"If this is paired with the two male dragons I already have, won't I have countless baby dragons in the future?" When Lin Tian heard the sound, he was even more excited, and immediately bought the cheat ball from the cheat store and prepared to arrest it.

Of course, monsters of this level

are definitely not so easy to catch.

A battle that incapacitates it cannot be avoided.

Moreover, you can also get additional rewards through battles

, even if you can capture it directly,

Lin Tian will choose to defeat it first and then capture it.

"Up, take it down."

Lin Tian waved his hand slightly.

The figures of the Silver Dragon Ancestor and the Ash Demon Lord immediately flashed!

A flash of light and shadow, one silver white, one gray black

, instantly attacked from the left and right, towards the Winter Fang!

As a rainbow rare-level overlord divine beast, the strength of the Winter Fang is strong, and the Ash Demon Lord Silver Dragon Ancestor before being strengthened by Lin Tian's series is almost the top combat power of the level.

However, after super evolution, wearing extreme equipment, learning diamond skills and other aspects strengthened, the Ash Demon Lord and the Silver Dragon Ancestor have already formed a huge suppression of the dimensionality reduction strike level when dealing with monsters of the level of Winter Fang.

"Thousands of miles frozen !!"

The Winter Fang urged the cold and ice energy, and a large mass of thick cold qi visible to the naked eye instantly spread around!

Where the cold breath passed, it was instantly frozen into solid giant ice.

The surrounding snowfield was shrouded in this cold air, and it also turned into an ice field in an instant!

However, for the Silver Dragon Ancestor and the Ash Demon Lord who have strong resistance and high special defense attributes, this seemingly frightening cold air can only be regarded as a 24-degree cold wind of the air conditioner, which did not hinder the movement of the two in the slightest, but brought a coolness and refreshed the two.

Under the blessing of the full attribute of the "God-given Six Stars", the speed of the Silver Dragon Ancestor was faster, so it took the first step to come to the side of the Winter Fang, and its claws suddenly waved!

"Extreme Ice Shield!"

Feeling that the Silver Dragon Ancestor was casually and above, with an extremely powerful destructive power, Winter Fang immediately tensed his spirit, and did his best to release his strongest defensive skills, and a huge ice shield appeared, instantly protecting his figure.



It was as if thin glass was half hit by a boulder, and

the Extreme Ice Shield instantly shattered, turning into countless ice crystals scattered!

Winter Fangs Shock!

However, before he had time to react

, on the other side, the Ash Demon Lord had already attacked and killed!

"Dao Fa Slash!"

The gray flame claws with the power of the law flashed.


The figure of the Winter Fang suddenly smashed on the ice, and the body made entirely of freezing ice also shattered a large area of ice under this blow, and the ash flame that had restrained the ice attribute was even more seriously damaged!

With just one hit,

Winter Fang fell to the ground and lost its combat power!

[Your Silver Dragon Ancestor level has been increased to LV106! ] 【

Your Ash Demon Lord level increased to lv105! 】 】

【Your monsters teamed up to defeat the rainbow rare level overlord monster Winter Fang, the talent "Burning Soul Loot" triggered, you get additional rewards: 160,000 money, Dragon Crystal X1! 】


Seeing that the battle was over,

Lin Tian stepped forward and immediately subdued.

Another full-level rainbow rare-level dragon race divine beast to start!

Moreover, this is still a hegemonic monster

, and its growth potential should be comparable to that of the Ash Demon Lord, and higher than that of the Silver Dragon Ancestor!

Picking up the pitch-black cheat ball

, Lin Tian saw that it was late, and today's harvest was rich enough, so he planned to find a place to rest and continue to further explore this permafrost soil tomorrow.

He found a cave in an iceberg near the snowfield, and after clearing the snow and ice from the cave, it became a cave perfect for overnight... At least in the black alert area of permafrost soil, such an overnight spot is already comfortable and luxurious.

In the

cave, Lin Tian released the hot goose that had not left the Spirit Ball for a long time, let it rise a fire, the whole cave was suddenly warm and bright, as for dinner, Lin Tian prepared two dishes, one is roasted ice wolf meat, the other is roasted ice emperor penguin meat, and the preparation dish is roasted coyote dog...

No way, who told him to encounter these two monsters in total today.

Although it was a little unpleasant

, in order to replenish his physical strength, Lin Tian still gobbled it up.

While eating,

Lin Tian opened the cheat shop.

After this day of combat exploration

, his money has once again reached nearly 800,000!

As a new rainbow rare-level overlord beast

, for the Winter Fang, Lin Tian must spend a little money to further strengthen it.

A hyper-evolutionary crystal, a mutation crystal, a diamond-level skill learning machine.

A total of 170,000 was spent on a set of enhanced suits.

Lin Tian immediately used it on the Winter Fang.

[Your Rainbow Rare-level Overlord Divine Beast "Winter Fang" has been mutated and has advanced to the Rainbow Rare-level Domain Lord Divine Beast "Ice Crystal Dragon Queen"! ] 】

【Rainbow Rare Domain Lord Divine Beast "Ice Crystal Dragon Queen" has learned a new diamond-level move: Zero Degree Field (Urge the power of extreme ice to create an absolutely low temperature field, the attributes of all enemies in this field decrease, the speed is greatly reduced, and the attributes of the Ice Crystal Dragon Queen are greatly improved)! 】

【Rainbow rare level domain main divine beast "Ice Crystal Dragon Queen" completed a super evolution and successfully evolved into the "Ice Dragon Emperor", the upper limit of the level was increased, and the attributes were greatly improved! 】


A set of strengthened

, the newly returned Ice Dragon Emperor's combat power also produced a qualitative leap, and successfully became one of the main forces for Lin Tian to further explore this permafrost soil.

After strengthening the Ice Dragon Emperor

, Lin Tian still had more than 600,000 money left in his hand.

He re-examined the items unique to the third-level store.

[Need for Monster Equipment Chest: After opening this treasure chest, you will randomly get a piece of excellent quality monster equipment, and the monster can increase the corresponding attributes or improve the skill effect after equipping, the price is 80,000 money! ] 】

【Super Evolution Crystallization: After using a pocket monster with a level of LV100, it can undergo a super evolution to obtain a large attribute increase, and the upper limit of the level will be increased to LV150, and the price is 120,000 money! 】

【Super cultivation space: special cultivation space, consume money to enter the space to cultivate, you can get additional cultivation effects, the larger the amount of money consumed, the higher the additional cultivation effect multiplier, price: 500,000 money! 】

【Cheat shop level increased to level 4, you need to spend 1,000,000 money! 】 【

Current Money Balance: 630580】


"The current combat power should be enough to continue to explore the permafrost soil, in this case, it should be the best choice to start the 'Super Cultivation Space' to facilitate the growth of persistent combat power in the future."

After a short thought

, Lin Tian's mind moved, and he purchased the "Super Cultivation Space"!

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