After subduing the Void Zerg of this planet,

these Void Zergs that they had once given birth to were also transformed into Lv Bu.

In the last game cartridge world,

Lin Tian's personal strength has been improved to the extreme in the choice after choice.

As their own descendants in the previous world,

these Void Zerg are naturally powerful.

Among them, the strongest existence, level up to LV1500!

[Void War Bug Lü Bu

] [Type: Void Zerg

] [Level: LV1500

] [Force Value: 99999] [Intelligence Value: 89999]


Due to the different races,

the upper limit of the level of the Void Zerg Race Lü Bu is far higher than that of the human Lü Bu.

Looking at the Zerg Lü Bu warrior in purple living armor in front of him, Lin

Tian was the first to ask the question he was most concerned about: "Shouldn't you follow the Dao of Heaven and operate in the metaverse cassette world?" How did it end up here? The

Void War Insect Lü Bu hissed in its mouthparts, and then the Lü Bu head on his neck opened his mouth and answered Lin Tian's question in human words:

"After entering the metaverse cassette, Lord Heavenly Dao found the crazy Dave according to your orders."

"Subsequently, in order to welcome your arrival, they began to seize territory in the metaverse cassette."

"At first, everything went well, with the flesh you left behind, Lord Heavenly Dao was invincible, and led us to successfully conquer a high-level empty island city as a base, and the subsequent invasion of the surrounding cities was not greatly hindered."

"However, the good times did not last long, and it didn't take long for 'Snowstorm', one of the five official game organizations, in the metaverse cassette world, to list us as a king-level (king-level) world disaster, and led a group of strong people to wipe us out."

"The enemy is many and powerful, and the strong are like clouds, Lord Dave felt that he could not fight hard, and to preserve his strength, he teleported us to this world."

"And Lord Dave himself took Lord Heavenly Dao and entered the high-level game cartridge world, hiding danger, and also looking for ways to become stronger and fight against 'Snowstorm'."

The corner of Lin Tian's mouth twitched when he heard this: "I remember what I said to that kid from Tiandao at the beginning, let him go to the meta-universe cassette world to explore the situation first, and when I come back, I will have a response."

"Why did the current situation suddenly become and start challenging the official forces of the metaverse?"

Void War Worm Lu Bu replied, "Lord Heavenly Dao said that in order to welcome your arrival, you must eliminate all existences that can threaten you in advance, and the best situation is to completely conquer the entire Metaverse before you come. "

Oh... It's okay.

Lin Tian was stunned, but thinking about it carefully,

he also felt quite reasonable.

Blue Star, which is not as relaxed and happy as a children's paradise, the

metaverse game cartridge is full of runaway upgrade data and the top ascenders in each player's world.

Although his original plan was to raise his strength to the strongest level in the metaverse cartridge, and then soar to the metaverse game cartridge to play.

But now

it seems that before descending on the meta-universe, it seems that it is a better and safer choice to remotely command the younger brothers to take down the entire meta-universe


Thinking about it like this,

Lin Tian's thoughts suddenly became much clearer.

Right now, his younger brothers in the metaverse are facing a difficult situation,

and he touches his chin and thinks about how to help them.

Glancing at the Void War Worm Lu Bu in front of him,

Lin Tian asked, "When Dave sent you to this world for refuge, was there a way to arrange for you to return?" The

Void War Worm Lv Bu nodded and said, "Lord Dave left us a teleportation wormhole, with this teleportation wormhole, we can return to the metaverse game cartridge." "

Well done, Dave..." Lin Tian's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he couldn't help but praise Dave, and then, he reached out and took out the unknown quality props he had just obtained through achieving achievements from his arms.

[Fusion Heart (Unknown Level): Use this item to fuse all your soldiers into one to create a powerful ultimate warrior that gathers the power of all your soldiers! 】


The remaining time in this game is less than ten days.

In the last nine days, after further exploration as much as possible

, Lin Tian saw that there was no time left, and

he did not delay any longer, and used the "Fusion Heart" in his hand.

After the props were used

, the soldiers of Lin Tian's Space Exploration Legion, all the soldiers and civilians on the war continent, and even all the Void Zerg Lü Bu on the planet where the Void Zerg lived before, all turned into points of light.

Not long after,

a small figure formed in front of Lin Tian.

This is almost all the life in the universe after being transformed into Lu Bu, and the life form fused is actually a young child Lü Bu wearing armor, wearing a hat crown, and holding a toy-like small Fang Tian drawing halberd!

As soon as the young child Lü Bu appeared, he stared at his two big innocent eyes, opened his mouth and shouted: "BA..." Fortunately

, Lin Tian's eyes were quick, reached out to cover his mouth, and said with a black face: "I am not your father, call me Your Majesty in the future!"

"Oh, Your Majesty!"

Child Lu Bu nodded in confusion.

Lin Tian was slightly relieved to see that this kid was still sensible, and

then looked at his attribute panel.


Type:??? 【


【Force Value:??? 【

Intelligence Value:??? 【

Equipment: True Fang Tian Halberd,??? ,??? ...]

[Mount: ??? 【

Martial Arts:??? 【

Secret Technique:??? 【

Special:??? 【

Introduction: Database is missing, unable to generate introduction】


"Can't view it?"

"It should be beyond the limits of this game."

Lin Tian looked at the panel in front of him and nodded slightly.


, he brought the young child Lubula to his side and instructed him on the next arrangement for him: "Child, next I will send you to a vast world, and remember to be careful until you find someone named Tiandao and Dave."

"After finding the two of them, you will listen to their arrangements for the time being."

"In a few years, I'll go over there and look for you."

"In addition, you should also pay attention to the actions and words of Heavenly Dao and Dave, if the two of them disobey my actions and intentions, I will allow you to kill them on the spot."

When Yuan Lü Bu heard this, after nodding dumbly, he waved the small Fang Tian Painting Halberd in his hand a little coquettishly and asked, "Your Majesty, if I behave well, will you buy me toys?"

Lin Tian smiled when he heard this and asked, "Toys? What toy do you want?

Genlübu thought for a moment: "Sable cicada." "

Lin Tian: ...


After opening the teleportation wormhole left by Dave for the Void Zerg

, Lin Tian personally condensed the power of the entire universe, and after sending the source Lü Bu, who was strong, to the meta-universe cassette world,

he let out a long sigh.

So far,

he has finally done everything he can do in this game cleanly.

After waiting for a few more hours, the

prompt popped up.

【This game is over, the server is about to shut down】【

You won the first place in this global online game "Awakening of Nations"! 【

Calculating the game reward of this game...】

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