Outside Sakurajima Prefecture.

When he felt that the strange aura in the sky covered the eastern capital in an instant

, Qin Xue's movements couldn't help but pause, and cold sweat broke out behind his back.

"This is ... Did the guy start doing it?

"Does he actually have such powerful means? No wonder Feng Sangu would allow him to come on this mission... But in any case, the power of this move is a little too terrifying, right? "

He's ... Want to destroy the whole of Sakurajima?

"Is this guy the devil?"

"If you really destroy the entire Sakurajima, I'm afraid that in the international arena, Daxia will also have some bad endings..." Thinking

of this

, Qin Xue couldn't help but feel a little stunned in his heart, and seemed to regret what he said before, to let Lin Tian make the movement bigger.

However, at the moment

, she also has a task in her hands, and she cannot afford to delay.

Shaking her head, without thinking much about it

, she took out an emerald green guqin from the storage space, held it in her arms, and slowly walked into the scope of Sakurajima House.

The sound of the piano was gloomy, and the screams and wails were endless.

Not long after

, when Qin Xue left Sakurajima Mansion, blood stains and corpses were everywhere, and there was no life in the mansion.

Countless strange ghosts

also floated over her head at this time, and

began to harvest the life in the city like a carnival.


At three o'clock in the morning, when the two helicopters of Daxia landed next to the high tower of the eastern capital, the entire eastern capital had been reduced to a dead city, and the surrounding cities were also quickly destroyed under the attack of 100 million powerful ghosts.

Raising his left hand across his eyebrows

, Lin Tian looked at the group of ghosts in the distance that was as dark as dark clouds, and asked Qin Xue behind him with a smile: "How is it, General Qin, is this firework beautiful?" "

Qin Xue: ......

Qin Xue: "I can't see it.

Lin Tian scratched his head and smiled: "I know."

Qin Xue was speechless, sighed and looked up at the sky: "Okay, it's time to go back, these two helicopters, one is to send me to Kyoto, the other is to send me to Cloud City, where should I go?"

Lin Tian said, "Get on the green one." "

Qin Xue: ......

Qin Xue: "I can't see the color either.

Lin Tian: "I know.

Seeing that Lin Tian kept joking about his blindness

, Qin Xue's face was expressionless, and he said with some anger and seriousness: "Hey, can you stop always making personal attacks by emphasizing other people's physical defects?" Didn't anyone tell you that was rude?

Lin Tian scratched his head and sincerely apologized: "Oh oh, well, I'm sorry, General!" Qin

Xue saw that Lin Tian was still quite happy to admit his mistake, so he slowed down his expression and nodded, and said in a somewhat low tone:

"It's okay, it's just, when I was very young, I was blind in my eyes, and I was ridiculed by others since I was a child, leaving a bit of a childhood shadow... The tone of his voice just now is a little bad, don't care.

Saying that, she stretched out her snow-white little hand and patted Lin Tian's shoulder.

Looking at Qin Xue's cold little hand on his shoulder

, Lin Tian's lips moved, endured for a long time, and finally did not hold back, and held out a sentence from his mouth: "Blind massage is so comfortable!" "

Qin Xue: ......

The corners of Qin Xue's mouth twitched: "You're not finished, aren't you?"

Seeing that Qin Xue was about to be anxious, Lin Tian quickly waved his hand and said, "Wrong, wrong!" Just now that was the last time, so, General Qin, anyway, it's not convenient for you to get on the helicopter, it's better for me to carry you on my back, just make amends for you." When

Qin Xue heard this, she was a little hesitant, but listening to Lin Tian's sincerity, she didn't have the embarrassment to refuse, and nodded: "Okay, then it will trouble you." Saying

that, she touched her hand forward, trying to find Lin Tian's back.

However, before Lin Tian could turn around,

her touch was obviously in the wrong place.

Lin Tian was silent for a moment, and finally couldn't help but say an idiom to describe the current scene: "This is really a blind man touching an elephant!" "

Qin Xue: ......


The Hundred Million Ghost Night Slaughter released by Lin Tian in the Sakurajima Country lasted for two days and two nights.

In these two days, more than 100 million lives turned into nourishment for Lin Tian's skills.

The country of Sakurajima has basically been wiped off the map.

After two days have passed,

Lin Tian's two growth skills have improved an unknown number of times!

Now, even if he didn't wear the "Heavenly Mandate Emperor" suit

, Lin Tian's effect of urging the power of sin to bless himself was already far beyond the God of War-level demon king and the power of Shura, and the power generated by releasing the Dementor blow was even comparable to the emperor-level damage skill Broken Star!

However, the consumption of these two skills

is far lower than that of high-quality Demon King, Asura Power, and Broken Star.

It is equivalent to that

Lin Tian can now take the smashed star-level kill and throw it out as an ordinary attack!

The most terrifying thing is that

the blessing of the sin power of the Lord of Original Sin can

be superimposed with the power of Demon King and Shura.

When releasing the broken star,

Lin Tian can also urge the Dementor strike at the same time!

Although, in the unadvanced state,

the skill of Shattered Star itself cannot be blessed by the effect of the Dementor Strike.

However, the two skills can be used independently and at the same time, and there is still no restriction.

At least, it can play the effect of 1+1=2.

"That's pretty cool, isn't it!"

Seeing that his strength had once again made a huge leap

, Lin Tian was quite happy, and looked forward to going to the territory of Meiferlanc to do the same.


On the other side, the Mefrank Empire, the

headquarters of the Esports Players Union.

An emergency meeting was in full swing.

At this meeting, not only the high-level officials stationed in the Frank Empire will be in place, but also the leaders of the other countries that have seats within the e-sports union.

At the conference table

, many high-level officials of Mei Frank, who had arrived in advance, whispered one after another, discussing what kind of words should be used to condemn what Daxia did to the Sakurajima country in the following meeting, so as to weaken the international status of isolating Daxia.

The responsible persons of the other countries also held the mentality of watching the excitement, smiling and watching coldly, and the heads of several countries that did not have a good relationship with Daxia were whispering cool words.

"This conflict was originally an opportunity for the Great Xia Dynasty, but it's a pity that a good hand of cards was broken!"

"It is estimated that after this meeting, Daxia will be removed from the position of the five main bodies of the e-sports union."

"If you don't handle it well, you may be kicked out of the esports union, which will be interesting..."

While talking and laughing, at the door of the conference room

, two figures dressed in Tang costumes appeared, which instantly quieted the scene.

Walking in front, tall, expressionless, and fierce in his eyes

, it was the current supreme person in charge of the military department of the Great Xia Dynasty, Marshal Longye!

Behind him was

an old man with a bald head and a smile.

This person was none other than the Dragon Hang who had met Lin Tian in Cloud City a few days ago!

Seeing that after entering the door, the conference room suddenly quieted down

, and almost everyone looked at this side with strange eyes

, Long Ye's face slightly hooked a smile, and looked at Long Hang next to him: "Second uncle, it seems that there are many people waiting to see our jokes."

Long Hang smiled, touched his bald head and said, "Because, they are afraid of us and dare not face us, so they strongly expect us to be ugly, right?"

"Yes, they... Afraid of us. Before

the words fell

, the smile on Tatsuno's face suddenly disappeared, replaced

by icy indifference and domineering ferocity.

Looking up, scanning everyone in the conference room

, everyone felt a tremor in their hearts, and subconsciously lowered their heads.

Until, his gaze touched the middle-aged white man in the center of the conference table.

The white man squinted his eyes and got up with a smile.

Behind him, Lao Hei, vice president of the headquarters of the e-sports union, and Char, a blonde think tank, also stood up at the same time... The only person who can sit in the middle of these two is Wisel Antonia, the current president of the esports union and the top councillor of Mefrank!

"Welcome Marshal Tatsuno of Daxia!"

"Also, Long Hang, long time no see!"

"Hurry up and take a seat, the protagonist is here, and the meeting can begin!"

Wells smiled kindly, and

his voice was slow, looking like a good old man.

However, the terrifying momentum was with an extreme sense of oppression,

and it pressed straight up against Long Ye and Long Hang!

The two sides looked at each other

, but Long Ye's momentum was not suppressed in the slightest, he raised his head and smiled indifferently: "There is no need to open the meeting, I am here to announce on behalf of Daxia... Daxia, will permanently quit the esports players' union!

"In addition, at the same time, it is announced that the Blue Star Esports League has been established!"

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