Her father in this game, Ash, is the savior who saved the world, is the strongest trainer in the world, and is one of the founders of the world's largest force, the "Monster Fighting League"!

Eluvi herself is gifted and has the blessing bonus given by the gods.

And this isn't the first time she's challenged a game cartridge of A+ difficulty.

Prior to this, she had cleared two A+ game cartridges.

However, in the case that the opponent is the unfathomable Lin Tian

, she still holds a cautious attitude, and after coming to York City, she tries to challenge the owner of the Water Kendo Hall as soon as possible, wanting to use the advantage of the opening game as much as possible to quickly advance the main quest, so as to take a large lead in the game process.

Water Kendo Hall, on the fighting platform.

Eluvi and the master of the Water Sword Pavilion stood opposite each other.

Offstage, watching the battle

were all the dignitaries of York City, as well as the powerful monster trainers who could rank high in the surrounding cities.

I heard that the daughter of the monster trainer Ash came here to challenge the dojo, and many trainers came at the first time, wanting to see the demeanor of Ash's daughter.

"The battle begins!"

"The two sides of the battle are, Eluvei after the legend, and Kenjiro, the master of the Water Sword Hall!"

With an order from the referee.

The owner of the Water Sword Pavilion was the first to throw a Spirit Ball!

"Come out, water arrow turtle!"

The light flashes!

The pocket monster first used by the owner of the Water Sword Pavilion is the final evolution of the Jeni Turtle in the classic Royal San, the Water Arrow Turtle!

[The owner of the Water Sword Hall sent the Water Arrow Turtle (LV42)! ]

Since there is only one pocket monster at present,

Eluvi has no choice but to throw the Pokeball in her hand:

"Come out!" Gray Daolong!! The

gray dark Daolong figure flickered, staring at the opponent in front of him: "Master, are you going to fight?"

"That's right!" Eluvi clenched her fists seriously and nodded.

Hearing that Eluvei's pocket monster actually spat out words,

everyone around was immediately shocked!

"This, this is a high-level wisdom pocket monster!"

"Looks like it's still a dragon clan!"

"Oh my God! It is worthy of being Ash's daughter, and she can be followed by pocket monsters of this level when she first starts traveling! What a envy!

"This gray skin and sharp shape should not be the legendary..."

The crowd was agitated.

The owner of the Water Sword Pavilion also secretly swallowed his spit, and in the face of such a completely unknown and tough opponent, it was also a lot of pressure for a while.

But fortunately, the opponent's pocket monster level is not high.

"If there is only level ten, even if the type is rare, how strong can it be?"

Cheering up, the water sword pavilion master's spirit tensed, and he immediately began to command his water arrow turtle to fight: "Water arrow turtle, use the water flow tail!" "

The water at the tail is surging, like a spear made of water.

The Water Arrow Turtle rushed towards the Gray Dao Dragon and attacked first!

Seeing this, Ai Luwei also immediately commanded: "Gray Dao Dragon, use thunder teeth!" "

The thunder and lightning flashed above the arm

, and the gray dark Daolong faced the opponent who was more than thirty levels higher than himself, fearless, and went straight to the front!

Although the level is backward

, as a legendary dragon beast, the various attribute values of the gray dark Dao dragon are actually not much worse than the water arrow turtle.

Moreover, it is also an electric attribute pocket monster

, and in the battle, it has restrained water systems such as the water arrow turtle.

Nourish !!

One trick to touch!

The figure of the water arrow turtle flew out upside down, flashing with electric light, and fell into paralysis.

Seeing this, Ai Luwei also immediately commanded the Gray Dark Dao Dragon to catch up, and chased after him with victory:

"Gray Dark Dao Dragon, use the Dragon Fury!"


The gray dark Daolong roared, and his figure quickly rushed up!

A tail strike with dragon attributes was smashed out,

and the water arrow turtle immediately fainted and lost its combat effectiveness!

[Your Grey Daolong (LV10) defeated the Water Arrow Turtle (LV45)! 【

Your gray Dao Dragon level is up!】 【

Your Grey Dao Dragon level has been increased from lv10 to lv11! 】 【

Your Grey Dao Dragon level has been increased from lv11 to lv12!】 【

Your Grey Dao Dragon level has been increased from lv12 to lv13!】 】


[Your Grey Dao Dragon level has been increased from lv18 to lv19! ] After

defeating the Water Arrow Turtle

, the level of the Gray Dao Dragon skyrocketed, directly rising by level 9!

At the same time, its attributes have also soared!

The attributes have almost doubled!

At the same time, he also learned powerful new skills!

This made the Water Sword Pavilion owner, who was not an opponent, completely lose his chance of victory!

After killing the remaining pocket monsters of the Water Sword Hall owner in successive moves,

Eluvei quickly won the victory and successfully obtained the first Dojo emblem!

However, just after she obtained the badge, she and the pavilion owner said goodbye and planned to leave

, but the water sword pavilion owner suddenly stopped her: "Wait, Miss Eluvei!"

Eluvi turned around and asked suspiciously, "Is there anything else?"

The pavilion owner stepped forward and respectfully handed over a small delicate blue box, "This is what Lord Ash deposited with me, saying that when you come here one day and defeat me, let me pass this thing to you." Hearing

this, Eluvi took the box and opened it.

I saw that in the box,

a turquoise blue Spirit Ball lay there quietly.

[Get the overlord-level elf "Decepticon Whale Shark (LV40)"! 】

【Your talent "Almighty Enchantment" is launched! 】 【

"Decepticon Whale Shark" is enchanted and transformed into "Divine Decepticon Whale Shark"!

"There are new partners!"

Ai Luwei glanced at the prompt, and immediately smiled happily.

After bowing slightly and thanking the owner

of the Water Sword Hall, Ai Luwei, who was full of harvests, jumped out of the Water Sword Dojo.


At the same time

, the bitter Lin Tian was still taking his second-cargo coyote dog

, lurking in the jungle, cautiously and quietly.

In order to prevent the canine pocket monsters carried by the law enforcement department personnel from smelling their own smell, Lin Tian also specially borrowed some urine from his coyote dog to covet his whole body.

"Today, the whole jungle is surrounded."

"To rush out, I need powerful pocket monsters to provide combat power."

"There is only one chance of attack."

"As long as I show up, I'm afraid that the Law Enforcement Department will immediately gather people to tighten the encirclement in the direction where I am to support."

"That is to say, not only to find out the opponent's information through this only attack, weaken the opponent's combat power, but also take advantage of this to obtain at least one pocket monster that is powerful enough!"

Lin Tian thought quickly and quickly analyzed the target that he needed to lock on this attack.

"If you want to achieve these goals with just one attack..."

"It seems that the only thing that is to try to sneak up on the captain of this law enforcement team is it."

"Solving the strongest and plundering his powerful pocket monsters will undoubtedly greatly reduce the gap in combat power between the enemy and us."

Spending 10,000 money, redeeming a cheat ball in advance and holding it in his hand,

Lin Tian lurked in the grass and quietly moved forward.

Previously, when he was at a high place, he

had seen the direction of the leader of this team.

According to the other party's travel route at that time,

Lin Tian could probably guess the approximate location of the captain of this team.

Quietly touched forward for a long time,

avoiding the search of two waves of searchers.

Not long after, hearing the sound of the captain directing the team to search, Lin

Tian's head buried deep in the grass finally slowly lifted up!

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