【Class Rules Guide

】【1.You can't leave the classroom without the teacher's permission】【2.In the classroom, no loud noise

】【3.You can't eat food other than people in the classroom

】【4.Don't leave your seat for more than one minute


is not allowed unless you want to die in a nightmare】【

6. After class, all actions must obey the teacher's command....

The class rules are not complicated, there are only five simple rules.

Lin Tian glanced at it, and after memorizing the rules

, he immediately tried to come to the door of the classroom, closed his eyes and fake sleep, chewing the air while pressing his throat and roaring with a bass: "Thai pants are spicy!" "

In short, it's crazy temptation on the edge of the rules.

When Dai Qing and Taotao saw this scene, they couldn't help but be stunned.

"He, what is he doing?"

"I didn't understand either... I guess it's a whole thing, right? The

two sat in their seats honestly, not trying to explore the rules in the classroom, but just staring at Lin Tian with a little doubt, observing his performance in the game.

This is also the main task for the two to enter the cassette world this time.

After teasing the rules of the off-duty rules,

Lin Tian also returned to his seat and began to seriously think about how to play this game.

At present, if he wants to play the role of his plug-in, he needs to consume soul points as support, that is, the current primary goal is to find a way to obtain soul points.

He looked around.

Two players on the left and right who enter the game with themselves will definitely not come in handy.

After thinking about it, Lin Tian turned his gaze to an inch-headed student in front of him and asked in a low voice, "Buddy, do you know what a soul point is?" When

the inch-headed student saw Lin Tian suddenly come over to talk, his eyes revealed a little fear, as if he was afraid of something.

However, after a slight groan, he still stretched out his arm and answered Lin Tian's question: "This, this should be the soul point."

Lin Tian looked down.

Above the student's arm,

he saw a sign of green ghost fire.

Behind the sign, there is a number: 2

Lin Tian saw this, rolled up his sleeves, and saw that he also had such a sign on his arm, but the number behind it was 0.

"It seems that this is something similar to currency in this game world."

Gradually beginning to explore the rules of this world, Lin Tian smiled slightly and asked, "How did you get this point?"

The student replied: "After answering the teacher's questions in class, you will get points, which can be used to buy time away from the classroom, for going to the bathroom, or going to the store to buy food, going to the hallway to eat, etc."

Lin Tian suddenly heard this: "Oh! I have to answer the question! "

Between words.

Bell bell bell bell....

The eerie class bell is already ringing.

When the students heard the bell, they immediately returned to their seats and stopped talking.

Lin Tian also raised his head with his chest straight, and on the table where his arms were overlapped, he made a good student with a strong and sunny appearance,

which was in sharp contrast with the silent and cowering students around him.

As the bell rang, a

teacher walked in outside the door.

The teacher was dressed in a gray shirt and black shorts, and looked very normal in his attire, but his gaze continued to move upwards to his face...

In the classroom, all the students couldn't help but swallow.

On its face, there are no facial features, no face.


A bottomless darkness.

"Hello students, this class is a math class, please immediately take out the books and the triangular board and ruler, if you can't take it, please spend soul points to buy it immediately, otherwise

..." "I can only take your bones and help you make the ruler and triangular board on the spot,

hey..." The black-faced teacher let out a weird laugh.

Inside the classroom,

a group of students immediately took out rulers and books from the bucket of the table.

Lin Tian, Taotao, and Dai Qing three players, also immediately flipped the table fight and school bag, the game cannot set a dead game for the player at the beginning, so the three of them also successfully found out what they needed for the first lesson in the table fight.

However, that's basically all in the table bucket.

Dai Qing glanced at the class schedule posted in the upper right corner of the table, and immediately understood that this first lesson should be to simply guide players to the rules of the game in this classroom.

The book items needed for the first lesson

are the ones that the player brought with them when they were born.

But after that

, players need to guess the items they will need for the next class according to the class schedule, and prepare while the class is over.

As for the idea of clearing the game

level, according to the experience of Dai Qing's more than 70 level veteran players, most of them need to accumulate soul points, obtain ways to fight weird by spending soul points,

or need to use rules to kill the weird principal.

In horror games like this

, in addition to players needing to follow the rules, weird actions generally follow a set of logical methods.

Figuring out the logical way of weird actions, avoiding certain factors that are unfavorable to oneself, and exploring and using some rules that cause harm to weirdness is the

consistent way to deal with weirdness.

See, the class officially begins, and the

game gets to business.

"Come on, Lin Tian, let me see how capable you really are."

Tilting his head to look at Lin Tian, Dai Qing hugged his hands around his chest.


On the podium

, the black-faced teacher held the teaching materials in his hand and began to lecture: "Regarding the right-angled triangular person, the method of composition is probably to let a person sit against the wall, and then break his leg bones and fold up..." In

this strange classroom, this

strange teacher with a dark face will definitely not teach too normal.

The faces of the students turned pale when they listened.

Peach imagined that picture, and even felt a little disgusted.

In the entire classroom,

only Lin Tian listened very carefully, and from time to time he lowered his head to take notes.

Seeing that the black-faced teacher finished talking about the very interesting content of "Right Angle Triangle People", and was about to turn the page to talk about the next part,

Lin Tian couldn't help but raise his right hand.

The black-faced teacher was pitch black, as if there were faint ripples on the face of the abyss, and it pointed at Lin Tian and said, "You, do you have anything you want to say?"

Lin Tian stood up and asked with a studious look: "Teacher, if that person's legs are not long enough, won't he be a right-angled triangle person?" The

whole class was stunned.

The black-faced teacher was also stunned for a while, and after thinking a little, he replied: "Then take a right angle point again, if the legs are not long enough, then break this person from the lumbar vertebrae position, and fight for the length of his bottom and longest side." "

Whoosh! I see! Lin Tian was abrupt when he heard this, and then pointed to Dai Qing, the vice principal of Kyoto next to him, "Teacher, can you use this student to give everyone a demonstration?" "

Peach: .

. The corner of Dai Qing's mouth twitched: "Are you special..." The

black-faced teacher shook his head: "If you demonstrate, there will be a chance later, let's continue the class first... However, your questions are insightful, and I like thinking children.

"As a reward, give you 1 soul point."

The black-faced teacher's fingers moved slightly.

A green light shot out, and

soon, it disappeared into Lin Tian's body.

Rolling up his sleeves again

, Lin Tian immediately saw that on his arm, the number behind the ghost fire pattern changed

from 0 to 1!

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