyes were the blue of the sky, watching her figure, emitting a gentle light.

The crowd looked at this scene in horror, and Lang Xun immediately wanted to understand what was going on.

It turns out that the cat is an ancient monster Nine-Life Cat, but the cost of giving up his life for others is even greater, which is the double cost of his own death. Robbery, it will lose two tails.

Ru Yiying, who was running in the Tongtian Tower, felt his body light and stopped.

"Ran Ran ... she succeeded."

At the same time, the humanoid Nancheng spit out blood and scared Ru Yiyu and Yu Si.

Nancheng's body was shaky, but she smiled,

Still blocked.

Now she is going back, if she could save her.

There was only one life, and Nancheng's heart was full of perseverance. If she had an accident this time, she would not be able to accompany that person to grow old.

But if that person doesn't survive, what's the point of her survival?

"Go ahead and leave here quickly."

When Nancheng was talking, blood was dripping from the corners of his mouth, and it looked very painful.

"Do you still have to go back, your current physical condition will only be to die, and ..."

And she may not be there anymore.

"I'm going to see her, and I will die with him even if I die!"

Nancheng gritted his teeth and returned towards the place he had just arrived, but without taking two steps, he fell heavily on the ground.

"South City!"

Yu Si hurried up, feeling filled with helplessness.

What should I do?

If I cannot live with her, then I want to die with her.

There is only such a small wish ...

If I can, I hope she survives.

Actually, I really want to be with her ... to live together ...

Nancheng's hand shook in the air and fell into a coma.

Nancheng restored her cat shape, and Yu Si held her in her arms.

"what should I do now?"

Ruyi looked at Yu Si.


That person definitely does not want her plan to be ruined. She even wants Ruyi to leave here, so she must let her leave!

"Don't look at me, it's not me who killed him, but you, he and he."

Su Xin licked her lips and pointed at Langwen.

There must be a reason she didn't die, but there would be no one except that guy.

Actually not necessary.

If Yi Yi releases her coercion, she still has a deterrent effect in this towering tower. After all, he came from the eighth time.

He left Tongtian Tower unhindered all the way. When he stepped out to breathe fresh air, Ruyi almost knelt on the ground.


Ruyi looked back at Tongtian Tower, but kept tearing.

The price is another life. If she hadn't said that to her daughter many years ago, wouldn't all this happen now?

If she doesn't say anything, her daughter probably knows nothing, and then she will live happily in their world, isolated from ugliness.

[Congratulations on the completion of the host mission, the mission world is frozen, is returning to the system space and handing over the client. 】

When Su Xin returned to the pure white world, there was still a little discomfort. After all, although it was not a crowd of people just now, it could also be said to be a black and white one.

The girl in front of her still had tears in her eyes, and kept saying thanks to Su Xin.

"Thank you very much, if I can't do it."

Maybe she died somewhere long ago. She doesn't have that ability, but she is very fortunate to find such a person.

"My mother should be completely safe now. I have no regrets anymore. Thank you for fulfilling my desire to save my mother with a trivial life."

"You're welcome, this is what you deserve for the price of your soul."

The girl went to the other end, the end of the soul.

[Host, this time you really made me look. 】

"Of course, don't look at who I am."

"I'm Susin."

[Now I will send you back to the mission world, you can choose to stay or leave. 】

"I chose to leave then, who wants to stay in that ghost place again ..."

Su Xin hesitated again, thinking of the kitten she had been paying for her.

She just worked so hard to keep her alive. If she really left and died like this, she would be very sad.

"I think again, if I can survive, I will try to survive."

Su Xin was sent back to the original place again. All the people were just the same. They didn't know she had left for a while.

"This time you can't run away."

Lang Xun hooked his hair and looked at Su Xin.

"Although I don't know what you are using, this lending knife is really good for killing people."

"Lang Xun, she is the one who killed the owner of our family. Even a woman can't let go. What do you want?"

The second master of the Ruyi family stood out and confronted Lang Xun in the air.

"Just because you still want to grab someone from me? What if she kills your owner and has nothing to do with me?"

Lang Xun raised his hand and attacked Su Xin.

Su Xin evaded flexibly, expecting these two people to quarrel in her heart, she never wanted to try the feeling of being thrown into a hedgehog by the arrows.

However, it was a pity that instead of Susin's wish, they began to discuss.

"It's better, Lord Lang, you help us catch this person first, and we'll punish this person before giving you that."

Master Ruyi gritted his teeth, and the ghost knew what else the woman could do, just what was on top of her head, that would not die, what if she ran away.

She was an outsider, and there would be no consequence if she left here.

Su Xin watched things that could run away. She didn't want to be hurt. Suicide was the next best thing. She actually wanted to see her cat.

Before the discussion between the two groups of people ended, a shocking thing happened.

Su Xin looked at the teleportation formation under her feet, looking innocent.

She really doesn't know what happened!

What kind of ghost is this teleportation array, she doesn't want to go to the ninth floor, who knows how to get up and down in that ghost place.

"How is that possible! How is it possible for you!"

Lang Xun seemed to have suffered a huge blow, and looked at the teleportation array under Su Xin's feet with a sullen expression.

All the people present could not help but swallow saliva, watching Su Xin's teleportation array with greedy eyes.

However, the result of breaking the teleportation array has been tried by some people. It is simply terrible, so everyone just looks at it, and no one dares to step forward.

No one knows the end better than Lang Xun, with a grin on his face, ready to destroy.

Even if he can't go up, he must not let others go up.

But the teleportation array seemed to know his thoughts and speeded up the transmission.

In just a blink of an eye, people disappeared.

Everyone in Ruyi's family felt angry and sighed.

Who would have thought that the person who went up was an outsider.

Su Xin was also fascinated, and at a glance he found himself in a strange place.

This is a sea of ​​stars, under the feet like a starry sky, fantasy and vast.

Could it be that this is the ninth floor of the tower, the legendary place near God?

Su Xin shook the corners of her mouth. She had no interest in becoming a god.

But the strange feeling struck the next moment, Su Xin felt a kind of peeping, the feeling was everywhere, there was no one around, but it felt like there were millions of eyes watching.

It was a horrible scalp.

Su Xin's head was dizzy and her body was unstable.

With a great sense of weightlessness, Su Xin couldn't help but sit down.

What the **** ... I have a headache ...

It was as if there was something torn apart from the body and sucking her soul.

[It is detected that the host's soul is being attacked by alien species, and maintenance mode is being turned on. 】

Fourteen's voice sounded coldly, as if with a sense of killing.

The destiny trading system comes from the hands of genius programmers in the Galactic Age 4049. What backward civilization, who actually wants to grab them?

Su Xin felt that her head was about to explode, and she was dizzy and nauseated.

But the symptoms disappeared the next moment, and Susin saw a man in a suit.

That person was as cold as fourteen in her mind, cold, serious, and even cool.

A white-gloved hand appeared in front of her, and the man held out a hand at her.

"Host, first meeting like this, I'm fourteen, your partner."

Su Xin was pulled up and stood, looking at this cold and solemn beauty of the world like a second dimension, and nodded.

Sure enough, he is a serious person.

"After going back before, I don't know who advised the host. The host has designed a body for us. I still use it for the first time, and I'm still not used to it.

Fourteen said it formulately, without saying a word.

"The trouble has been handled for you, you can go back to the eighth floor by yourself."

There are no gods in this towering tower, and everyone here is indeed cursed.

The living on the ninth floor should be regarded as heaven.

All the powerful people who reach the top will be absorbed here, then devour the soul, and the body will be broken into powder.

But people outside, just as they have become gods, transcending the rules.

But who can really get out of the rules.

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