When the two armies were fighting, especially when the victory or defeat was related to the fate of Zhao State, how could Li Mu not investigate the intelligence of the commander of the Qin Army.

Li Mu has naturally studied Fan Yuqi's military habits. Compared with defense, this person is better at attacking with force. In the past, when he led troops to attack Zhao, he would never be indecisive if he could attack with force. Even if he encountered a difficult bone, this person would never be indecisive. He doesn't use defense to delay time, but he likes to attack and save the enemy.

You defend yours, I attack mine, forcing your opponent to fight you.

This style of play is extremely beneficial in advantageous situations. It is similar to playing Baron in LOL. I force you to join the team. If you don't join, I won't be polite.

But if you go, you will have no choice but to compete with the opponent in terms of strength.

In the past, Fan Yuqi relied on the strength of the Qin army's bows and crossbows to capture many cities in the Zhao Kingdom. Therefore, his military leadership skills were not low among the Seven Kingdoms. Compared with Li Mu, a veteran who dealt with the barbarians all day long. , his reputation is obviously greater, which is why Fan Yuqi did not take Li Mu into his eyes.

Therefore, in history, Fan Yuqi became Li Mu's stepping stone, fulfilling Li Mu's reputation as one of the four famous generals of the Warring States Period!

Such battles involving the complete annihilation of enemy forces are rare in history.

What's more, it was at the end of the Warring States Period.

The Qin army was at its peak of integrity and combat power, but Zhao had been on a decline. The undefeated and even great victory record of such a weak country's hard-steel overlord was undoubtedly extremely exaggerated.

There are very few people in history who have been able to do this.

Li Mu frowned and pondered for a moment, then looked at the deputy general Sima Shang beside him, and said in a deep voice: The information is wrong. The person leading the Qin troops at this moment is definitely not Fan Yuqi!

His tone was extremely determined, and he believed in his own eyesight.

One person's habit of leading troops will not change easily, especially if different people lead troops, the momentum displayed by the entire army will definitely be different.

Just like people wearing different clothes, their appearance and temperament are also different.

Same reason.

Different battle formations have completely different auras.

No commander would change his fighting habits rashly. Those who like to change their fighting habits frequently are either excellent at using troops, or they don't understand anything.

No? It's absolutely impossible, unless the Qin State changes its generals before the battle, but this is a taboo for military strategists. How could the Qin State make such a mistake?!

Sima Shang was a little surprised and said quickly.

Talk about changing generals on the spot.

The State of Zhao is undoubtedly the originator. In the Battle of Changping, Zhao Kuo replaced Lian Po, which resulted in the annihilation of the entire army of 400,000. This defeat directly destroyed the State of Zhao. It no longer had the ability to compete with the State of Qin, let alone have a glimpse of the world.

Since then, changing generals before the battle has been listed as a taboo among military strategists. Anyone who understands military affairs knows this.

Either it's a cover-up, or the general has really changed!

Li Mu looked sharply at the direction of Qin Jun's commander flag and said slowly.

What now?

Sima Shang looked at Li Mu and asked.

Li Mu did not hesitate and directly ordered: Send my military order, all three armies will go out together, let's see who the opponent is first.

In a fight, it’s natural to know who your opponent is.


Sima Shang answered with his hands raised, and immediately walked away, sending a messenger to convey the military order.

In ancient times, when two armies faced each other, information transmission relied entirely on people, using military flags as signals and horses to move the three armies. Therefore, leading an army in ancient times was a great test of the general's control of the three armies, his on-the-spot reaction to the military, and the basic qualities of the soldiers. Many times, before your military orders are passed on, the entire army is defeated.

After that, the army will be defeated like a mountain, and no matter how many tricks you try, it will be useless.

No matter what era a war is fought, information always comes first, so many generals need to take one step at a time and issue military orders in advance. The more calculations, the stronger the leader will be.

From this point, we can also see the terror of Han Xin, the immortal soldier.

Han Xin must be the only one in the world who can use various troops with ease.

Li Mu had just issued a military order, and in just a few seconds, the huge military formation began to operate. Square formations of ten thousand people began to switch formations, with chariots in front and cavalry accompanying them. They changed from the original defensive posture to an offensive posture. A sense of chilling was quickly conveyed.

Even if Meng Tian didn't say anything, Luo Yan could tell that Li Mu was planning to make the first move to test their strength.

The scene on the battlefield with nearly 400,000 people was exaggerated, and the terrifying pressure was suffocating.

The commander needs to issue military orders and command various departments at this time. He must be orderly and even be prepared for defeat at a certain point.

Zhao's army has moved, won't you issue a military order?

Luo Yan pursed his dry lips, looked at Meng Tian who looked calm next to him, and asked.

In my heart, I had to admire Meng Tian's character. He was worthy of being born as a general. The scene in front of him didn't seem to shake his mind at all, which was completely different from Luo Yan.

It is foolish to compete with Li Mu in military formation. Since we have chosen to defend from the beginning, we should remain unchanged in response to all changes and must not mess up our position.

Meng Tian said in a deep voice, staring closely at Zhao Jun who was slowly approaching.

The opponent did not rush over in a swarm, but slowly pressed over with a majestic and motionless force. This was obviously just a prelude. Once they reached the charging distance, Zhao Jun would give full play to his advantages and use his chariots to attack. With the mobility of cavalry, tear up the opponent's military formation.

Sure enough, leading troops is not suitable for me... Luo Yan made a self-evaluation in his mind. Looking at Zhao Jun who was slowly approaching, he could even see the pressure on the foreheads of many soldiers around him. It had nothing to do with fear, just An instinctive inner oppression.

Fighting is very demanding on psychological pressure.

Modern people probably didn't know anything on ancient battlefields, and this was especially true during World War II.

People who have never experienced war will never understand the cruelty and psychological oppression.

So most veterans who retire from the battlefield have mental illness.

People in peaceful times will never understand it!

At the same time, Meng Tian moved his lips slightly, silently calculating the distance between Zhao Jun and estimating the maximum range of the crossbow. Different from defending the city, this kind of positional warfare tests the control of the three armies. The reason why a conspiracy is a conspiracy , mainly because of the strange word. In the real battle between the two armies, the competition is still about hard power.


Soon, the Zhao army moved. The roar of hundreds of thousands of people shook the heaven and the earth. The earth also rumbled. Chariots galloped up. It seemed that pairs of eyes full of bloodshot eyes and hatred could be seen. A group of vengeful wolves charged at the Qin soldiers.

At this moment, the Qin army and the Zhao army seemed to have switched positions, as if the Zhao army was the attacking party.

Luo Yan's Adam's apple rolled, and he couldn't hold it back again. He glanced at Meng Tian who was calm next to him. Even though he knew that the other party was very fierce in history, he was still young and could not command him. If something went wrong, so many people would come to him. Come up... then it's really not a question of whether you can hold it up or not.

Obviously, Luo Yan's worries were unnecessary.

Meng Tian calmly raised his hand, and the waving hand on the side began to raise the flag in a unique gesture.


Qin Jun also showed his unique military qualities. He moved uniformly, raised the crossbow in his hand at an angle, and pointed it at the direction of Zhao Jun. Compared with Zhao Jun's murderous intention, Qin Jun was as silent at this moment. The cold killer, silently waiting for the opportunity.

But soon, Qin Bing also began to roar, as if venting his emotions.

Wind, wind!

The two armies roared in an instant, and the people watching the scene were so excited that they seemed to have forgotten what fear was for a moment, and their brains gradually became congested with blood.

Getting closer!

Luo Yan's heartbeat also accelerated as he looked at Zhao Jun who was getting closer and closer.


Meng Tian's arm suddenly waved down, and the command flag moved with it. Crossbow arrows like black feathers soared into the sky. In an instant, the rain of arrows turned into dark clouds and came towards the impact at an extremely fast speed. The Zhao army covered them and left.



Immediately afterwards, there is the second wave, the third wave...

The crossbow arrows seemed to be free of charge, turning into terrifying crossbow feathers and covering the attacking Zhao army.

Zhao Jun's charge was also very methodical. The chariot blocked the crossbow arrows in front, and the cavalry rushed behind it to close the distance. However, as the crossbow chariot fluctuated, the crossbow arrows that could directly shoot people through the air were torn apart in an instant. The front line of the Zhao army was broken, and even the chariots could not withstand the destructive power of the ballistae.

The sound of shattering gold and iron resounded loudly, and at the same time, war horses and Zhao soldiers were shot across the screen, with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

Like the most brilliant colors, it detonated the battlefield.

The Zhao people seemed to be stimulated by the blood, and they charged even more bloodyly, without fear of life or death. Their eyes looked as if they would rather die than bite off a piece of flesh from Qin's body.

Under Luo Yan's gaze, the Zhao army soon rushed to the front of the Qin army's position. The chariots were like steel giants, directly shattering the Qin army's front line of defense. The Zhao army's cavalry rushed in like a tide.

The crossbowmen retreated three hundred steps, and the shield soldiers retreated five hundred steps!

Meng Tian began to issue orders in an orderly manner. In an instant, the entire battlefield was really like a chessboard, moving in an orderly manner under Meng Tian's command, and he abruptly defused the first round of Zhao Jun's offensive.

Compassion does not control soldiers... Luo Yan truly understood the meaning of this word.

Not cold-blooded, but on the battlefield, using hundreds or even thousands of people to block a gap is worth it even if it takes your life to fill it.

The so-called war.

The commander is the one who plays the chess piece, and the soldiers are the chess pieces.

Just like chess, changing pieces is normal. As long as the final victory can be secured, it doesn't matter if all the pieces are used up.

But in reality, these are indeed living lives.

In just a moment, the bloodiest aspect of the ancient positional battle was revealed in front of Luo Yan.


Luo Yan's expression gradually became heavy. Even if he could speak well, he couldn't say a word when he looked at the battlefield that turned into a slaughterhouse of flesh and blood. Only Meng Tian's voice of giving orders and the roars of the two armies were left in his ears. roar.

Blood stimulates the nerves, and death paralyzes the senses.

Compared to the last time they attacked South Korea, this scene before them was more naked and real.

Sir, are you okay?

Looking at Luo Yan's expression, Gai Nie couldn't help but speak.

Luo Yan shook his head, took a deep breath of the bloody air, and said softly: I still don't like war, I love peace.

Luo Yan said this sincerely. Although modern people may shout fiercely on the Internet, in essence, if they really go to the battlefield, they will definitely be more timid than the other.

War is really not a game, nor is it an animation.

Only when it really happens in front of you will you realize that you are nothing.

Everyone hopes that they are the protagonist, but in fact, you really are nothing to this world.

Some people become more understanding as they live, while others are the opposite, becoming more confused as they live... Luo Yan is a mixed type.

When Da Siming and Gai Nie heard this, they all fell silent. They all felt that Luo Yan's words were a bit Versailles. After all, many wars were started by Luo Yan. Although they would have happened without Luo Yan, now, all this has happened. It was planned by Luo Yan.

So, I want to end all wars as soon as possible.

Luo Yan showed a smile, looked at the battlefield, and said quietly.

Immediately, he did not disturb Meng Tian, ​​and stood aside with Gai Nie and Da Siming, calmly watching the bloody battle.

Before entering the era of high-explosive thermal weapons, human life will always be the best weapon on the battlefield.

It can drain the durability of your opponent's weapons and armor.

There is no real essential difference between the two armies. What is competing is the will and the ability of the commander to see who reveals his flaws first and cannot withstand it.

Gai Nie, what do you think of Meng Tian and Li Mu? If it were you, what are your chances of winning?

Luo Yan looked at Gai Nie and couldn't help but ask.

After all, Gai Nie is also a top student in Guigu, and he is definitely not a mediocre person in military matters.

I don't know, both of them are the top generals in the world. Although Gai Nie came from Guigu, he can't be said to be completely confident against them.

Upon hearing this, Gai Nie's stern and delicate face showed a hint of thinking. He looked at the changes in the military formations on the battlefield. After a moment, he spoke slowly, with a calm tone without much waves, as if he was stating a fact.

Luo Yan looked at Gai Nie and couldn't help but smile: I think you are more suitable to hone your swordsmanship than leading soldiers. Life is short, and few people reach the top of many things, or even many things. People often can’t even do one thing.”

Gai Nie Tianzong is extremely talented in all aspects, but his highest talent point is still swordsmanship, because he likes this thing, and the same goes for his opponent Wei Zhuang.

These two people prefer to love and kill each other than to dominate the world.


Gai Nie shook the sword in his hand, looked at the battlefield in front of him, and finally nodded and said: My teacher Guiguzi once commented on me that I lack the sense of decision-making. I often hope to cover everything, but in the end I am neither.

I'm really not fit to lead an army!

There was not a word left.

That is, rather than leading soldiers and looking at the battlefield meat grinder, he prefers to hold the sword in his hand, which feels more fulfilling.

So I have always wanted to say that your generation of Guiguzi has recruited the wrong disciples... Luo Yan couldn't help but joke in his heart.

The disciples of Guigu in previous generations were either the most talented in leading troops, or they were able to trick the world with just one mouth. They were similar to swordsmen like Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang... threatening the world with the sword in their hands and making the princes fearful? !

It doesn't seem impossible...

PS: It's a little late, war is really not suitable for me, I long for...

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