Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 191 Don't Be Afraid (23)

Coincidentally, Zihua was about to get near the Taotai Hotel, so she changed direction and drove towards the Taotai Hotel.

Ten minutes later, she met Lin Qiongying who asked her for help in the hotel lobby.

Lin Qiongying is about forty years old. She is wearing old blue and gray plaid cloth pajamas and a pair of rubber slippers. She is completely different from the guests in this five-star hotel.

Lin Qiongying did not distrust her because of her age. Instead, she thanked her excitedly, "You must have expected that I would ask you for help, so you came here."

"It's God's will." No man-made coincidence can be regarded as God's will. Zihua remembered Lin Qiongying's account name. One of the people who sent her a private message on the first day she posted asked her if she could have an interview. She replied yes, but Lin Qiongying did not reply after that.

"...I don't know how I got here. I have no memory at all. My memory is stuck on last night. I might have been tired yesterday. I fell asleep before nine o'clock and went to bed after washing up. Then when I opened my eyes, I In the elevator lobby of the mall below the hotel.

Master, this is not the first time this has happened to me. Two years ago, I went traveling with Tong Shibing and stayed in a B\u0026B. On the morning of the third day, I woke up and found that I was sleeping in a cave..."

"There was an old mattress in the cave that someone threw there, and I was lying on the mattress. Just like today, I don't remember how I got there. My last memory was that I went to bed and woke up in the cave. I'm in the cave. I'm not the only one in the cave..."

Lin Qiongying paused and looked around nervously.

The place where the two of them were sitting was the most remote seat in the hotel lobby. There was no one around. Lin Qiongying lowered her gaze and said, "There is a strange man in the cave." Her deliberately lowered voice was filled with anger and shame.

She covered her eyes with her hands, calmed her mind, and raised her eyes, "When I woke up, the man was running out, and I only saw his back. I had a feeling that during the period when I lost my memory Time, something happened to me...

I was barefoot and saw at the entrance of the cave that I was in the mountains. I didn't know the direction, so I stayed in the cave and didn't dare to run around. I just waited for someone to come find me. An hour later, Tong Shibing and some people came to find me, and I was rescued from the mountain. "

Zi Hua had already inspected Lin Qiong Ying's body. There were no traces of any spells, nor was there any aura left by ghosts or ghosts. "What you just said was, was this the first time you 'encountered' something like this, rather than 'happening'?" You don’t actually believe that you are sleepwalking, right?”

"Yes. I suspect that I encountered some ghosts and spirits. I went to the temple to pray for peace charms and saw the Taoism. I also went to the master. The master said that I was light and easy to be possessed, so he gave me a soul-fixing charm to wear with me. ."

Lin Qiongying laughed at herself, "It seems that the soul-fixing talisman is not working at all. I feel dizzy again today... I don't know who else to ask for help. In fact, I remember the landline number of my hometown, but my parents are old and I don't want to let them go." They're worried about me."

Lin Qiongying looked bitter, "As for my friends, they have all been unilaterally alienated by me. What I have lived for more than ten years is the kind of life that is often criticized on the Internet. I have no income, no self-socialization, and only surround myself with my husband and son. I work full-time for free." nanny.

Tong Shibing deliberately stopped him from contacting his friends at first. We argued about this many times. Later, most of the reason was that I was embarrassed to contact them. I felt ashamed in front of them.

I thought of you. It's not my imagination. After contacting you, I felt a lot more at ease. Originally I wanted to see you and ask you to show me, but I never got around to it. "

"Didn't you think of calling the police?" Zihua already had some thoughts about what happened to Lin Qiongying.

Lin Qiongying looked into Yuhua's calm and clean eyes. She thought it was something that was too hard to talk about, so she dared to say it, "Last time, Tong Shibing didn't let me call the police. He found some marks on my body and was very angry at the time.

Although he believed my explanation on the surface that it was impossible for me to go out barefoot and have a tryst with someone, he had doubts in his heart. He said that if I call the police, it will not only destroy my reputation, but also spread the word and let my son behave how he should. What he... said was true, so I didn't call the police.

Today...I just went to the bathroom to confirm that...that happened to me again. I hesitated for a while, but still did not call the police. Tong Shibing said that he could forgive me for doing something like that out of necessity, but he would not forgive me for bringing down his reputation and the reputation of his son. "

"It's not a spirit." Yuhua said, "There is no yin energy in your body, and there are no traces of any ghosts possessing you."

Lin Qiongying was taken aback, "What's going on?"

Zihua took out three copper coins and started making calculations.

The copper coins were not only for Lin Qiongying to see, but also for real divination.

Soon, she had the answer, "The person who did the trick is Tong Shibing."

"Impossible." Lin Qiongying blurted out, and then apologized to Zihua, "Master, I'm not doubting you. Tong Shibing is a bit of a chauvinist. There is no way he would send me to have sex with other men. He -"

Lin Qiongying's eyes widened little by little, and chills came from the bottom of her heart.

"Would you like me to check Tong Shibing's cell phone for you?" Since it's one person who did the trick, let's use human methods.

Lin Qiongying nodded mechanically.

Wei Hua's hacking skills had room to display again, and she quickly connected to Tong Shibing's cell phone. The content inside did not surprise Wei Hua at all.

She summarized some key information related to Lin Qiongying and presented it to Lin Qiongying.

There is voice, text, and video.

She clicked on a voice message from two years ago, "Hahahaha, you didn't see how obedient that bitch was, she really thought she was possessed by a spirit.

Now, she does whatever my brother tells her to do, and she doesn’t argue with me about wanting to work. The stinky bitch just needs to be taken care of. If she doesn't serve the man well at home, she wants to go out to work? No way, not even accepting jobs online.

Let me tell you, if you want the stinky women at home to be obedient, you must not let them come into contact with society, and you must not let them have money..."

With trembling hands, Lin Qiongying clicked on a text message picture.

Tong: "The stinky bitch is disobedient again. She secretly makes money online. What kind of business is this? Lao Jin, sell me some more medicine. This time, give her a more exciting one. Then let her kneel down and beg for forgiveness. .”

Jin: "I have booked the Taotai Hotel in Taocheng next week. Why don't you bring her to the hotel..."

Lin Qiongying almost fainted.

It’s really Tong Shibing, he’s the one who caused it, he’s not a human being, he’s an evil ghost!

More than two hours later, Zihua's car drove to the downstairs of Lin Qiongying's home in Weicheng.

Lin Qiongying breathed hard several times before getting out of the car.

The two took the elevator to the 15th floor.

After ringing the doorbell, the door opened quickly, and it was Tong Shibing who opened the door.


Lin Qiongying used all her strength and slapped Tong Shibing.

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