Not only did the prime minister make a judgment that Fioria was "confused" and "hallucinated" after getting the news, but

many people in the upper echelons of Oubei, after reading the God of War list, thought that the news that came out at the first time was completely a rumor!

"No matter how threatening Lin Tian is, that is also a matter of ten years, and he can defeat Fioria now... I would never believe that! "

Who the hell is spreading the bastard rumors!?" I'm going to kick his ass hard with my boots!

"I heard it came from the Prime Minister's side..."

Oh, I still kicked his boots hard with my ass!

"It's good that it's a rumor, a false alarm."

"That, Count Will, I heard that you have a need for boots, and the Prime Minister told you to wash your ass and go to his office!"


Not only the European North side, but also set off a wave.

Mei Frank's side, after getting this news,

was also full of discussion and speculation.

Just as Mefrank started the meeting, ready to discuss this matter seriously.

A young man wearing a white shirt and messy hair appeared in the conference room, he reached out and twisted the hair on his head, and said lightly: "This kind of thing, I still need to discuss it in a meeting... I kind of know where your precious time is wasted. As

soon as the words fell

, behind him, the brainstorm of the union headquarters, the blond Char, appeared and said with a smile: "Adam, what do you think about 'Lin Tian defeating Fioria'?" The

white-shirted young man Adam had no waves, and his voice was calm like a windless lake, and said flatly: "My judgment is that there may be a big move on the north side of Europe recently, most likely what they are hiding at the bottom of the sea, will be taken out." "

The significance of this news release is undoubtedly to induce us to pay more attention to the situation over there in Daxia, thus ignoring the next actions of Oubei... Oh, in the final analysis, it's just a small trick of carving insects that can't be on the table.

As Adam's instructor,

Xia Ya heard this and nodded with satisfaction: "It is basically the same as my judgment." "

The high-ranking officials of the Frank Empire have always been convinced of the judgment of these two smartest Frank people in the United States.

They also nodded one after another, and according to the words of the two, extended the next discussion.

"Since Adam and Char, who have the strongest minds, say so, then what we need to pay attention to next is the possible actions on the Oubei side, right?"

"Over on the north coast of Europe, two more teams of secret sentries, right?"

"I think it is still necessary to infiltrate from the Navy Department of Europe and North ...

At the same time, in a certain palace in the fog capital.

After getting the news, Count Nebula stared at the God of War list in front of him, also shook his head and smiled, and made a judgment: "Although I don't know what the specific reason is, Lin Tian's victory over Fioria, I think it is probably an oolong." The

goddess Eluvei stood aside, looking at the God of War ranking, her blue cute eyes showed a thoughtful look, recalling the losses she had suffered at Lin Tian's hands

before, but she made a different judgment:

"That, my lord mother, is it possible that Lin Tian changed his nickname to 'Leader of the Supreme Holy Knights of Northern Europe - Fioria (real-name authentication)' before logging in his identity information?"

Count Nebula was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, and touched Eluvei's little head with pity: "Hey! Only a little fool like you would think of this possibility!

"Okay, hurry up and get into the new game cartridge!"

"A new era has arrived."

"There is not much time left for us in Europe and North."


Lin Tian's act of changing his nickname caused a series of chain reactions.

The undercurrents to the whole world have quietly had an impact.

As the initiator

, Lin Tian himself, but not much affected by this matter, the matter of changing the nickname is just his evil taste, he did not go too far into the heart

, even if this trick is recognized, it is at most a third of the strongest strength he currently has, which is not very happy for him, but it is not completely unacceptable.

In the end, in the gambling battle with the Sakurajima Country soon after,

Lin Tian also had to show his hands a little to show his sincerity to the military department and Daxia, so as to facilitate the subsequent continuation of rubbing with Daxia's side, rubbing cassette and rubbing skill books.

After the battle with Fioria

, Lin Tian entered the matching queue again, and it was difficult to match the opponent again.

After all, he has an extremely high hidden score and

can only rank those in front of him.

However, now he is ranked fifth in the world, and

there are only four people in front of him....

If these four are not online

, Lin Tian queues 24 hours a day, it can only be a waste of time.

Simply, in the last two days before the start of the battle

, Lin Tian took over several tasks from the Honghu Youth Training Camp to explore the Illusion Dark Realm, and accompanied by Feng Sangu's mandatory protection, he slightly accumulated his two growth skills, as well as the progress of improving a cultivation-type skill.

In order not to expose too much in this gambling battle as much as possible

, Lin Tian has been

exploring the Illusion Dark Realm for the past two days, enhancing some of the strength he has already revealed.

On the last day of the gambling battle,

Lin Tian finally received a prompt that he had been looking forward to for a long time.

[Your cultivation skill "Thousand Machines God Transformation LV1" has accumulated 5,000 combat experience and reached the upper limit of the current skill level, please evolve the first battle form as soon as possible and increase the skill level to increase the cumulative limit of combat experience] "

Is it already the limit that the current level can accumulate?"

"Exactly, before the gambling battle, evolve a battle form in case of emergency!"

This night,

Lin Tian returned home and immediately entered his bedroom with excitement.

Afraid of evolving a new combat form, there may be changes in physical appearance, knocking over the things in the bedroom, Lin Tian also specially took a tissue before entering the bedroom, ready to clean up later

, in order not to expose his new combat state,

the curtain naturally had to be tightly closed.

The father and mother who were sitting in the living room watching TV saw Lin Tian come back with an excited smile, and they smiled silly and took a tissue into the bedroom, and then the sound of pulling the curtains came out....

The two looked at each other, left the house very tacitly, and

dragged Hades Dahei to walk around the community.

While walking, his father Lin Yuan was still worried and nagging: "It's not a matter to go on like this, I have to quickly find a daughter-in-law for my son..."

At this time, in the bedroom,

Lin Tian took out the "Mandate of Heaven Emperor Suit" from the storage space and wore it.

After wearing it,

all his skills are immediately upgraded to one level!

The emperor-level cultivation-type skill is also successfully advanced to the heavenly god level!

The evolved battle form can be retained forever, and

Lin Tian naturally wants to evolve for the first time with a heavenly god-level cultivation skill.

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