"Oooh, good."

Seeing that her mother was unhappy

, Eluvi was even more afraid, turned around,

and walked to the bathroom with her hands and feet.

Looking at his daughter's silly appearance,

Count Nebula couldn't help but sigh again.

Although Eluvei's game talent is strong, and she has also obtained the "God's Blessing" engraving, her performance in hard power has always satisfied Count Nebula.


, this year is eighteen years old

, but Eluvei's personality and thinking are still like a child, never caring about national affairs, and in the rest time outside the game all day

, in addition to tinkering with her pots of flowers and plants, she is running wild with the small animals she raised.

For this silly daughter who inherited her beauty, but did not inherit her shrewd mind,

Count Nebula was really a little helpless.

Just when she thought that

Eluwei in the bathroom would not watch the live broadcast playback seriously, but would fool the past as before, there was a sudden exclamation in the bathroom!

"It's him! It's him! That big scam paper!!

"I've seen him before!"


this, Count Nebula, who was thinking about the future course of action of the European Northern United States, was suddenly shocked: "You actually had contact with this Lin Tian before this game?" Is my daughter not stupid at all?

She hurriedly got up and was about to ask Eluvi about the situation.


In the bathroom, the sound of the girl falling to the ground sounded.

Count Nebula: ......


Angry Bear Free Federation, Svoko Esports University.

As an eliminator,

Chiwei was teleported back to the real world as soon as the end-of-game prompt appeared.

Seeing the return of this eliminated angry bear super genius,

a group of reporters immediately surrounded and blocked the area around Chiwei.

"As a super genius that Angry Bear is proud of, why did you lose so easily to Lin Tian, a freshman in the Great Xia Dynasty?"

"How do you feel about the fiasco in this game?"

"First lost to Adam, and now to Lin Tian, do you really think that you are a super genius in the first echelon of Blue Star? Pushing you in front of the screen, is it just the official hype of the angry bear? "


A series of chaotic questions poured in,

including many insults and slander remarks against Chiwei.


, listening to the words of these reporters

, Chiwei's heart did not fluctuate much, he recalled all kinds of things in this game with a dead face, and wanted to find his own mistakes, to explain to himself the reasons for the defeat of this game, and then learn from it.


, after thinking about it for a long time,

his brain was blank.

In his mind,

only the picture of Lin Tian's soldiers killing the three ancient emperors in seconds kept reappearing.

"At all, it's not at the same level..." Looking

up, Chiwei let out a long sigh and smiled bitterly.

The red-haired boy who used to be always hot-blooded

, always exuberant, and always didn't think he would lose to anyone

, it seemed that, at this moment,

he instantly lost the fiery temperature he should have.

Not long after, the

men of the Angry Bear Free Federation military department arrived.

"Lieutenant General Chiwei, go back with us first!"

They cut through the crowd of reporters and wanted to pick Chiwei away.

Chiwei shook his head, and said lightly while walking towards the back door of the school auditorium: "I want to stay alone for a while, don't arrange tasks for me recently." "


At the same time, in the ancient kingdom of Gue, at

the bottom of the golden tower, in a mysterious space,

a thick mist was pervasive.

Naked, sitting in the mist

, Pharaoh's face showed pain, beads of sweat continued to fall with the pain felt by his body, and gradually, his lips began to dry, and his mind began to dizzy....

"If you can't stand it, stop it."

Outside the mysterious space, the high priest's worried words came.

Pharaoh had a stubborn expression, and the determination in his eyes surged with determination: "I will resist the trial of the poison of the mist, resist all pain, and I will let the demon king in the mist see clearly who is the real master in the golden tower!"

"Even if it's... Give everything!!

Pharaoh roared, his muscles tensing!

At this moment

, the wooden door of the mysterious space opened, and the

high priest walked in helplessly around the bath towel: "Isn't it just a sauna?" What the hell are you calling here?

Pharaoh scratched his head: "Hehe, in this foggy environment, it's hard not to think of some, similar to the picture of the anime protagonist undergoing trials!" "

High Priest: .


The Frank Empire, the headquarters of the esports union,

is currently in a heated debate.

Although, today's esports union headquarters

, basically, belongs to the Frank Empire in power.


, the original intention of the esports union's establishment is, after all, to maintain the peace of the entire Blue Star.

The people who work at the headquarters of the esports unions

are not all people who are completely politically biased towards Mei-Frank.

Therefore, there was a fierce debate between the two factions about Lin Tian's handling plan


The proposal given by the figure in the development of the main protection of Mei Frank is that this threat that may affect the entire Mei Frank international status must be eradicated in advance before Lin Tian really grows up.

On the other hand, from the perspective of humans,

they believe that Lin Tian's ability is likely to be irreplaceable.

Today, the threat of the metaverse is approaching day by day, and

humans need Lin Tian's power.

This group of people advocated the surrender of Lin Tian at any cost.

The approach of this group of people seems much milder.

But in fact, he also wanted to control Lin Tian absolutely in his hands and use his value.

Seeing that the two factions were quarreling

, the black vice president was squeezed into the righteousness, constantly regulating the emotions of both sides.

He took the time to secretly look at the blond glasses man on the side, showed a help-seeking expression, and asked in a low voice: "Char, as the ace thinker of the union, how do you think it is most appropriate to deal with the current situation?"

Seeing this, Xia Ya also knew that it was time to speak, so he patted the table, cleared the ears around him, and said with a slight smile: "Don't worry, about the plan to deal with Lin Tian, in fact, I already made a plan a few days ago."

"The plan is already in the process of being implemented, if nothing else, Lin Tian will soon be completely under our control, please wait patiently for a while!"

Hearing this, everyone present

suddenly quieted down.

Among them, several people with relatively high status vaguely guessed some clues.

The vice president also frowned slightly, and said in his heart: "No wonder you applied for permission to enter the resource library a few days ago, it seems that you want to use that ancient prop 'Fate Shackles'?"

"Although it is a little inhumane, but in the current situation, this seems to be indeed the best solution, and this thing can be regarded as being able to exert its value when used on Lin Tian."


A certain shade of the blue star.

A tall girl dressed in a black nun robe looked at Lin Tian's figure on the screen, her eyes were full of strange brilliance, she pursed her red lips, and muttered: "In this world, is there still such a existence?" Her

face was a little blushing, like a girl with a spring in Huaichun

, the girl played with her fingers, and said to herself:

"I really want to get

to know him..." "If I bring him to my mother, my mother will be very satisfied."

"Mom must think he... It's delicious!! "

Giggle..." Speaking

of this

, the originally innocent girlish expression on her face suddenly became terrifying and terrifying, emitting bursts of piercing and weird laughter, and a bunch of black twisted tentacles suddenly drilled out above the whole person's body!


At the same time, in the game world,

Lin Tian also completed the reward settlement and is about to return to reality.

[Your clearance rewards will increase by 58200% in total! ] 】

【Issuing clearance rewards

】【After 58200% improvement】【

Your first place reward is advanced from "Awakening Champion Chest" to "War Continent's Strongest King Chest"] [Your first place reward is advanced from "War Continent's Strongest King Chest" to "Unification Jiangshan Legend Treasure Chest"] [Your first place reward is advanced from "Unification Jiangshan Legend

Treasure Chest" to "Eternal Emperor Treasure Chest"]

[Your first place reward has been advanced from "Eternal Emperor Treasure Chest" to "Star Sea Conqueror Treasure Chest

"] [The quality of the treasure chest has reached the upper limit, and no further advancement can be made] [

In order to compensate for your loss, you will be given an additional "Heavenly Mandate Emperor Exclusive Custom Gift Pack X1"! 【

Other Rewards:

】【Game Point Card X500000000

】【Experience 50,000,000 Points

】【Rewards have been distributed to the storage space】【

Returning to the real world】

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