Chapter 1152 Chapter Half Beast 5

The crowd went in the opposite direction to the beast.

After they left Moo for about half an hour, a golden lion with hair appeared in the place where they were.

The lion sniffed the smell around him, and the big lion's head looked toward the place where they left, and the amber eyes showed a fierce light.

The lion followed their breath.

On the other hand, Bei Yuqi and others did not know that they had been targeted.

More than a dozen people have been away for about an hour, and many people have already been unable to eat.

"We are far enough away from that place, just find a place to take a break nearby." The blonde said breathlessly.

Bei Yuyu refused directly. "No, it is too close here. If there is a beast, we will find us soon. It is not safe enough."

Because of the presence of several of them, the speed at which the team has walked has become very slow.

As soon as the blonde heard this, her face suddenly collapsed.

"Do you think it is necessary to go again?" The blonde turned to ask those who could not move.

Those people shook their heads and expressed disapproval.

The older middle-aged man said, "Let's do it. Let's walk for another half an hour. After half an hour, we will find a place to rest around."

This compromise method has the consent of both parties.

Just as they went to start again, the north rain slammed into the direction behind them, but did not see anything.

She stared suspiciously behind her.

Qian Xiaoyue noticed her strangeness and asked suspiciously: "Rain, what happened?"

"I always feel that something is always staring at us behind me."

That feeling is so obvious that she can't ignore it if she wants to ignore it. It's just strange that every time I look back, there is nothing.

When Qian Xiaoyue heard the words of the north rain, he scared the hair on his arm. "You, are you mistaken?"

The blonde also heard the words of the north rain, and laughed. "Are you nervous too nervous, some nervous? If someone stares, we don't find out."

When other people heard the words of the two of them, they turned their heads and looked around. In addition to the bushes above the waist, they were towering giant trees. Occasionally they could hear the sound of small animals fleeing in the jungle. As for nothing else.

"Are you too nervous?" Wang Xin said.

Everyone else has cast the same gaze, as if the rain is too tight and there is an illusion.

When you see this in the north, you will not say anything more.

Now this body has not practiced the ice palm, and the five senses are all at the level of ordinary people. The reason why she has that feeling is entirely based on an intuition.

"Let's go." North rain snorted.

The crowd set off again, and the blonde smirked and twisted the water snake forward.

The northern rains walked at the end of the team, and before leaving the place, the eyes could not help but look at the dense bushes behind them. Suddenly, she saw a pair of amber eyes in the grass.

When she wanted to confirm, the eyes disappeared again.

Qian Xiaoyue saw her standing there and did not move. She stepped forward and took her arm. "Let's go, don't think too much."

When they left, the golden lion, who was twice as big as the normal lion, jumped out of the tree. It shook his head, and the amber eyes stared at the back of the northern rain.

Ps: If it is not updated later, the ink lord owes two more, and tomorrow will return.

I want to sort out the story of this story.

This is a primitive half-beast world.

(End of this chapter)

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