Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 32: There is always a female supporting role with a vicious double surname (31)

It was not an accident that He Danhua picked up this phalanx. It was found when she asked the system to scan the area near the cave entrance.

Reasoning and judging cases was something she had never touched before, so she wanted to give it a try.

She had made some inferences about the hand bones and this bone before, but without the aid of instruments, she could not see much information.

She has no instruments in her hand, but she has a foreign hexagram.

[03. Scan to see if the time when this phalanx bone and that hand bone lost their vitality coincide with each other. 】

If you want to destroy the system, you don't want to do it. Scanning will waste energy. Scanning the surroundings to find something consumes less energy. This kind of in-depth scanning and analysis of an object consumes the most energy.

And its energy is pitiful. If it continues to be wasted like this, it will not even be able to survive the natural death of its host.

But it couldn't refuse, because it was bound to the host, so it chose to cry, [Host, I'm running out of energy. If I run out of energy, I can only go into complete hibernation, or I may lose my sense of autonomy. 】

What it received was the conscious response that the host was looking forward to. They say that babies who cry are fed by milk. Why is this method of no use to the host?

He Danhua: [Scan. 】

System 6587 realized. Yes, the host wants to study it, whether it is a living system or a dead system. I am afraid that the host still feels that it is easier to cooperate with a system without autonomous consciousness.

Then let it go. If the energy is gone, what if it just goes into complete dormancy? [Okay, host. 】

The result of the scan was that this phalanx coincided with the period when the hand bone separated from its owner.

[Host, buried in the soil under the thief's cave is the body of a woman, the owner of the hand bone. 】

He Danhua asked, "Didn't you scan it just now?" 】

Can System 6587 say that it had not thought about whether to destroy it just now, so it saved energy and only briefly scanned the underground for artificial space, that is, whether there were ancient tombs. Now it has decided to destroy it, and does not care whether the energy can be used up?

It must not be possible, [I just used another scanning program, which can only scan whether there are man-made spaces in the soil layer. 】

Seeing that He Danhua didn't say anything, System 6587 no longer worried about whether the other party believed it or not, because it was showing off and felt a little happy.

He Danhua caught Brother Wang quickly glancing at the phalanx again.

In order not to look too abnormal, she placed the phalanx on a stone nearby, which made it easier for the cameraman to take pictures.

Brother Wang took a quick glance at his phalanges for the third time, and it was obvious that he knew something.

He Danhua asked Brother Wang, "Do you know who the owner of this phalanx is?"

Her question caused everyone to focus on Brother Wang again.

The camera was quickly passed over.

He Danhua's question also made Brother Wang couldn't help but glance at the phalanx again. His expression of uncertainty and hesitation was captured by the camera.

Brother Wang saw the camera pointed at him and waved his hands hurriedly, "No, no, how could I know. I've been grazing cattle here for several years, and I've never encountered anything unusual. How could I know."

The audience also saw the unusual expression on Brother Wang's face and posted a message asking the program team to ask.

Now that this live broadcast has reached this point and turned to a suspenseful criminal investigation, and when Brother Wang told the story of the missing girl just now, the popularity of the live broadcast room continued to rise, Director Hu is willing to give another push to the variety show's popularity .

Director Hu waited until the question asking Brother Wang to tell a story filled the screen, then asked, "Is that what happened to you? The audience in the live broadcast room is very interested in this, so let's tell it as a story, just like just now Then, don’t mention specific names.”

"...Okay." Brother Wang is not a person who likes to worry about things in his heart. He just cares about it in front of the camera. After hearing what Director Hu said, he stopped caring, "I just remembered something, and it happened at that time. Oh, it was the time when that girl disappeared.

Another incident happened in the village. A villager was bitten by a wild dog outside the village, and one of his fingers was bitten off. The man beat the wild dog to death with a hoe, but his finger was chewed to pieces by the wild dog. , I couldn’t get it back, so I was missing a finger. "

"I usually like to think blindly when I have nothing to do. This is not the case. When I saw that." He glanced at the phalanx again and scratched his head, "I just thought blindly. You can just listen to it as a story. Don't Seriously."

The direct audience did not take it seriously.

[Case solved! ! The missing girl was murdered, and the murderer was the man with missing fingers. 】

[I feel more scared than when I first saw that hand bone. I'm shaking a little now. But it must not be true. 】

[It’s not easy for girls in mountain villages to get into college. I hope girls just get lost in the colorful world outside and don’t want to go home. I don’t want to see the result that the owner of the hand bone is a girl. 】

[If it is broadcast live like this, will the murderer run away after seeing it? Call the police quickly and get the person under control first. 】

[You can’t control people without evidence. Alas, the murderer might actually get away. 】

[Don’t take it too seriously, He Danhua is only a teenager, how can he know so much? What do you believe in what she says? Today's live broadcast is just a suspense show. 】

[First, the woman's hand bones were found, and then a so-called man's finger was found. Then Brother Wang told two more stories. Everything was connected. Don't you think it's all too fake? 】

[I checked with the teacher. The hand bones should be real bones, not model products. Of course I can’t guarantee it 100%, but I’m pretty sure. 】

[That one is probably a real robbery cave. It is obviously not naturally formed and has many human traces. 】

[A few professionals upstairs will say more. 】

[I admire my little cousin’s observation ability so much. My little cousin must not make a debut, otherwise this talent will be wasted. 】

[If this wasn’t arranged by the program team, I would eat the keyboard live! ! Brother Wang's performance was a bit off-putting, his expressions were too exaggerated. 】

[Isn’t it arranged? Didn’t the program team call the police on the spot? Dare you call the police in front of the audience after the arrangement? 】

[It’s not easy to guess. The call made by the program team was not a real police call. The person who answered the phone was an actor arranged by the program team. 】

[Spicy chicken program group! It scared me, and even tricked me into actually calling the police. What if I am later regarded as a false police officer? The program team needs to give me an explanation! ! 】

He Danhua, who had more information, concluded that this phalanx was closely related to the man who claimed that his finger was bitten off by a wild dog.

There is a high possibility that that person is the murderer.

There was a key detail that needed to be clarified. He Danhua asked Brother Wang again, "When the man's finger was bitten off by a wild dog, was it before or after the girl disappeared?"

Brother Wang recalled, "It was before..."

After hearing this, the live broadcast room suddenly became quiet for a while. If it had been before, the matter of the man's finger being bitten off by a wild dog had little to do with the missing girl.

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