Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 200 Don’t be afraid (32)

Gao Lin felt bad and wanted to run away, "Mrs. Lu, I have other things to do, so I'll leave now. Qingyu, let's go." He went over and wanted to put his arms around Xu Qingyu's shoulders.

Xu Qingyu hid quickly and didn't let him touch her.

"You come out and talk to me yourself, or I arrest you." This was what Zi Hua said to You. How to make You obedient? Zi Hua has a lot of experience. When she spoke, she specifically focused on You's pressure.

It only touches You, and will not harm Gao Lin's soul.

This matter involved Xu Qingyu and Tan Suyue, especially Xu Qingyu, whose consciousness had been manipulated by Gao Lin. She had the right to know the truth, so Zihua did not take action secretly, but spoke out in front of the two of them.

There was no need for others to know, so Zi Hua shielded the outside of the living room so that no one could see or hear what happened inside.

The sudden and deep fear of Master Ling made Gao Lin want to escape, but his body was too frightened to move.

Suddenly he heard the voice of the system, [Give me control of your body, and I will send you to the mission world. 】

After contacting the system, Gao Lin gained some confidence, [System, you mean, she really discovered you? Isn't she an ordinary person? How could she find you? 】

[We’ll talk about this later. Just do what I say. 】

Gao Lin actually wished that he would hand over his body to the system, but he was afraid of another thing, [System, you won't break away from me and be bound to her, right? 】

【Won't. Come on. 】It actually thought that the other party would not agree.

Gao Lin was afraid that the system would abandon him in anger, so he quickly did so.

He silently chanted and gave his body to the system. Suddenly, his vision changed and he came to a gray space. Then he could no longer sense everything in the outside world, but he didn't panic at all, because this was the transit point to the mission world. Station, he has stayed there many times.

Zihua heard the conversation between You and Gao Lin, and saw Chengyou who was now in control of his body.

This is the first time I have encountered You who can jointly control the body with the owner of the body.

This ghost is very capable of deceiving people.

Juhua believed that it was necessary to let Gao Lin know the truth, and lifted the shield of You on the lair space.

Gao Lin's soul, who was in a gray space, suddenly found that he could see outside.

Zihua asked the fake Gao Lin, "What's your name? How many times have you awakened to the inheritance?"

"Wu You, awakened four generations of inheritance." The opponent was too powerful, and Wu You didn't even have the thought of resisting.

Xu Qingyu's almond-shaped eyes widened into round eyes. What did Gao Lin say, his name is Wu You? Awakening? inherited? Is the Gao Lin in front of me a human? "Are you not Gao Lin? Are you not a human being?"

Tan Suyue was also surprised. But she had discovered Gao Lin's abnormality more than half a year ago, so she was much better off than Xu Qingyu.

It's just that this thing was too bizarre and fantasy, and she didn't accept it so quickly. She leaned on the sofa, just listened, and slowly accepted it.

The fake Gao Lin nodded to Xu Qingyu, "It was Gao Lin just now, and now it's me, Wu You, we share the same body."

Xu Qingyu's heart tightened, "Then it was you two who were with me before?" She once slept with a monster!

Fake Gao Lin shook his head, "Occasionally. It's only Gao Lin who has intimate behavior with you. This is the agreement between me and him."

These words didn't make Xu Qingyu feel any better.

Wu You didn't wait for Zi Hua to ask it, and took the initiative to explain how it became a system.

It told Gao Lin that it was a fast-travel system that maintained world order. After being bound, it would take Gao Lin to travel to the movie world to complete tasks. Gao Lin believed it and "bind" it.

It said that during the mission, Gao Lin's body would be controlled by it, otherwise the body would die.

Gao Lin agreed.

Wuyou has awakened four times, and its illusion ability is stronger.

The so-called mission was a dream illusion cast by Wu You, and Gao Lin was dreaming.

The existing movie is the blueprint for Yu Shi's dream illusion, so there is no need to go to the trouble of weaving a new dream.

It also sets up task points and provides product redemption as mentioned in the novel.

In order to prevent cheating, it arranged for Gao Lin to be in the supernatural world, and most of the redeemable products were related to changing his appearance. The problem was that Gao Lin's current level was not high enough, and other products could not be redeemed.

You have the ability to change the shape of your body, and you can create this kind of "commodity" effect.

The "occult" abilities that Gao Lin obtained, such as the ability to see ghosts, eliminate yin energy, and take away resentful spirits, were all performed by You in the dark, making it appear that they were cast by Gao Lin.

So far, Gao Lin has completed four tasks, each lasting from twenty days to a month. During this period, his body was used by Wu You.

[System, are you lying to her, right?] Gao Lin's soul couldn't accept the facts Wu You said, and his soul kept floating in the gray space, [Yes, this is your strategy, you are deceiving her. Wuyou, cheating, hahaha, she was fooled by you. 】

Xu Qingyu stepped forward and slapped the fake Gao Lin, "You are despicable and shameless. I will not let you go."

The fake Gao Lin said that Gao Lin took a fancy to her Bai Fumei identity and put a trace of You's original substance into her brain. This substance could affect her consciousness and make her fall in love with Gao Lin at first sight.

In the past six months, she had been actively dissatisfied with Gao Lin and spent more than ten million on Gao Lin. It was not without the advice of her friends, but she felt that it was her friends who were meddling in other people's business, and she fell out with several friends.

It turned out that Gao Lin had done something to her.

She will never let Gao Lin go!

Not satisfied with the slap, she went up and slapped him again, "Both of you are not good people."

She is very smart now. This fake Gao Lin is honest in front of Master Ling, so she dares to take action.

It was time to let the person involved know, so Zihua took action against Wuyou, grabbed it out of Gao Lin's body, and pressed it into a wooden sign.

Wu You borrowed Gao Lin's hand to take away more than one soul or resentful spirit. After they were captured, they became Wu You's food source. After Wu You absorbed the resentment and soul power in the soul or resentful spirit, the soul or resentful spirit dissipated. .

Regardless of whether from a human perspective or a heavenly perspective, this Wuyou should be eliminated.

The reason why Zi Hua didn't kill Wu You immediately was because there were official regulations. In order to prevent wrong killing, people in Xuanmen had to hand over Wu You after they caught him and deal with them uniformly.

"Plop." Gao Lin's body fell to the ground.

Seeing Gao Lin motionless for a while, Xu Qingyu stepped forward and kicked him. Gao Lin didn't respond, "He's not dead, is he?"

"He's not dead. I took care of the fake system." Yuhua injected Gao Lin's soul into his body. "Now the person inside is Gao Lin."

Gao Lin got up from the ground.

Without You's transformation ability to maintain, Gao Lin's appearance has returned to his original appearance, and will slowly return to his original appearance in the future.

Xu Qingyu looked at the less handsome Gao Lin with disgust, and sneered, "It's better not to die. It's better not to die so you can pay off the debt you owe me."

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