"Things must be done secretly, if there is a mistake, do not hesitate to bring Han Xin's uniform back directly, and then use the method of subduing Xiang Yu to subdue Han Xin."

Lin Tian gave the order in a low voice.

Lü Bu also nodded

immediately, and immediately followed Lin Tian's instructions, and simultaneously controlled the shadow avatar and the body to perform the task.

"I still prefer martial generals with souls to puppets!"

Looking back, glancing at the tyrannosaurus overlord Lu Bu who followed behind the chariot and had empty eyes, Lin

Tian sighed slightly and got back into the chariot.

A few hours later

, when we arrived outside the Hangu Pass, it was close to noon.

Learning from Lü Bu that the plan went smoothly, Han Xin in prison learned that even his own family had not been spared under Liu Bang, and he went completely mad and cursed Liu Bang in prison.

Lin Tian nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand to suppress the speed of the march, and said: "No hurry, after Han Xin is pressed onto the execution platform, we will break through the Hangu Pass, the evil one, you leave a shadow, continue to stand by in the Hangu Pass, to avoid Han Xin's accident."


A group of top combat power Lü Bu responded.

Not long after, I saw that the sun was high and it was already noon.

Lin Tian waved his hand and directly ordered the tyrannosaurus overlord Lü Bu to rush through alone.




With a huge roar and a terrifying tremor on the ground

, the tyrannosaurus overlord Lü Bu charged up, he was already huge, four meters tall, and the tyrannosaurus mount under him was 15 meters high

, and from a distance, it looked like a monster burning with flames, riding on a dinosaur monster and rushing towards him.

Full of oppression!

Above the city gate of the Hangu Pass,

the defenders froze completely in the face of the charging monsters.

It took a long time until the commander reacted and gave the order to attack.

A group of archers drew their bows and trembled and shot arrows at the tyrannosaurus overlord Lü Bu.

For LV100's tyrannosaurus overlord Lü Bu,

this kind of ordinary archer's attack is naturally not threatening.

The arrow couldn't get close at all, just shot within a few meters of him

, and the crimson flame on the armor of the tyrannosaurus overlord Lü Bu suddenly spread

, completely swallowing the arrow, and burned to ashes in an instant!

Seeing this, the soldiers defending the city on the city wall shouted in horror and fled in despair!

Although the tyrannosaurus overlord Lü Bu is huge, his speed is not slow.

A huge black shadow flashed, and

after a short charge,

it slammed !!!


Without even taking the initiative to attack

, just with the size and strength of the tyrannosaurus mount, the tyrannosaurus overlord Lü Bu easily broke through the city wall


rushed into the pass, and killed wantonly!

The rest of the soldiers in the team also entered the customs without hurry.

Among these more than 4,000 Lü Bu, it was also easy to draw out a few of the most garbage garbage and

break through the defenders of Hangu Pass.

4,000 people attacked,

then what is about to happen cannot be called a battle.


After a while, with several top combat power Lü Bu to the

execution ground, Lin Tian bowed his head slightly, looked at a Hangu Pass guard under him who was kneeling and begging for mercy, and asked in a flat voice: "Who is above this execution ground?"

The guard was like a chicken boy who had been pinched by the neck, and replied tremblingly: "It's Han Xin, the former commander of the Western Han Dynasty!" Seeing

that on the execution platform, Han Xin's indifferent eyes looked at him, Lin Tian touched his chin, pretending to show a curious smile and said, "It turned out to be him!" Isn't he a heavy general of your Western Han Dynasty? How did it end up like this? The

guard shook his head again and again: "This, I don't know, I also received the secret order of His Majesty the Emperor, and only controlled it to behead!" Seeing

that the play was almost over

, Lin Tian waved his hand slightly, and the purple light flashed in the eyes of the Ninth Sword Demon Lu Bu beside

him, and in an instant, the guard turned into a pool of blood.

Coming to Han Xin's side

, Lin Tianmei stepped forward and rescued him from the execution table, and then said with a smile: "Han Xin, you are also a famous general, you should not die with this, today can save you, it is considered a fate, you go, if there is still fate, he will meet again in the future." Hearing

Lin Tian's words, the indifference in Han Xin's eyes diminished, replaced by some more surprised looks, but he didn't say much, just arched his hand to Lin Tian, turned around and left.

However, as soon as he took two steps,

tears welled up uncontrollably from his eyes.

"Now, the king has turned against him, and his family has died..." "

Where else can I go?" What else can I do?

Han Xinxin nodded, staring at Lang Lang Qingri, and was confused to the extreme for a while.

Once, he was full of hopes and ideals,

and wanted to assist a generation of Ming monarchs and calm the world.

Now, my wish has been fulfilled

, and I have got everything I wanted, but success or failure turned empty, and

in the blink of an eye, I lost everything I cherished.

He really couldn't figure out what

to do in the next step of his life.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that he

had just died on the execution platform and died as a legend.

It seems that it is a good ending.

After a while, he turned around

and saw that Lin Tian was ready to leave after resting the team and leaving Hangu Pass from the other direction.

Han Xin stepped forward, bowed his head and asked Lin Tian, "Dare to ask Your Excellency, what are you going to do next?"

Lin Tian looked at the sky, showed an indifferent smile, and slowly spit out eight words:

"Steal the world and conquer the universe."

Han Xin was stunned when he heard this, and said with a somewhat lost smile: "I originally thought that I was a complete delusional, but compared with Your Excellency's rhapsody, I seem to be just an ordinary layman!"

"If you don't give up, you will be counted as one of my on this trip."

"Please let me do my little for Your Excellency to repay the grace of saving your life."

Saying that,

Han Xin knelt down on one knee and bowed his head.

Seeing this, Lin Tian glanced at the Ninth Sword Demon on the side.

After progressing, the Ninth Sword Demon has a secret technique called "Listening to the True Listening Method", which can probe the thoughts of others, although it is difficult to hear the specific thoughts

of the other party, but it is still easier to distinguish whether the other party is hostile, whether it is lying or has the intention of deceiving or deceiving it.

Seeing that the Ninth Sword Demon nodded and confirmed that Han Xin had not been fraudulent

, Lin Tian was completely relieved, stepped forward and stretched out his hand to hold Han Xin up, and said with a smile: "A famous general like the general is willing to join, I naturally welcome it very much!" In

the next instant,

Han Xin's white light figure flashed and began to transform into Lv Bu's form.

All over the body, a white dragon robe flashed fluorescent, and from time to time there was a dragon groan leaching out.

In his hand, a silver-white spear like a dragon shone brightly

, and this spear kept squirming like a living creature, and

in a moment of effort, it actually wrapped around Han Xin's neck, and even extended his tongue to lick Han Xin's neck.

The mount under him is more conspicuous.

After Han Xin was transformed into Lü Bu, the mount turned out to be a huge silver-white dragon!

Although Han Xin's changes were not as big as after Xiang Yu's marching transformation.

However, the appearance is also quite cool.


With Han Xin's shout

, the white dragon carried Han Xin and soared into the air, and

a moment later, the original Lang Lang sunny day actually began to rain!

Looking down from a high place, as if sensing the disrespect

of his actions, Lü Bu, who Han Xin transformed, quickly commanded the white dragon to descend

, he knelt down on one knee in front of Lin Tian, and bowed his head and said: "I saw the lord, just lost his mind for a while, so he flew to a high place on his mount, how offensive, and asked the lord to punish him!"

Lin Tian waved his hand with a smile and looked at the attribute panel after Han Xin was transformed into Lv Bu.

[Silver Dragon Spear God Lü Bu

] [Type: Air Cavalry]

[Level: LV105! 】

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