Seeing that Lin Tian fixed his gaze on himself and showed an inspecting expression

, Chiwei hurriedly stood up, straightened his chest and looked up: "Teacher Lin Tian, don't worry, after visiting the teacher, I will definitely respect you and take care of you in strict accordance with the master-apprentice etiquette of the Great Xia Dynasty!"

"The people of Daxia often say that a master and apprentice are like a father and son."

"From today onwards, you will be my father!"

Lin Tian saw that this product was so sincere, and he also wanted to use Chiwei as the first target of his Law Hand, so he reluctantly agreed: "Okay, then I will accept you as an apprentice!"

"Master Xie! You will be my own father in the future! Chi

Wei was excited when he heard this, and immediately stumbled according to the etiquette of worshiping the master in the Great Xia Dynasty.

After getting up

, Chiwei looked at Dugu Lei on the side, and said with a grateful look on his face: "Brother Lei, I can bring me here, I also have to thank you well, although I haven't known each other for a long time, but you are like my own brother!" "

Dugu Lei: ...

Dugu Lei's face was expressionless, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "He is your own father, I am your own brother... You worshiped a teacher, why did I become Lin Tian's own son? Who did I provoke?

"You two shouldn't have discussed it in advance!"


In short, not long after the establishment of the Blue Star E-sports League,

the super geniuses of the Angry Bear Free Federation and the Great Xia Dynasty became father and son... Well, the master-apprentice relationship, at Lin Tian's invitation, Chiwei temporarily stayed on Lin Tian's side.

Seeing that the two got along well

, Dugu Lei, who had been demoted, first returned to the Kyoto military headquarters with a black face.

After watching Dugu Lei leave

, Lin Tian looked at Chiwei, stretched out his hand and smiled: "Xiao Chi, since you are now my apprentice, then you should have no opinion about touching you for the master, right?"

Chiwei's face turned white when he heard this: "You, didn't you say that you are not good at this mouthful?"

Lin Tian coughed and said, "Don't get me wrong, I mean, we have to shake hands again, we also have a etiquette in Daxia, that is, after visiting the master, you must maintain a handshake posture for a period of time, which symbolizes the long-term friendship between master and apprentice!" When

Chiwei heard this, he nodded and said, "Oh, okay."

Chiwei stretched out his hand

, and Lin Tian touched it, urging the first ability of the game's talent, the hand of law!

In an instant, a powerful force of law connected the two.

Lin Tian could clearly feel the power of this law, but Chiwei didn't seem to be aware of it.

[Copying the super SSS-level talent "Burning Soul"

] [Current progress: 1%]


Due to the slow growth of the progress bar,

Lin Tian could only maintain the handshake with Chiwei.

Not long after

, my father and mother returned from shopping in the community, and as soon as they entered the door, they saw Lin Tian and Chiwei sitting hand in hand in the living room watching TV, and the two couldn't help but stay at the same time.

Old mother Zong Xueying took two steps back, closed the door, and clasped her hands together: "It must be the wrong way for me to open the door!"

Father Lin Yuan's face became gloomy: "What I was most worried about, did it really happen?" "


Half an hour later, at the dinner table,

Lin Tian and Chiwei were still holding hands intimately.

Seeing Lin Yuan and Zong Xueying's strange gazes on his

face, Chiwei was also embarrassed with a red face, and said a little twisted: "Master, can't you let go yet?"

Lin Tian glanced at the progress bar.

[Copying the super SSS-level talent "Burning Soul

"] [Current progress: 10%]

He shook his head domineeringly: "Of course not!" If I don't let go, you will never be able to leave my side!

Chiwei was helpless: "However, I'm not very good at eating with my left hand!"

Lin Tian reached out and picked up the chopsticks, took a piece of sauerkraut fish and fish, and said, "Ah, open your mouth, the master feeds you."

Looking at the unbearable picture in front of her,

Zong Xueying left silently and entered the kitchen.

After a while, there was a faint sigh in the kitchen.

Lin Yuan stared at Lin Tian, hesitated for a long time, and finally couldn't help but reach out and pat him on the shoulder: "Son, you have your own pursuit, Dad won't stop you, but..."

"You promised to give me grandchildren, right?"

Lin Tian nodded and helped Chiwei pick fish bones.

Lin Yuan said again: "Then you should also know that men and men can't have children, right?"

Lin Tian was stunned when he heard this, and then he smiled and quickly waved his hand: "You misunderstood, we just shook hands!" This is a ritual and etiquette of worshiping a teacher, don't think about it!

"I'm a normal man, how can I sleep with a man, what a joke!"

Lin Yuan and Zong Xueying in the kitchen heard this, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.


After a few more hours, it was dark.

Seeing Lin Tian walking to the bedroom with Chiwei hand in hand, he lay on the bed.

Lin Yuan closed the door for the two in despair, turned and left.

In an instant, his back became

faltering, as if he was dozens of years old in an instant.


I kept shaking hands with a man

, and to be honest, Lin Tian was also quite disgusting.


, when Lin Tian woke up early the next morning, the Hand of Law had successfully copied Chiwei's talent.

[Successfully copied the super SSS-level talent "Burning Soul"]

[Current progress: 100%! 】


"Finally finished copying!"

Seeing this, Lin Tian quickly released Chiwei's hand.

Seeing that this strange ceremony was finally over, Chiwei was also relieved, wiped the cold sweat on his head and said, "It's finally over!" If it goes on like this, I really can't stand it! When

Lin Tian heard this, he was a little unhappy, and asked with slanted eyes: "Why, does shaking the master's hand make you feel very uncomfortable?"

Chiwei shook his head, covering his stomach while wiping cold sweat: "No, master, I wanted to last night, if I don't go, I'm really going to suffocate!" "


Listening to the sound in Chiwei's stomach,

Lin Tian quickly asked Chiwei to go to the toilet to solve the crisis first.

Opening the game talent panel again, Lin

Tian's first ability "Law Hand" already has new text content.

[Ability 1: The Hand of the Law]

[Effect: You can copy and obtain the game talent of any target through physical contact, up to ten talents can be copied, which cannot be replaced after copying, and the talent obtained by copying can be used simultaneously in the game to play 100% of the effect! 】

【Replicated Talent: Burning Soul (Super SSS Level!) )】


As soon as his mind moved,

Lin Tian began to check the effect of this super SSS-level talent.

[Talent: Burning Soul (Super SSS level!)

[Ability 1: Loot]

[Effect: By defeating enemies in the game, you can get additional game rewards! 【

Ability 2: Medals】

【Effect: In each game, you are provided with three medals with different powerful effects, and you can get powerful additional game rewards at one time by consuming medals! 【

Ability 3: Enlightenment】

【Effect: Can only be used once in each game, after use, it will temporarily provide you with strong adaptive combat power, the later the use time, the more obvious the effect! "

Good, very strong!"

For ordinary e-sportsmen,

such a strong game talent is already a very influential existence of game balance.

For Lin Tian's wall-hanging,

super SSS-level talent will definitely be a powerful help.

Satisfiedly receiving

this ability, Lin Tian couldn't help but feel a little itchy: "I really want to start the game, try the effect of this ability and plug-in cooperation!" Contact the military department and ask them to get me a difficult game cartridge! "

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