Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 519 Brother, good brother!

Luo Yan had a taste of what it was like to be a teacher, not to mention, it was pretty good.

Because Widow Qing is a good student, smart, obedient, gentle, soft-spoken, and in short very soft~

It was getting late when I left the Chamber of Commerce.

Luo Yan did not forget about business. He was quite concerned about Li Yuan's invitation. It was related to his future layout in Chu State. Li Yuan was definitely an extremely important part of Chu State.

Especially after the death of the old Chu King in history, Li Yuan killed Chunshen Lord Huang Xie.

Li Yuan's status in Chu State must have skyrocketed.

Speaking of Huang Xie.

Luo Yan was also curious. Huang Xie stuffed his son into the palace and turned him into a prince. Did the King of Chu know about this?

Just don’t know.

It would be really interesting if you knew that.

In addition, in the later period, in order to successfully inherit the throne, Lord Changping recognized King Kaolie of Chu as his father. Calculating from this, the powerful class of Chu State was really in chaos, which is quite interesting.

Luo Yan was sitting on Bai Jie's carriage, leaning on the soft cushions and closing his eyes to rest. The fragrance lingering on the tip of his nose made him calm physically and mentally. In his mind, he was also thinking about the news about Li Yuan and Chu State, and how to get from Li Yuan. Yuan intervened in the affairs of Chu State.

From Li Yuan's killing of Huang Xie, it can be seen that this person's heart is very wild, and his ambition and desire are still higher than those of Guo Kai, the God of War of Zhao State.

This kind of person is easy to work with, as long as you can give him what he wants.

The premise is that you are sure not to be counterattacked.

Of course, Luo Yan doesn't need to worry about this, because he is now in Qin and has no interest dispute with Li Yuan.

Sir, we have arrived.

At the same time, the coachman said respectfully outside.

Hear the words.

Luo Yan opened his eyes, gathered his thoughts, stood up and opened the curtain, lightly jumped off the horse, waved the driver back, then looked at the most luxurious restaurant in Xianyang City, with a playful look in his eyes, and smiled, Just strode over.

He was looking forward to Li Yuan giving him some surprises.

Others were a little curious about Mr. Changping's attitude and wondered what Mr. Changping would think when he learned that they had met again.

Can you still sit still?

Stay steady as always, you will still lose your mind~

. . . . . . . .

What do you think?

Mr. Chang Ping, who was sitting in the elegant room of the restaurant at this moment, looked a little solemn, without any trace of the calmness of the past. He looked at the steaming tea cup on the table with a gloomy look, but had no intention of raising it to drink. Obviously, I have no interest in drinking tea now.

It would be anyone else.

Sitting in his position, watching Luo Yan and Li Yuan meet, he would not feel any better.

The key is.

This time the invitation was sent by Li Yuan. What exactly is Li Yuan going to do?

He had already reminded Li Yuan not to have excessive contact with Luo Yan if necessary. Although it was a relatively implicit warning, how could a person like Li Yuan fail to hear it.

But obviously.

Li Yuan didn't take Changping Jun's words seriously at all.

As the door slowly opened, a middle-aged man walked in. It was Tian Guang, the hero of the farm family. His demeanor was calm and powerful, and he looked extremely heroic.

Looking at Lord Changping who was feeling a little uneasy, Tian Guang nodded and said in a deep voice: Your Majesty, the arrangements have been made.

This Li Yuan is too ungrateful.

Upon hearing this, Lord Changping nodded, then frowned and spoke slowly.

Li Yuan is not only King Chu's brother-in-law, but also Chun Shenjun's confidant. It is normal not to listen to your Majesty's words.

Tian Guang said slowly, not surprised by Li Yuan's decision.

Because Lord Changping was now an official of the Qin State and had no direct connection with Li Yuan, he treated Lord Changping politely just because he was the royal son of the King of Chu.

Apart from that, there is nothing in Changping Jun that Li Yuan wants.

Even because Lord Changping was the prince of Chu State, the relationship between the two parties was rather awkward, because sister Li Yuan's son was now the prince of Chu State.

Logically speaking, Lord Changping also has the right to succeed King Chu.

Putting this relationship here, how can Li Yuan be at peace with Lord Changping.

Li Yuan himself is an ambitious person.

Changping Jun shook his head, feeling a little helpless. It would be fine if it were someone else. Li Yuan is related to Chu State, not to mention he is in a high position. God knows if Luo Yan will use Li Yuan to give Chu State a hard blow. This is Chang Pingjun is most worried.

Lord Changping knew very well that Luo Yan's contact with Li Yuan was definitely ulterior motives. This person was very purposeful and it was impossible for him to make friends with Li Yuan for no reason.

Luo Yan must have other considerations behind this.

The greatest value of Li Yuan is obviously in Chu State.

It’s no wonder that Mr. Changping didn’t think too much about this.

We don't have much time. Qin is getting stronger and stronger.

Lord Changping pondered for a moment and said slowly.

What Luo Yan brought to Qin was enough to gradually increase Qin's national strength and heritage, and the gap with the six countries would further widen, which was definitely not a good thing.

The most important thing is that the current King of Qin is also a ruthless character.

Your Majesty, you have been waiting for so many years, so why rush for this moment? As the saying goes, it is up to people to make things happen, and there are some things where it is useless to rush.

Tian Guang reminded with a slightly heavier tone.

Lord Changping nodded and said no more words.

Everyone knows some things, but if they really have to face it, how many people can keep their emotions calm and not moved at all?

Not to mention Lord Changping, who has been his grandson for half his life.

It's like a frog at the bottom of a well is about to crawl out of the hole, but at the hole, an unscrupulous guy kicks it back, and half a lifetime of hard work will be in vain.

This feeling... is really unpleasant.

. . . . .

Luo Yan obviously didn't know that Changping Jun was also in the restaurant, and he kept paying attention to himself and Li Yuan.

At this moment, Luo Yan opened his arms to Li Yuan with a cheerful face and said with a smile: Brother Li, why did you think of inviting me to drink?!

Li Yuan greeted him with a smile on his face, opened his arms, and held Luo Yan's arms tightly together, laughing and saying, Of course I want to get to know Brother Luo in depth!

understand deeper?

This is not necessary, I never rise to the challenge!

Luo Yan muttered in his heart, but the smile on his face became a little stronger: Brother Li's invitation, how can I refuse, please!

Brother Luo please!

As soon as the words fell, the two guys with ulterior motives walked towards the elegant room hand in hand.

Take a seat and the food and wine are served.

Luo Yan and Li Yuan exchanged cups and exchanged cups, and expressed cordial condolences to each other. The atmosphere gradually became better, and their smiles seemed to become much more natural.

If there were outsiders present, they would probably really think that the two of them were good friends and good brothers who hadn't seen each other for many years.

It can be seen that the two people's acting skills are superb, and they are both at the level of human beings.

Sure enough, there is no one with bad acting skills who can survive in the officialdom.

Luo Yan drank another glass of wine, his smile not diminishing at all, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Li Yuan's acting skills are really impressive. An ordinary person would really be convinced by his acting skills. Thank you, Make brothers.

Just talk about this acting skill.

It is impossible for Li Yuan to be short of food in this era.

Fortunately, Ta Luo is not bad either.

Brother Li, how did you think about the last time you became brothers with different surnames?

Luo Yan brought up old things again under the influence of alcohol and looked at Li Yuan seriously, indicating that he was not joking and that he really wanted to be with Li Yuan.

Compared with Li Yuan's hypocrisy, he, Luo Mou, made friends with his brothers with all his heart and soul!

Of course I'm willing, but I'm afraid of trying to get a better position than Brother Luo!

Li Yuan was slightly stunned when he heard this. Apparently he didn't expect Luo Yan to do this again. He could only shake his head and sigh.

What's the point of being too high and not too high? A few months ago, I was still a commoner. How can I choose friends and brothers based on the other person's status? It doesn't matter if I don't want to make friends like this. What does Brother Li think?!

Luo Yan waved his hand and said sincerely.

Brother Luo said that he has been offered this job, how can Li Yuan refuse anymore!

Li Yuan raised the wine cup and said very solemnly.

Brother Li!

Brother Zhengchun!

After the disgusting performance, both parties did not feel disgusted, but rather felt a little sympathy for each other.

At this moment, Li Yuan relied on three points of drunkenness to have three points of brotherhood, and the remaining ninety-four points were all false love. He looked at Luo Yan with concern and asked curiously: Where have you been, brother Xian, these days? ?A few days ago, I planned to meet Brother Xian for a drink but couldn’t find anyone~

It's not a big deal. General Meng Ao was seriously ill a few days ago. The king ordered me to invite a doctor to inherit the disease. I spent a lot of money to invite him.

When Luo Yan heard this, he said it without thinking. After he finished speaking, he clapped his mouth in annoyance, straightened his face, looked at Li Yuan with a solemn look, and reminded: Brother Li, this matter You must not tell anyone, it is of great importance, if word spreads, I will be in trouble.

General Meng Ao is seriously ill?

Li Yuan was stunned when he heard this. He just asked casually. He never expected that Luo Yan would tell such important news.

A country's general is seriously ill.

The subsequent events caused by this will obviously not be trivial.

Brother Li, please don't spread this matter. There are only a handful of people who know about it now!

Luo Yan looked at Li Yuan with a serious face and reminded him in a deep voice. At the same time, there was a bit of annoyance in his eyes, as if he regretted himself for telling such important news.

Don't worry, dear brother, brother, I still know the severity.

Hearing this, Li Yuan quickly patted his chest and promised.

Drinking makes things worse.

Luo Yan shook his head, looking annoyed.

The more Luo Yan behaved like this, the more Li Yuan became sure that Luo Yan had not deceived him. With the intelligence collected during this period, the matter was already certain. His eyes suddenly brightened, and he asked tentatively: I don't know what General Meng is doing now. How is your condition?

It's stabilized and nothing will happen soon.

Luo Yan shook his head, hesitated for a moment, and then spoke slowly, as if he felt that it was no longer important to talk about this matter.

That's good. Brother Zhao can rest assured.

Hearing this, Li Yuan smiled and said.

But he kept this in mind. At that age, Meng Ao was seriously ill once, how long could he survive?

In addition, Ying Zheng’s crowning ceremony is about to take place.

These things can cause many consequences.

With this information alone, today's friendship with Luo Yan was not in vain. The Luo Taifu in front of him seemed very mature and sophisticated, but he was a bit emotional.

They talk about each other as brothers, but they seem to really think that they are brothers.

It's really too immature.

Still young~

Luo Yan saw the change in Li Yuan's eyes. He couldn't guess what Li Yuan was thinking. He couldn't help but complain in his heart. The world is really dangerous. A simple person like him is no longer suitable to survive in troubled times. Only with the embrace of Concubine Yan and Jing Sala can there be a trace of warmth and security.

Drink and drink, there's no point in talking about the old general.

Although Luo Yan had a lot of thoughts in his mind, he urged him, as if he had no idea about General Meng Ao's matter.

Why is my dear brother still thinking about drinking? Meng Ao is a general. He is critically ill now. The position of general will inevitably be vacant. Doesn't my dear brother have no idea?

Li Yuan suddenly looked concerned about Luo Yan and couldn't help but remind him.

In Li Yuan's view.

This opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, at least for people like Luo Yan.

The big boss in the military is about to step down.

That means that a large number of people who follow him to dinner have to give up their seats to make way for the next military boss to take over.

So many positions in the army can be moved, and how many of your own people can be supported to move up. This is definitely a huge opportunity.

I am a civil servant, not a military commander.

When Luo Yan heard this, he frowned, glanced at Li Yuan, and said in a deep voice.

Even civil servants can win over military generals. What's more, the King of Qin is about to take over the throne. As a confidant of the King of Qin, why not recommend some generals at this moment? This is definitely an opportunity for the good brother. You must seize this relationship. To my good brother’s future in Qin!”

Li Yuan couldn't help but help Luo Yan make plans.

Because Li Yuan also needs help from others, he doesn't have many contacts with other people in the Qin Kingdom for the time being, and now that Luo Yan is coming to his door, how can he not be sure of it.

As long as Luo Yan secures his position in Qin, how can he not help himself? ?

How can a man live under others for a long time?

Li Yuan also has a powerful heart!

Without ambition, he would not be where he is now.

Why are the older brothers I know all careerists?

Luo Yan murmured in his heart, looking at Li Yuan with a sincere and serious face, he felt a little strange in his heart.

At the same time, in an elegant room not far from Luo Yan's elegant room.

Lord Changping also listened to the news reported by Tian Guang. The thing about Meng Ao also made his eyes freeze. He had also heard about the news that Meng Ao was seriously ill, although he was not as accurate as Lu Buwei.

Now that he got the accurate answer from Luo Yan, it was obviously impossible for Mr. Changping to say that he had no idea.

Once the position of general is vacant, Lord Changping can definitely recommend some generals to take over.

He, Lord Changping, has been in Qin for so many years, and there is no shortage of confidants in the army.

But after the surprise in my heart.

Chang Pingjun couldn't help but feel wary. He looked at Tian Guang and said in a deep voice: Is this person's character to tell Li Yuan such things so easily?!

Lord Changping didn't think that Luo Yan would be so out of his mind to say such a big thing in front of the people of Chu.

Chang Pingjun cannot help but doubt this.

Rather than Luo Yan saying it casually, he would rather believe that Luo Yan did it on purpose.

Although Meng Ao is seriously ill, he has stabilized. His subordinates feel that Luo Yan is trying to win Li Yuan's trust through this matter. As for Meng Ao's serious illness, this matter cannot be delayed for too long. Sooner or later, others will know , it doesn’t matter whether you say it or not.”

Tian Guang pondered for a moment and explained slowly.

This is not a bad statement, but there is a big difference between knowing it sooner and knowing it later.

Lord Changping nodded, then shook his head and said slowly.

Then he stood up, put his hands behind his back, walked back and forth for a few steps, and muttered: Even if Meng Ao recovers, his body will not return to its original state. He is old and cannot sit in the position of general for too long. This is very important to me. It’s an opportunity.”

The position of general may be difficult, but for other positions, Lord Changping's connections are enough to top him.

If someone takes over the position of general, there will inevitably be room left.

that's enough!

Lord Changping can arrange for his own people to enter.

After saying that, Mr. Changping's expression was still a little solemn, which was because he was afraid of Luo Yan: Luo Yan actually told Li Yuan about this matter. It seems that he has great intentions.

Tian Guang heard this and said slowly: Li Yuan shouldn't be so stupid to believe him so easily.

It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. What matters is what Li Yuan wants.

Chang Pingjun said in a deep voice.

On the other side, Luo Yan had already used Jiu Jin to chat with Li Yuan about the affairs of the Chu Kingdom, such as the fact that the King of Chu was not in good health.

Luo Yan wanted to test Li Yuan's attitude, but Meng Ao's incident was just an introduction.

The king's health has indeed been a bit ailing in recent years.

Li Yuan hesitated for a moment, thinking that Luo Yan could also find out the news, so he didn't hide it and started chatting with Luo Yan.

Luo Yan patted Li Yuan on the shoulder with emotion: Thank you for your hard work, brother. Fortunately, there are still great talents like my brother in Chu State. I believe that the future of Chu State must be bright!

The country of Qin is really bright when it has a virtuous brother!

When Li Yuan heard this, he immediately smiled and said.

For the future, respect my brother!

Dear brother, drink up!

As they spoke, the two raised their glasses and clinked their glasses together. With a crisp crashing sound, the wine spilled, and they drank it all in one gulp.

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