In the face of the enemy with a huge gap in combat strength

, he did not control the soldiers to escape, but let eight of the soldiers stand by in place, only controlled one soldier, and ran towards the other party stunned!

Seeing that his weak soldier was getting closer and closer to the ten strong men on the other side

, Lin Tian closed his eyes slightly, recalling the attack trajectory, attack range, and attack speed of the enemy's powerful soldier when the pathfinder died just now...

The moment he opened his eyes,

Lin Tian's nine-colored light had flashed to the extreme!

Controlling the soldier and completing the position,

Lin Tian suddenly stopped at an extreme position!

At the same time, in the screen,

ten powerful soldiers also raised the huge tomahawk in their hands at the same time and swept up!


With a burst of game sound effects, a

soldier controlled by Lin Tian was unsurprisingly killed in seconds.

But at the same time,

eight of the ten strong soldiers

also suddenly lost a large amount of their blood bars!


See this scene, in the live broadcast room.

Brother Cereal slammed up: "He is using his position to guide these ten powerful soldiers to attack each other!"

Qian Shaoshao also showed a shocked look, trembling and standing up: "In just a few seconds, by analyzing the opponent's weapons and attack methods, formulating a plan, and perfectly guiding the enemy's accidental injury damage to maximize by positioning..."

While speaking, on the screen

, Lin Tian had already controlled the second soldier to step forward again, so he repeated the technique to guide these ten powerful soldiers to attack each other and cause damage by moving the position, and then, the third place, the fourth place...

Until the death of Lin Tian's fifth soldier.

Among the ten powerful enemy soldiers, one finally fell!

The remaining nine soldiers are also in a very unhealthy state

, at least, four soldiers have reached the bottom of their blood!

Seeing that Lin Tian's plan showed great results

, in the live broadcast room, the two commentators and the audience were extremely excited.

However, looking at the fallen corpse of a powerful soldier on the enemy side, as well as the four residual blood, the

expression on Lin Tian's face was unprecedentedly solemn: "It's not good!" The previous position only focused on maximizing the damage of enemy soldiers attacking each other, but did not pay attention to the average distribution of damage.

"If you continue to fight like this..."

"I'm afraid, I will lose."

In the eyes of others, the reduction of enemy personnel is a good thing.

But from Lin Tian's own point of view,

this was a fatal mistake he made!

One less enemy means

that every time he leads a false injury, he will cause less damage!

In the initial situation of losing a pathfinder in vain, Lin

Tian only had nine chances to guide the enemy's strong soldiers to be accidentally wounded.

In the only nine opportunities, he wants

to guide these ten strong soldiers to empty the health bars of all strong soldiers by accidentally injuring


Then Lin Tian must make good use of every opportunity to

let the accidental injuries of ten strong soldiers hit his teammates as much as possible, even if the damage of one enemy soldier is missing, the impact on Lin Tian's entire plan is fatal!

At the moment

, Lin Tian's five soldiers are dead, and he only has four opportunities to guide the enemy's strong soldiers to carry out accidental injury attacks, and he wants to kill the opponent's nine enemy soldiers by guiding the accidental injury in these four opportunities...

How difficult it is!!


, Lin Tian's luck is good, the next two guided attacks can consume the remaining few enemy strong soldiers with healthy blood to the point of residual blood,

and at the same time do not cause the other few who are already dead in the accidental wound, and then use the last two guidance to finish...

To achieve this level, it is not simply possible to rely on calculation and operation.

Among them, there are too many things that cannot be calculated.

Including, loss of damage due to weapon collisions,

including, damage misalignment caused by subtle standing differences...

If he continued to implement this plan,

Lin Tian could only pray for the favor of the God of Luck to help him encounter that less than one percent probability.


In the live broadcast room, it was found that Lin Tian suddenly stopped, no longer controlling the soldiers to guide the remaining nine enemy strong soldiers to attack each other, but moving to escape

, Brother Cereal was slightly stunned, after thinking for about a minute, his expression froze, and he suddenly slumped on the chair and said: "It's over, it's not enough..." Qian

Shaoshao, who was in the head of Xing, waving his fist to cheer for Lin Tian, was stunned when he heard this, and turned back and asked: "What is not enough?" Brother

Cereal smiled bitterly: "The number of soldiers is not enough, there are only four opportunities left to guide the enemy's strong soldiers to attack each other, which should not be enough to kill all the enemy soldiers."

Qian Shaoshao was also stunned when he heard this, and after thinking and calculating for a moment, he also showed a helpless look on his face: "Still can't pass the pass?" Ay! It's really a bad move!

"If the soldier who explored the path hadn't died, maybe there would really be a chance!"

This explanation suddenly made the atmosphere of the live broadcast room, which was still full of excitement just now, drop to freezing point.

Seeing a person challenging impossible difficulties, approaching the limit of clearance several times, and being beaten back by incomparable despair several times, and finally could only lose, the audience inexplicably felt empty in their hearts at this time, as if they had personally experienced this kind of blow.

Just when the crowd did not know how many times they thought that there was no hope of clearing the level.

Lin Tian controlled a soldier and rushed up again!

It's just that this time, unlike the previous times,

he no longer guides enemy soldiers to inflict the most damage through accidental injuries.

Rather, start to prioritize leading them to cause attrition!

By moving the position, this time guidance,

directly kill all the previous four bloody enemy soldiers!

Once again guided,

two more enemy soldiers fell!

Of the ten powerful boss-level soldiers of the enemy, only three are now left!

It's just that Lin Tian's soldiers are even fewer, and

there are only two left.

See that among the remaining three enemy strong soldiers

, one

has a bottom, one has a third of the HP, and the

last one

has more than 80% HP.

Everyone knew that

Lin Tian's last two chances were no longer enough to complete this last ditch.

However, Lin Tian is still operating!

Through the extreme position

, Lin Tian guided the three enemy soldiers to deal maximum damage, and at the same time killed the enemy soldier with the lowest amount of blood and the soldier with a third of the remaining blood volume, but the enemy soldier with the most blood volume did not take the slightest damage in this round.

The last soldier of the enemy still has 80% HP left!

And Lin Tian's last soldiers, although they were full of blood.

However, the combat power of the two sides is not at the same level at all.

Lin Tian's soldiers attacked the enemy soldiers, and at most they lost some bloody skins.

The enemy's strong soldiers can kill Lin Tian's soldiers with an axe.

"It's over."

Seeing that at the end of the field, only two soldiers with a huge difference in strength between the enemy and us remained

, Brother Cereal closed his eyes, sighed regretfully, and couldn't bear to look at it again.

Qian Shaoshao suddenly said at this time: "Wait!" Lin Tian controlled the last soldiers to go in the direction of the city wall! He came to the highest place, and Lin Tian controlled the soldiers to jump! The last soldier of the enemy caught up!

"Lin Tian won! Lin Tian cleared the customs!!

"This, what's going on?!!

When Brother Cereal heard this, he suddenly opened his eyes!

Sure enough, at this moment

, on the screen in front of Lin Tian's eyes, the four big words "Congratulations on clearing the customs" suddenly appeared!

Brother Cereal suddenly remembered that when he conquered the city gate before, when the enemy soldiers were squeezed down from the city wall, they received a percentage of the maximum health damage!

Although compared to combat strength and total health,

Lin Tian's soldiers could never be better than the enemy's strong soldiers.

However, the remaining soldiers of Lin Tian were

full of blood bars, and there was one hundred percent of the blood left.

Although the enemy's powerful soldiers are strong, they only have 80% of their HP left.


Lin Tian used the setting of "Drop Loss Percentage Health Points in High Places" to successfully complete a one-on-one victory over the strong!

At this moment, the world was shocked!

However, in the next moment, an even more shocking scene appeared!

Lin Tian's body represented the super SSS-level nine-colored light, and it changed again,

turning into a silent pitch-black brilliance!!


In the game world

, Lin Tian looked at the prompt to finally pop up in front of him, and also showed a happy smile from the heart, slammed himself on the sofa chair, and said with a long breath: "Cool!" I haven't been playing so much for a long time! "

Feeling a little urgent, he was just about to get up to pee.

A piece of information suddenly flooded into my mind.


Game Talent] [Game Talent Quality: Void Level].

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