After booting, the

screensaver that appears is a photo.

Above the photo is a group photo of a human and a pocket monster.

This monster and the human in the photo,

Lin Tian actually knew each other!

The monster is a yellow, mouse-shaped pocket monster with long ears and a lightning-shaped tail, and the name of this monster is "Pikachu".

And the human next to Pikachu, dressed in a blue trainer costume, wearing a baseball cap with a red background and white edges, long hair that is a little messy, and a pair of big eyes are shining... It's like the protagonist of the Pokemon series, Ash!

"This... Is it Ash's computer? "

How did Ash's computer end up here?"

"Could it be that this institute has something to do with Ash?!"

Lin Tian's mind suddenly gave birth to a lot of curiosity and doubt.

In the game world that Lin Tian entered, the protagonist of the original work, Ash, has defeated all opponents and become the world's strongest champion

trainer, and he also took the lead in creating the world's largest monster trainer organization, which is now the Monster Fighting Alliance, it stands to reason that Ash should be very old, at least middle-aged.

However, on the screensaver photo of this computer, Ash still looks like a young man....

"In other words, Ash came to this institute many years ago... The extent of the desolation of the institute also shows that it has not been visited for at least several decades.

While thinking about the relationship between this underground research institute and Xiaozhi, Lin Tian began to search for useful information on the computer.

As with the facilities at the institute,

most of the files on the computers were damaged.

I just don't know if it was manually damaged or if the hard drive had been left on hold for too long and had a natural failure.

Basically, only things on the desktop can be clicked on.

There are some training materials about pocket monsters on the table, and some rules and regulations about the establishment of the Monster Fighting League, it seems that when Ash came to this underground research institute, he had already won the World Trainer Championship and began to work on the establishment of the Monster Fighting League.

In the bottom folder, several videos can also be opened for playback.

Lin Tian tried to click on one of the videos.

The scene of the video is locked on a test bench, and at this time, the pocket monster tied to the test bench by various steel chains is none other than Pikachu!

And Ash, who is wearing a white lab coat at the moment

, holding a syringe filled with viscous red liquid in his hand, slowly approaching Pikachu, while approaching, he is still a little nervously thinking to himself: "It must be possible, Pikachu, you can definitely evolve!"

Pikachu struggled in fear, constantly crying out: "Pika-Pika!

However, ignoring Pikachu's pleas,

Ash's eyes were bloodshot, and he still injected a sticky red liquid into Pikachu's body with a somewhat crazy expression.

After a brief lull,

"pickup !!!"

Pikachu began to wail in pain, as if there was some kind of living creature in his body constantly moving, constantly pushing out the epidermis of its body into a large bag that moved everywhere!

Until a few minutes later.


The large bag stagnates in Pikachu's abdomen.

Then, it exploded suddenly!

Pikachu was disemboweled by the explosion, and the blood rushed!

"Failed again?"

Ash's lifeless suppressed voice came out and began to restore Pikachu with medicine.

Then, when it went dark in front of you, the

video ended.

Turning off the video, Lin Tian watched several other videos.

The content of several other videos is basically the same as this one.

At the end of each experiment,

it ended with an exhausted Pikachu seriously injured.

"Ash, are you looking for a way to make Pikachu evolve?" After watching these videos, Lin Tian felt a little ruined in his childhood, and couldn't help but guess with his teeth, "In this way, Xiaozhi in this world should not be very normal!"

"At least, it's very different from the kind-blooded, loyal Ash in the anime game."

Putting the computer away,

Lin Tian was about to return to the ground with the computer.

In front of you, a prompt pops up suddenly.

[You received the hidden mission "Real Ash"! ] 】

【Mission content: Discover the true face of the world's strongest monster trainer "Ash". 】

【Mission reward: After the end of the game, the settlement reward is greatly increased! 】

"It seems that Ash has many secrets hidden in him... Later in the game, it may revolve around finding Ash. Glancing at the task prompt, Lin Tian guessed and sighed slightly, and left the institute with the Benlei Saint Leopard.


After a night's rest,

Lin Tian and several pocket monsters recovered their spirits and set out on their journey again.

When he reached the edge of the "Eternal Forest" area, a large group of wooden pocket monsters appeared in an organized group and began to block Lin Tian's team.

Although these wooden wild monsters are huge in number and are all full-level monsters, in front of Lin Tian's several pocket monsters that are already strong enough to be supermodels, they still quickly turn into money and Lin Tian's necromancer professional experience.

[Your necromancer level has been increased to lv90!] 】

【You have learned a new class skill: Summon Bone Dragon (consumes 100 souls, you can summon a powerful bone dragon from the Nether Hell, the number of bone dragons is unlimited, and the summoned bone dragon level is 100 levels higher than your level)! 】


A prompt popped up in front of him, and

Lin Tian's necromancer class level had been increased to lv90!

He can now summon a powerful bone dragon of lv190 by consuming the souls he has collected!

The emergence of this skill undoubtedly brought Lin Tian's role and strength as a necromancer to a higher level!

Ordinary full-level wild monsters can provide Lin Tian with about 5 to 6 souls to kill, summoning a death knight costs 20 souls, and summoning a bone dragon consumes five times the number of souls.

However, along the way, Lin Tian had accumulated a lot of souls, and killing this large group of wood-based pocket monsters provided Lin Tian with a large amount of soul income.

As soon as his mind moved,

Lin Tian summoned all his remaining souls into bone dragons!

In an instant, the

sky was covered with flying dragons pressed by white pressure!

A full 30 bone dragons joined the team, once again strengthening Lin Tian's undead legion!

After defeating the blocking group of wooden pocket monsters and summoning the bone dragon,

Lin Tian continued to go deeper into the depths of the Eternal Forest in search of the towering tree saint.


Meanwhile, deep in the Eternal Forest.

The Towering Tree Saint had already learned the news of Lin Tian's approach, and his body trembled nervously at this moment.

It can obtain information through various plants and wood pocket monsters, so it learned a few days ago that Lin Tian defeated several other regional bosses and marched towards the Eternal Forest.

The group of wooden pocket monsters that Lin Tian had defeated just now was also organized by the Towering Tree Saint in advance and sent in the past to specifically block Lin Tian's actions.

At this time, he learned that the wooden pocket monster troops sent to block Lin Tian had been easily defeated, and Lin Tian's team was rapidly approaching him.

The towering tree saint trembled with fright!

Seeing that, Lin Tian's team had entered the depths of the forest.

It had no choice but to plunge its legs into the soil and pretend to be an ordinary tree, hoping to avoid it.


The whole forest, although it is full of towering trees.

However, other trees do not have noses or eyes!

As soon as Lin Tian entered the depths of the forest, he found the Towering Tree Saint at a glance, and he saw the Towering Tree Saint staring at the Towering Tree Saint with big eyes and the pestle motionless in place, and immediately leaned over and said, "Finally found you, Towering Tree Saint!" When

the Towering Tree Saint heard this, he quickly retorted: "You found the wrong tree, I am not the Towering Tree Saint, I am just an ordinary big tree." "

Lin Tian: ...

Lin Tian: "Okay, don't pretend, can ordinary trees speak?" Moreover, I have come to you all the way to find you, can it be said that you are not moved at all? The

towering tree saint tensed all over and snorted: "Don't dare to move, don't dare to move at all!" "

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