Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 34 There is always a female supporting character with a vicious surname (33)

The little cousin is on fire.

Audiences who have watched the live broadcast from the beginning know that the popularity of the variety show was brought about by the little cousin He Danhua.

Whether it was trying to lift two big boxes, or having "brain wave communication" with a big scalper, or discovering hand bones and robbery holes, and then being involved in a disappearance case, they all attracted people's attention.

Not to mention He Danhua's super good looks are very eye-catching.

# The whole world owes me a little cousin # , # My little cousin communicates with cow brainwaves # , # The observant gangster little cousin # and other topics are hot searches Among the top ones on the list, it can be said that Little Cousin has been discussed more than the variety show itself.

Most netizens are very friendly to the little cousin, and their teasing posts are full of goodwill.

But as long as you get the people or things discussed online, there is no shortage of malicious intentions.

[If the knife hadn’t been used on her face, I would have picked out my eyeballs! The nose is straight like that, and the eyes are made according to comic standards, right? And the curve of the chin doesn't appear to be natural. Oh, you are so willful when you are rich, you will have sex at the age of sixteen. 】

[The owner of the cow should be directing it from outside the camera, and it looks like He Danhua took it away himself. When Luo Yiyan went to lead the cow, he was given a long-range lens. The owner of the cow couldn't help, so of course he couldn't lead the cow away. This kind of operation of stepping on people to establish the character of the fugitive Princess Disney is really disgusting! ! 】

[What kind of observant gangster? Is it okay if everyone can do it? The navy hired by the He family is not good enough, they are exaggerating. 】

[It is enough to say that she is knowledgeable. She is so capable. I thought she was at least the top scorer in the high school entrance examination and a national-level competition player. However, no such person was found. 】

Although there were not many malicious posts, they were very effective in provoking a fight and stirred up a lot of muddy water in the discussion area.

He Danhua used to be unable to find this person on the Internet. People who wanted to defame her could not even find the information they wanted to use to compile scandals, let alone find them. The sentence structure of "I have a friend said" was difficult. To scare people, He Danhua is a minor, and the reviews of her online are mostly positive.

He Danhua did not have a social account, but He Mingna did. Many people went to He Mingna's account, and the number of He Mingna's fans soared from less than 100,000 to 800,000.

The heated discussion online failed to affect the guests in Xinwang Village.

According to regulations, before the live broadcast begins, the guests' mobile phones and other communication items must be handed over to the program team, and will be returned to the guests after the live broadcast ends in the evening.

The live broadcast was suspended, but the filming of the program team was not suspended.

This variety show is a live broadcast plus recording. The reason for continuing filming is to have enough material for subsequent editing.

After the live broadcast stopped, the program team followed the notice they received and did not touch the hand bones and finger bones again, and stayed away from the robbery hole.

The program team has no problem with this, and they have benefited greatly from it: the variety show has become popular.

And this will suddenly stop the live broadcast, which will bring about an effect like hunger marketing, and will further increase the attention of variety shows.

The shooting of other guests continued as usual. The group of Luo Yiyan and He Danhua changed the shooting location, led the cow to another grassy slope, and the shooting returned to the original content.

After He Danhua let go of the big ox, he came out of the camera and said to the cameraman who wanted to follow, "Don't follow, I will stay by myself for a while."

"Where are you going? You're still filming, don't you know?" Knowing that the live broadcast has stopped, Luo Yiyan no longer talked about Danhua's sister, and said slightly reproachfully, "It took me so long just now, if I don't hurry up, I won't be able to take pictures anymore." It’s not enough.”

"Rest." He Danhua looked at Director Hu, "Is that okay?" The length of filming with Luo Yiyan had already reached the requirements of the contract, and she was too lazy to cooperate with Luo Yiyan anymore.

"It's okay..." Director Hu persuaded, "It's almost done after another hour of filming, why don't you stick to it?"

The four guests are the protagonists of the variety show. As the guests' relatives and friends, they have a lot of freedom. They are not required to be in the camera all the time, as long as they meet the length of time required in the contract. If you are tired or don't want to take pictures, relatives and friends can walk out of the camera at any time.

He Danhua came here according to the regulations, he couldn't say no, but Luo Yiyan had suffered some losses in front of the camera before, so he had to make up for it. Only shooting Luo Yiyan, there are too many shots, but there is no interaction with others, it looks thin and not very watchable.

He Danhua: "No. I hope everyone will return this afternoon." She has a deal with He Mingna and is willing to cooperate with He Mingna.

Director Hu understood what the other party meant, "It's not up to me to decide."

He Danhua nodded, walked to the camera again, waved his hands at the camera, "See you later." She will not stop doing what she should do on the show.

Out of the camera again.

At this moment, the person Luo Yiyan hates the most is He Danhua.

She doesn't need to look online, she can know what's going on online.

She was completely reduced to He Danhua's background, a stepping stone! She has never been bullied like this since she was reborn.

He Danhua definitely did it on purpose, to stand up for He Mingna.

She couldn't sit still and let He Danhua bully her.

It's just that there will be shooting, she quickly collected her emotions, and looked at the camera with a cheerful expression, "I just found a raspberry here..."

When other guests returned to the village at noon, they also knew the relevant news, because several police cars came to the village, and the program team also made notes.

The forensic doctor determined that the hand bone and the amputated phalanx were both human, and filed a case.

Because of this, the guests got their mobile phones in advance. After seeing the variety show became popular online, Ding Yuan, Gong Maomao and the Yan brothers were very happy.

The variety show became popular, their popularity skyrocketed, and their purpose of appearing on the variety show was achieved.

Cai Jia Miao was not happy. Many people on the Internet laughed at Luo Yiyan for being a tea art apprentice because she was not good at tea art.

"It's all because of He Danhua! Sister Yan, I will seek justice for you."

Luo Yiyan forced a smile and said, "Don't be impulsive. You are not like the younger brother of the Yan family. You are an adult and you have to take responsibility for whatever you do."

Yan Zhaojie? Cai Jia Miao rolled her eyes and thought of an idea, "Sister Yan, take a look."

"I know that my Miaomiao is the best to me."

Cai Jia Miao blushed excitedly, but she didn't see the glint in Luo Yiyan's eyes.

The live broadcast resumed in the afternoon, and the number of people in the live broadcast room increased exponentially.

The live broadcast in the afternoon is a very normal program arrangement.

Although many viewers come here for the Skull Bones and Robbery Cave, Chinese people have a mentality of "come and come". Everyone comes, the show is quite interesting, and there is nothing wrong with watching it.

If you leave, what if you take pictures of unusual things again, or if there is a follow-up to those things, you must not miss it?

Besides, there is also the beauty of my little cousin, so it’s not a bad idea to see her.

There is a "come all come" town, and the live broadcast room has not diminished in popularity.

This time, He Mingna's live broadcast room was packed because the afternoon groupings were no longer disrupted, and the guests were grouped together with their relatives and friends.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the live broadcast room closed on time.

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