The price of the second super-evolution

crystallization was 300,000 dollars each, and Lin Tian also directly spent 900,000 to buy three pieces, and immediately carried out the second super-evolution of the three dragon monsters whose level was raised to the current upper limit.

Three monsters are super-evolved at the same time

, and the colorful light is all over the sky, and the scene is particularly spectacular!

[Your rainbow rare-level miracle divine beast "Ash Demon Lord" completed the second super evolution and successfully evolved into "Ash Dragon Saint", the upper limit of the level was increased, and the attributes were greatly improved! ]

】【Your rainbow rare level divine beast "Silver Dragon Ancestor" completed the second super evolution and successfully evolved into "Silver Dragon Saint", the upper limit of the level was increased, and the attributes were greatly improved! 】

【Your rainbow rare domain master divine beast "Ice Dragon Emperor" completed the second super evolution and successfully evolved into "Ice Dragon Saint", the upper limit of the level was increased, and the attributes were greatly improved!

After a few moments, the hyperevolution is over.

As the colored light gradually dissipated, after

the three dragon monsters evolved again, an even larger and burly figure slowly appeared in front of Lin Tian's eyes with the prompt that popped up!

The majestic and majestic body contains extremely terrifying power, and the supreme momentum brings a strong and shocking coercion... After the second super evolution, the three rainbow rare level divine beasts with strong potential have already entered the saint!

Looking at the domineering posture of the three monsters after evolution

, Lin Tian wrapped his hands around his chest and smiled: "With their current combat strength, if they challenge the White Lion Saint Lord, they should be more than ninety-five percent sure!"

"In that case, the next step is to ..."

After the mutation evolution was completed,

Lin Tian immediately sent three dragon monsters again to continue hunting.

Perhaps because they killed too many wild monsters in the past few days, they began to hunt again, and the prey they could find around began to decrease, but as the three dragon pocket monsters changed, their mobility was also higher.

Therefore, after another three days passed,

Lin Tian still successfully harvested 1.8 million dollars again!

This time the funds arrived

, he directly spent 800,000 yuan to purchase the "Seven Star Meditation Method", the most expensive among the goods in the fourth-level cheat store!

After imparting the knowledge of meditation to the three Dragon Clan pocket monsters through the exchange of language

, Lin Tian spent another 600,000 money to directly send the three Dragon Clan Monsters into a super cultivation space with a hundred times the effect.

Another two days passed, and the

three Dragon Clan pocket monsters were equivalent to cultivating the seven-star meditation method for two hundred days.

Looking at the clock in the base car,

Lin Tian waited expectantly for the end of his cultivation.


Finally, the clock rang.

It was time set by Lin Tian.

Immediate prompts, popping up almost simultaneously.

[The Ash Dragon Saint has completed 24 hours of hundredfold cultivation! ] 【Silver

Dragon Saint has completed 24 hours of 100-fold cultivation! 【The

Ice Dragon Saint has completed 24 hours of hundredfold cultivation! 】 】


[Ash Dragon Saint's seven-star meditation method cultivates to the realm of the Great Demon Guide! ] 【Silver

Dragon Saint's seven-star meditation method cultivates to the realm of the Great Demon Guide! 】 【Ice

Dragon Saint's seven-star meditation method cultivation to the realm of great demon guide! 】 (

Meditation Law Realm: Magic Apprentice, Magician, Great Magician, Magic Guide, Great Magic Guide, Law God!)

[Ash Dragon Saint's special attack increased by 6,000 points! ] 】

【Ash Dragon Saint's special defense increased by 6,000 points! 】 【The

speed of the Ash Dragon Saint has increased by 3,000 points! 】 】

【Ash Dragon Saint uses special attack skill consumption reduced by 80%! 】 】


At the end of the two-day hundredfold cultivation

, the three dragon monsters have received a huge increase in the speed of special attack and defense, as well as the consumption of spells!

Although these two days of cultivation did not allow the three Dragon Clan pocket monsters to directly cultivate the Seven-Star Meditation Method to the highest Dharma God realm, they were also successfully promoted to the Great Demon Guide Realm second only to the Dharma God realm!

Following the completion of the dragon-elephant-like cultivation and the great improvement of attributes such as material attack and physical defense, the three dragon pocket monsters that cultivated the seven-star meditation method to the realm of the Great Demon Guide finally caught up, and even surpassed the physical attributes that were far ahead before!

With his current attributes to fight against the White Lion Saint Lord, Lin Tian felt that it should already be a breeze, but considering that he still had 400,000 spare money in hand, he still chose to let the three Dragon Clan pocket monsters cultivate for another day and let them cultivate this seven-star meditation method to the highest level.

Another day later.

When the three Dragon Clan pocket monsters left the super cultivation space again, their bodies flashed with golden light, and their powerful magic power filled every cell of them, if they were not controlled, a casual breath would bring a thunderous huge mana explosion!

After this last day of cultivation a hundredfold,

the three Dragon Clan pocket monsters finally successfully cultivated the Seven-Star Meditation Method to the extreme level!

Special attack special defense attribute, increased by 3000 again!

Now, these two attributes of the three dragon races have exceeded their physical attack and defense attributes by a large margin, and the speed attribute has also increased by 1500 points.

The consumption of using skills can be reduced by a full 90%!


, these three dragon pocket monsters have transformed into three spell batteries that can unleash devastating and powerful special attack skills at high frequencies, and their output capabilities are full!

Seeing that the preparations were over,

Lin Tian finally plucked up the courage and drove the base car to continue to touch the deepest part of the permafrost soil.

The space deep in the permafrost soil is still quite large, but it is too dangerous to go deeper, and most of the deepest areas have not been set foot on it so far, so the display on the navigation map is not complete.

Lin Tian originally thought that it would take some time to find the legendary White Lion Saint Lord in this area, who expected that he had just traveled for a few hours after driving the base car to continue deepening.

Outside the base car, the Silver Dragon Saint flying in the sky descended from the air and reported to Lin Tian: "Master, that White Lion Saint Lord should be 10 kilometers away from the north side.

Lin Tian was stunned when he heard this, and asked curiously: "How do you know?" The

Silver Dragon Saint replied respectfully: "After growing this horn, my perception ability has increased a lot, and at a position ten kilometers away on the north side, I feel the most powerful energy fluctuation after entering the permafrost soil, which should be sent by the White Lion Saint Lord." "

It seems that the T Virus Perfect Original Liquid not only provides the Silver Dragon Saint with powerful combat power, but also gives it some special functional abilities.

Lin Tian nodded when he heard this, and immediately turned the head of the car.

Since there were strong energy fluctuations in the north, even if it was not the White Lion Saint Lord, it might be other powerful monsters worth subduing, and it was always right to take a look, he was traveling at full speed in the direction pointed out by the Silver Dragon Holy House.

Not long after, he arrived at the position where the Silver Dragon Saint felt the energy fluctuations.

Lin Tian looked forward through the screen in the control room.

In front of him, not far away

, in the vast pale snow, a green jungle appeared!

As if sensing the approach of other life, in

the jungle, a giant lion beast with a snow-white body suddenly soared into the air!

"It seems that a delicacy has been delivered to your door."

"Dragons... I haven't eaten it for a long time! A

dull and cold voice came from the mouth of the giant lion beast, and the corners of its mouth evoked a very human, cruel and bloodthirsty smile.

[Second Super Evolution Rainbow Rare Grade Mutant Divine Beast "White Lion Saint Lord (LV200)! ] 】

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